3D print shroud guards to fill in the ribs


Well-known member
I think the design is huge improvement for slimming the bike and no knee pain.

I would definitely sign up for purchasing two sets


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
The front edge will have an offset front edge like the stock Honda shroud. I have just been refining the print so I can do a final reprint of both shrouds to send off for the plastics mold. Just takes longer when working on it between other projects.

Seat S -- I want to commend you on your effort. You seem to be the closest on this forum to making the dream of better shrouds a reality. I want your project to succeed and earn you a lot of money. Also, I want to buy your shrouds myself, three sets of them, if I like the final version.

But the widespread enthusiasm from other members that I am not noticing is a bit alarming. Everyone wants new shrouds, yet there are just a few thumbs up, and not many comments. I think everyone likes the smoothness and the thinness of your shrouds. But I think everybody wants to be nice and not say that they are still on the fence about the side view of these shrouds. In the meantime, you are preparing to spend big money on making plastic molds.

There is one already ready design with the side view that seems to be universally loved and admired. It is this one, made by our own @Blatant Moto. He also designed the rest of the Alta.

If you could copy his side view, and keep your thin profile, then I think you will have a huge winner. Eliminate the knee graters, thin out the profile, piggyback on the successful appearance, and keep the spirit of Alta.


Well-known member
I think to some viewers it is likely hard to see the design details because of the black mat finish of the 3D printed prototype

when you zoom in and envision them in white plastic it will improve ergonomics in a major way and IMO improve the aesthetics as well

not sure what a set will have to sell for but in my brain they are worth 2-3X the value of the stock shrouds from liquid

Great work

Maybe Phillip or another administrator could set up a poll to add up who is actually willing to put $$ into the purchase


Well-known member
This is my first time seeing @Seat S design and I like it (as long as the front point on the shroud is angled/wouldn't catch a boot or break in a tip-over) I would be interested in buying a set or two. Gotta figure out some better side number plates next;)


Well-known member
I totally agree about the side number plates, the shape is OK but a little weird but the ergonomic problem is they bulge out way to much so sometimes when you get back on the seat you run into them

it would be great the have the modified design bolt up to the same mounting points as the stick ones

lastly the stock ones are kind of rigid so they crack easily

Seat S

Active member
I do appreciate the feedback. Being that I am going with a vacuum-formed shroud, I am limited on some design elements that injection molded parts do not have limitations on. The angle of the pictures does make the shroud look larger than in person.
I plan to do a rear fender and side panel if these sell well enough to warrant moving forward with it.


Well-known member
Montgomery, AL
Eagerly reading/waiting to buy 2 sets here! Only minor comment is make the hole in the shroud smaller and more to the front, if any hole is even necessary. Thanks for your work, Seat S !

Seat S

Active member
I have made some small changes but have not had a chance to do a final touch-up and re-scan. Based on some of the feedback I figured there was no rush.


I have made some small changes but have not had a chance to do a final touch-up and re-scan. Based on some of the feedback I figured there was no rush.
Well, I am very grateful for your time an interest in this.

Feedback will always be down to personal taste and preferences, & for some to aid design in say cooling etc, functionality....depending on the project.

Some see a design from a different point of view and its all welcome, but your the boss on this project and you go for what you think is the best design possible with what you have to work with :)

Looking forward to some pics as and when you have the time for the project.



Seat S -- I want to commend you on your effort. You seem to be the closest on this forum to making the dream of better shrouds a reality. I want your project to succeed and earn you a lot of money. Also, I want to buy your shrouds myself, three sets of them, if I like the final version.

But the widespread enthusiasm from other members that I am not noticing is a bit alarming. Everyone wants new shrouds, yet there are just a few thumbs up, and not many comments. I think everyone likes the smoothness and the thinness of your shrouds. But I think everybody wants to be nice and not say that they are still on the fence about the side view of these shrouds. In the meantime, you are preparing to spend big money on making plastic molds.

There is one already ready design with the side view that seems to be universally loved and admired. It is this one, made by our own @Blatant Moto. He also designed the rest of the Alta.

If you could copy his side view, and keep your thin profile, then I think you will have a huge winner. Eliminate the knee graters, thin out the profile, piggyback on the successful appearance, and keep the spirit of Alta.
Or just do this any word on these plastics?


I unfortunately do not have any 3d files of the shrouds I designed. That is all BRP property. I simply only have a left and right 3d printed copy. If someone with a scanner is willing to come by and scan these, I’d be more than happy to tweak the files in cad to get them print ready again.
printing these seems like pretty short term solution though.. one tip over and theyre toast.
Well as i think sadly, Mr. Seat s has packed up his tools and said good bye, would you now be willing to help in getting your real life actual pair of 3d printed shrouds be more available for someone to have a go at making, somehow?. Hope all is well. #76.

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