Certificate of Origin for DMV


I've just got back from DMV (California) where they told me that in order to register it as OHV and get a green sticker I need a title or certificate of origin.

Does anyone know if Stark Future provides it? I started a thread with their support but nothing useful so far.

I usually go to Metcalf and they do require every bike to be registered with DMV.


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
I've just got back from DMV (California) where they told me that in order to register it as OHV and get a green sticker I need a title or certificate of origin.

Does anyone know if Stark Future provides it? I started a thread with their support but nothing useful so far.

I usually go to Metcalf and they do require every bike to be registered with DMV.

For an Electric Motorcycle to be registered in the CA you need:

From the company:
CoC - certificate of origin (which should have been given by the dealer)
VECI label - vehicle emmisions control label (which should have been on the vehicle)
Engine number - to identify the vehicle
Title will only occur once its registered by the DMV.

If its to be road legal - VIN label which has the vin number
@notna - can you provide a picture of the vin number if its stamped on the head tube of the bike?


UDUMX1AE4NA000000 (last 3 are unique)

Stark Future didn't provide CoC. I'm going to ask one of the local dealers how they work around it once the open tomorrow.


Well-known member
San Diego
I've just got back from DMV (California) where they told me that in order to register it as OHV and get a green sticker I need a title or certificate of origin.

Does anyone know if Stark Future provides it? I started a thread with their support but nothing useful so far.

I usually go to Metcalf and they do require every bike to be registered with DMV.
So metcalf won’t let you ride any e bikes without a title/registration? Makes no sense to me that these parks would make someone with electric no emissions bike register it to get a green sticker. Hahah….can’t even ride a surron at metcalf without a title…?

This state is the dumbest…if not it’s in the top 3

I’m wondering if I’ll get feedback for riding in mccains valley. No way I’m jumping through hoops to pay a yearly registration on this bike when it’s electric. I don’t need a spark arrestor, I don’t have any emissions, I don’t want to pay you state of CA.

You tax my pay, tax what I buy, tax what I own, tax what I save, tax what I have paid taxes on when I sell it. I’m done with this.

They got what they wanted…it’s green. They should be more worried about the generator I’m using to charge it…haha. That’s right anything under 25hp is banned!!! Just wait until they start making us register generators and issue us registration because they have emissions….


I used to ride Sur-Ron, then got KTM Freeride and now Stark Varg. While KTM Freeride has a green sticker, Sur-Ron never had. It was always a lottery with a ranger at the entrance.

From https://parks.sccgov.org/santa-clara-county-parks/metcalf-motorcycle-county-park:

Electric Off-Road Bikes​

Electric off-road bikes with foot pegs are allowed at Metcalf Motorcycle Park. Electric off-road bikes with pedals are not allowed at the park.

Electric off-road bikes are like dirt bikes and ATV’s and must be registered with the DMV to ride at OHV Parks. Some brands of electric off-road bikes only come with a 15-digit serial number and may require a 17-digit VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to be assigned by the California Highway Patrol. Contact the California Highway Patrol for further information or to make an appointment.

Moped plates are not vehicle registration fees for electric off-road bikes, however dual registration can be obtained. See DMV website for specific requirements on registration.

Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Scooters - California DMV

I agree it's silly. I believe it applies the same at Carnegie and Hollister and it'll be a lottery to get to ride there on Varg.

> They should be more worried about the generator I’m using to charge it…haha
I'm literally coming on Rivian with a Varg in my bed and they don't want to let me in 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
UDUMX1AE4NA000000 (last 3 are unique)

Stark Future didn't provide CoC. I'm going to ask one of the local dealers how they work around it once the open tomorrow.

What are the last three digits (PM that if you are not comfortable)

Uhh CoC is going to be needed to register for CA. No CoC. No title - no green sticker

NHTSA - is reporting this when your VIN is looked up:



Called The Motor Cafe, they promised to investigate and call me back.

@Rashid510 is also going to reach out through his channels and see if he can figure something out.

Stark Future support has no responded to my question regarding VIN and CO.


San Jose
I sent Stark Future support a note as well this morning. I also set up an appointment with San Jose CHP for a VIN verification next week to see what they say. If they will issue a VIN verification (REG 31) combined with the Stark invoice, I'm hoping DMV will then allow it to be titled and get the green sticker.

Gotta love CA bureaucracy.


> combined with the Stark invoice

I showed the paid invoice to SF DMV and they refused it saying they need the certificate of origin. Haven't tried to get the VIN check though, let me know how it goes.


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
I sent Stark Future support a note as well this morning. I also set up an appointment with San Jose CHP for a VIN verification next week to see what they say. If they will issue a VIN verification (REG 31) combined with the Stark invoice, I'm hoping DMV will then allow it to be titled and get the green sticker.

Gotta love CA bureaucracy.
Not really. A new customer should never be going to CHP for VIN verification. The manufacturer needs to do its proper homologation in order to be compliant.

The fact that a CFR document has not been issued by Stark (or maybe is in the works) needs to happen. A certificate of origin should be provided immedieately too (which either allows the customer or dealer to register the vehicle.)

@dpwracing - REG31 means there going to inspect the vehicle for the engine number and the frame number (VIN). Does the Stark even have an engine number?

Also another note - If the paperwork cards do fall and CA DMV registers the bike, make sure the title is for a motorcycle (if you ever want to make the bike road legal).


Well-known member
None on my delivery, other than the shipping bill of lading. You can download their invoice from the website.

OK, thanks for that info! Not having a cert. of origin kinda limits what can be done with the bike, and nearly every time I've sold one the new owner has asked for it.


FFBCD758-C9EE-4EB3-8E67-C3EB9221079F.jpegI’m going to be registering in uk for use on greenlanes/enduro events etc and wil need to be registered in order to use roads to get to them.
I need a…
MOT test on vin number
Certificate of conformity from Stark

Send it all of to the dvla
Then the dvla can give me a numberplate

When I asked stark 2years ago at start this is reply i had,I’d included pics of previous COCs from Kawasaki as examples but they didn’t seem to know or get back to me about it.
I’m going to contact stark tomorrow to try and get a certificate sent out to me now that a lot more people are going to be asking for them maybe they understand better what it is we need to be sent regarding a COC.



San Jose
CHP verification in CA is

Not really. A new customer should never be going to CHP for VIN verification. The manufacturer needs to do its proper homologation in order to be compliant.

The fact that a CFR document has not been issued by Stark (or maybe is in the works) needs to happen. A certificate of origin should be provided immedieately too (which either allows the customer or dealer to register the vehicle.)

@dpwracing - REG31 means there going to inspect the vehicle for the engine number and the frame number (VIN). Does the Stark even have an engine number?

Also another note - If the paperwork cards do fall and CA DMV registers the bike, make sure the title is for a motorcycle (if you ever want to make the bike road legal).
Agree with everything you said, unfortunately Stark's response on this topic hasn't been good. In the meantime, going to try and see how far I can get myself. I even found a company that can issue the certificate of origin and labels, it really shouldn't be that hard for Stark to fix this.

No engine number that I could find, will be interesting to see what the CHP says. I think the CHP has a little more discretion about issuing the REG31, we'll see.

I don't even care about making it road legal, just need the damn green sticker. The irony of having an electric bike that you can't ride in CA.


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
Agree with everything you said, unfortunately Stark's response on this topic hasn't been good. In the meantime, going to try and see how far I can get myself. I even found a company that can issue the certificate of origin and labels, it really shouldn't be that hard for Stark to fix this.

No engine number that I could find, will be interesting to see what the CHP says. I think the CHP has a little more discretion about issuing the REG31, we'll see.

I don't even care about making it road legal, just need the damn green sticker. The irony of having an electric bike that you can't ride in CA.

CHP is pretty smooth if it follows process. If there are holes depending on the officer issuing the REG31, they might question what is going on. Being that the bike is new and also new to CA, they might let it slide. But if thats the case, then precedent takes course and might allow all Starks to clear. (If you pass, then others will pass...technically)

Eeep an engine number is needed when they issue the title. On Altas we marked it on the motor timing cover (RAHXXXX). This might be your blocker.

@fsfs - care to shed any light on the homologation process Stark did? Was anything submitted to NHTSA?


Well-known member
CHP is pretty smooth if it follows process. If there are holes depending on the officer issuing the REG31, they might question what is going on. Being that the bike is new and also new to CA, they might let it slide. But if thats the case, then precedent takes course and might allow all Starks to clear. (If you pass, then others will pass...technically)

Eeep an engine number is needed when they issue the title. On Altas we marked it on the motor timing cover (RAHXXXX). This might be your blocker.

@fsfs - care to shed any light on the homologation process Stark did? Was anything submitted to NHTSA?

I wasn't involved with homologation. I don't think there is an engine number stamped anywhere on the motor/inverter assembly, but I could be wrong.


Got this response from Stark Future support:
Sorry for any inconvenience this has created for you. There was a slight delay with printing MCO's but yours will be in the mail tomorrow. The NHTSA VIN lookup is searching the on road VIN database and the VARG is obviously an off road only motorcycle, so this may be the issue. We are working to get this sorted out now. Thank your for you patience.
@dpwracing ^

I've got my bike 2 months before the delivery date (December 15th) so I'm not going to complain about delayed MCO.

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