Broken down


New member
Gday just purchased a Stark Varg 60HP, very happy until yesterday when it just shut down. No warnings or alerts. Not moto crossing with it done approx 30HRs.
Anybody had similar issues? Thanks.


Active member
The facebook groups are the best place to look, I have seen similar issues on there, stark support have been good with diagnosis.


Well-known member
Were there any weird behaviors? I did a firmware update recently and noticed that the control buttons were acting kind of weird and sticky and my bike would not really shutoff properly. Today out on the trails I got stranded with a solid yellow led. The bike almost behaved like it was doing a firmware update but would not recover. I do mostly trails/enduro and in fairness a good about of dirt and mud has gotten on or about the controls.

I got it home and ordered 2 switches they are not very resilient to dirt. There is a connector under the number plate you might want see if it is making good contact or got wet. BTW pushing a Stark out of the woods sucks, it is like pushing an ICE bike with no neutral.


EP Australia
With regards to pushing a Stark Varg : I'm not trying to be an A hole here, but if you go out on the trails, take some tools.

It may not help with your actual failure, but help with the hard Push you can have.

I went for a ride on my old Smokey beast yesterday, and came across some young blokes trying to get out of the trails after a (ICE bike) lock up of some sort.

So, they were alternately pushing with one lifting the rear wheel, or dragging the bike. They were both young, Huge and fit, but they were getting pretty bloody tired.

I , having tools, undid their rear wheel, moved it forward, lifted the chain ( I could have split the chain - it was a riveted one, so, left them an intact chain), and did up the back wheel for them. If it weren't for the fact that they had a bloody big hill to get up, I would have put my foot to the muffler and given them more help. I didn't have a tow line with me, for once.

Always give thought to at least having some tools, when going into the scrub. With the Stark, it's just a Hex key - not sure if you'd have to remove the chain guide for chain / sprocket clearance, as I've only removed / installed my mates Vargs rear wheels.


Well-known member
I had some basic tools. I ride alone most of the time and I am not on an MX track so I have to be prepared. Tools won't fix a bad switch though. And I am not splicing wires on my new bike unless there is no way out and I could do that with a pocket knife.

Fortunately, I could push to a clearing and load up my bike. Point is Stark is not an easy bike to push since you have to turn over the motor there is no decoupling like neutral unless you split the chain and it is a cost/value proposition. It a torx BTW.


EP Australia
Me, I'd not touch a thing if any wiring was damaged out on the trail. Check fittings being 'home' correctly, Yes, but No to messing with damaged wires.

Heck, when I did the Phone holder relocation set up for my mate(s), it was Completely down to them to sort out the wiring in terms of if it could be routed to suit the position they were going to be in. Their bikes, and I sure as hell was Not going to mess with wiring on their E wonder (and that, they truly Are - I love the bloody things, especially since I didn't have to pay for them) bikes.

If I had to push a Varg, for more than a few meters, I'd quickly dismount the chain - because, as you say, they drag when pushing.

Bit of a bastard of a thing, in that regard.

I'd take the few seconds to do so. And the Varg, has one of the easiest / quickest axle loosening / popping out of the adjuster block set ups in All Motorcycling

Another example of My abundance of caution is with the same group of mates (I've now a group with 5 Starks (lucky me, as I get to ride them - Happy, Happy, Joy , Joy!) wanting me to do Aluminium 'Rock Crusher' bash plates for the bikes., like I do for 'normal' bikes.

There's No Way I'll make such a thing to attach to what I think is a Magnesium Alloy , or Other Alloy Battery case. I'll leave them to take such a risk - they are currently chasing up real Carbon Fibre plates for their use - I understand the std ones are 'edible' . Their risk, going for something stronger, that may transfer too much shock to the battery case ----------------

It's a Torx on the SA, and front axle 'Nut /Bolt - but I used a Hex key, with No slop - can't recall the size.

By the way, a couple of my mates, being rather cashed up, are chasing up / getting Ti Bolt sets. I've no real idea who they will be from, Pro Bolt / Doc Wobb, etc, etc? They may resort to commissioning them from a manufacturer / engineering firm.

Some just want body work / smaller fittings bolts, though, at least one is going for pretty much the Entirety of bolts etc - as in Axles, Swingarm bolt, Motor mount bolts. As I said, they are Rather cashed up individuals. I'm not sure what heads they are trying to get - I do know that they Won't be Torx heads. I don't really have a problem with Torx - but they, collectively, do. I'm not sure how appropriate / usable 'Nut' heads will be, so they may be kits with them, or Hex key heads, or a mix.

I'll post the supplier up when / if they get them. They may just start their own Brand.


Well-known member
That page I posted used to look like the other Factory Edition wheel pages, with a bunch of options etc - now it's just a stock photo & phone number. :( I should've saved the page instead of the link; I clearly remember a different pic and solid-Ti hub/spoke/rim options, and also wondering about a/m availability of Ti brake rotors and rim locks. :)

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