easier start button idea

I just read a thread about removing the key switch and too many steps to get the bike moving (key on, kill switch on, start button). So I had an idea. I'm not an electrical guy so not sure if this would work or not but lets see.

keep the key switch. Swap out the kill switch/start button for a few relays(?). instead of *switch on, press start* you could press one button that connects a relay to allow the start button to work, but instead of a start button, its another relay. then when you click the Button a second time, it kills power to the whole thing. So 1 button would function as a start button and a kill button. The only problem I see is for charging. When charging you need kill switch on, but not press start. maybe you can have the key be wired in between the kill switch relay and starter relay so it only hits the start button if the key is on, but can still charge if key is off.

All of that is probably very confusing. maybe someone can understand it and make it more clear.


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
I'm guessing you never actually had a chance to ride your bike... No need to actually use the kill switch if you just leave it in the run position. Turn key on, press start button, ride away. Can't get much simpler than that.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
And the start button itself is a safety feature. Otherwise, when you turn the bike on, the throttle is live. If you have the throttle turned at all, the bike takes off with no indication that it was ready to go. Remember, no vroom-vroom sound. Super fast way to get hurt or wreck your new toy.


Well-known member
Too many times had friends twist the throttle while i'm on the bike.
They have no idea the bike is turned on (used to ICE bikes).

If there was no kill switch, the bike would have launched itself outside the galaxy, while I'm on it.

I would keep it that way.


Well-known member
Gardnerville Nevada
When I got my bike I made the mistake of accidental throttle twice so I put piece of red tape on my glove to remind me to always turn it off=) I have used the tape thing for many other things I the past.

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