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  1. karinteld@gmai

    "Action Needed: Secure Your VARG EX Delivery Date"

    hi man, irs seems that sadly that's the current delivery date right now, you should have pay it fast as possible, only full paid bikes enter the queue with priority
  2. karinteld@gmai

    Stark Varg Frame and Motor Guards

    yeah, it will protect a lot more, but i dont really think is excesive expensive, its fair, and is it a very good carbon fiber with the perfect shape and minimum weight. I just bought the crankcase and the frame guards, these are the things that wear the most because of the boot
  3. karinteld@gmai

    Stark Varg Frame and Motor Guards

    search for CMTCOMPOSITI.COM the have the best guards on market... its carbon and expensive buit i use it and its awesome. search for the varg model on web
  4. karinteld@gmai

    Have there been any EX deliveries yet? Post your delivery here.

    Yeah, at least it change from 4 june to 15 april jajaja, just a little over a month my friend! mine is now at 5 may, but sadly probably more... cheers!
  5. karinteld@gmai

    Have there been any EX deliveries yet? Post your delivery here.

    waiting 2 or 3 months is not a problem for me... the problem is waiting 2 months and suddenly they delay you the shipping for 2 or 3 months more...
  6. karinteld@gmai

    Have there been any EX deliveries yet? Post your delivery here.

    ahora mismo pone que si la pides ahora te la entregarán el 25 de agosto, terrible...
  7. karinteld@gmai

    Have there been any EX deliveries yet? Post your delivery here.

    what? its impossible they ship to you in just 10 days after purchase
  8. karinteld@gmai

    Have there been any EX deliveries yet? Post your delivery here.

    mine is supposed to be delivered on 5 may, i pay full price and order on 18 february. i will update
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