I get reminded that my Alta doesn't have a clutch, or I guess more accurately, does not have a "neutral", every time I try to roll it around the garage, or back paddle on a trail. Betweeen the porky-ness and the driveline drag, I really have to put some effort into it, Lol. I often turn it on and use power setting 1 to move it around, its perfect for loading it into my truck.
Re a clutch, so far I haven't really found the need for it during casual trail riding, have actually been amazed at what the bike can do without one, but I can see where it would come in handy, especially if it could be implemented without a significant weight/complexity penalty.
I'll also echo how convenient it is to use bike-power to load the bike and move it around. I've turned quite a few heads at the riding area by simply walking my bike (almost) silently up a ridiculously steep ramp like it was nothing. Makes you look like a superhero sometimes. Hehehe.
I used to have a lot of anxiety about loading my dirt bikes. Timing the sprint, building momentum, and then the awkward leap of faith at the end, hoping you had enough speed to make it to the top... The very thought of it would get me in a cold sweat imagining gruesome images of dropped bikes, broken hips, and all manner of viral YouTube bike-loading-fail videos. But just walking the bike up the ramp under its own power is very gratifying. Just one more reason I love this bike.
I've since switched to a much longer and wider (and overall much safer) ramp, and it is simplicity itself. The ramp is kinda bulky to move around, but it makes loading a carefree experience. Even if I'm tired or hurting, or the ramp is slick and the bike is muddy, using bike-power and a gentle, wide ramp makes life easier. In my youth, I wouldn't have worried about the niceties of loading the bike. I would have picked the damned think up and chucked it in the truck if I had to. But with my advancing age and increasingly unreliable knees, I gotta worry about dumb ass stuff like this now!
I also agree that it would be nice if there were some kind of neutral function. I don't always need regen while riding, and sometimes I just want to coast. The bike IS quite the porker when it is not under power. Pushing it sometimes feels more like parking a hippo than a gazelle.
By the way, here is my new Black Widow ramp: (94" long by 54" wide) Very plush! (Well, as "plush" as a ramp can get, anyway.) Should probably put this under Loading section of the forum.