Alta Multi Tool member list


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone is interested in participating in a list of members that:
a) have the Alta MultiTool application installed on a machine and have the cables
b) willing to help out fellow AOF members with things MT can diagnose/fix
c) willing to share their (general) location with fellow members in their area
d) location can be as specific or general as you like (a town name or state/country, etc.)

This isn't a question to all AOF members, just the ones that fit the above criteria, and are willing to help out fellow Alta owners keep their bikes running. This would be strictly voluntary of course. You don't have to give exact locations. Also, some might be hesitant because they have a laptop, but don't really have a lot of expertise in how to use MT. I think sometimes people just need the laptop and cables to do something, and that's all they need. So don't think you'll need to be an expert on the tool to help someone out.

I have the MT loaner kit that I have loaned out several times so far. But frankly, it is kind of a PITA to box it up, ship it, track it, handle the deposit, track the return, etc. It can take a week or more to get to folks, and then if they have questions, it might take a day or two to go back and forth on the answers. I don't mind doing it, but it isn't a trivial task.

It is always much simpler if a bike owner can meet up with someone locally (like within an hour or two from their location) and just bring the bike over. Or meet up at a mutual riding location, and update the firmware, etc., and go for a ride together. Nothing more than a few hours lost, talking Altas, and having a beer or three with fellow AOF members.

Anyway, that is the suggestion for the list.

I'll start: C5tor, San Ramon, CA. I have several Multitool laptops, and several sets of cables.


Geezer in denial
Lake Hartwell, SC
West Anderson, South Carolina

I am not very knowledgeable on troubleshooting since both of my bikes are working, but I have a laptop with MT, the cables, and have checked everything on both my MXR and EXR so I know MT is functional.


Well-known member
I have a laptop w/ multitool and cables and absolutely no experience with it, but if you're nearby and think you know how to do it ...COME ON OVER. 218 river rd Washington crossing pa 215 801 6459. fine folks on this forum have helped me and I would be happy to pay it forward and meet other alta riders.


Well-known member
South Chicagoland
I am in the Chicagoland area, have MT set up and the cables to connect to the bike. (Thank you, forum members).
Currently battling codes 35, 36 & 37 on my 2019 EXR. Not happy, but the bike is charging and running for the time being.
Offers anyone for a half-baked bike?


La Quinta CA
I'm in the Palm Springs area have the cables and connectors have to load a new laptop cannot get multi-tools to load right though any help would be appreciated. ride at cahuilla creek motocras on wed days


Well-known member
Milan IL USA!!
I'm located in Milan (61264) in northwest Illinois. I have multitool on a desktop and have the cables too. I purchased my '19 MXR new right after ALTA closed and after 3000+ trail AND street miles it has been so reliable (knock on wood) that other than hooking it up to Multitool 'because i can' I have not needed to actually use it on my bike. That being said I'm not real familiar with Multitool and it's uses but I'd be willing to help or share in any way I can.


Well-known member
Council Bluffs, IA
I am in Council Bluffs Iowa, I have a laptop set up with multi tool and the cables. I've used it a couple times so I can hook it up and get it going but I am a beginner with multi tool. I would help anyone out that's close by if they need it though!
Also meant to add....Thanks to C5tor! I purchased one of his laptop setups and one cable on this forum. Thanks everyone!

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