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  1. flailer

    Check your hp before you go out.

    Whoaaa! Looks like the kind of fuk-up I’d pull. they don’t call me flailer for nothing
  2. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    Standing Ovation 👏👏👏👏 Plus, under your system I could switch the charging system from the cargo trailer, to the van, or RV, or even the truck in just a couple of minutes. Try that with solar panels!! .. Going to the local sumo track: use the truck. Going to the woods: use the van. Going...
  3. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    Hey MrDudeMan, Welllll... please do take my numbers with a large grain of salt, I know I am. And I'll recalculate again when I get to the actual build stage. If memory serves I calculated them "backwards" from the voltage inverter (that someone here recommended.) I looked at the draw of...
  4. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    thanks! yeah, I'm looking to use the inside of the cargo trailer for overnighting.. but it's likely to be rarely used that way. Like you the truck , or van, should work quite well for that.
  5. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    Welp, I don't like sounding stupider than usual, but what's an RTT ? I thought it would come to me after your first post, but I still don't get it.
  6. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    Oh wow man, that is a completely awesome configuration !! See, that's exactly what I'm asking about!! and the info you provided about having a shower too is PERFECT. Great idea! Right now I'm limited to either my truck or van, and neither are kitted half as well as I'd like.. Yours is...
  7. flailer

    Questions: Track & Trail set-up. Charging & Transport.

    Hey all, I’m a Total Noob to electrics, but vet of gas, street riding, sumo-track, woods, & enduro. I’m seriously considering getting a Varg, but will not until I figure out transportation & track support configurations. I’m leaning towards a cargo trailer w 800 to 1,500 watts of solar on...
  8. flailer

    SM conversion for the Kart track....

    This !! 🎯
  9. flailer

    California Plated Varg SM

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