Front Axle sizes


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Hi guys,

Just trying to confirm axle sizes on the MX (4CS) and MXR (AER48) forks. I believe the 4CS uses the older, larger 26mm axle, and the AER48 uses the smaller 22mm axle. Is that correct? Anyone know what the EX/EXR Explorer forks use?

Also, I see Liquid Performance has the following two front axles listed. The bottom one is for the AER. Hopefully the top one is for the MX. Can anyone confirm?



New Jersey USA
6802866-01 - Used on: MXR, EXR (AXLE NUT - 2902892-00 is used for this axle)

6800095-00 - Used on MX, EX and SM (AXLE NUT - 2900199-00 is used for this axle)
Thank you for posting this. Recently i purchased a set of AER forks without a axle. Currently my 2018 alta ex uses the 26mm axle. If i purchased a 22 axle with nut. Can i replace the bearings in my EX hubs to work with the smaller 22mm axle. Or do i need to go with a different mxr wheel set?
I am trying to eliminate spending more than the bearings and axle cost. To make these AER forks work on my alta.


New Jersey USA
Thank you for posting this. Recently i purchased a set of AER forks without a axle. Currently my 2018 alta ex uses the 26mm axle. If i purchased a 22 axle with nut. Can i replace the bearings in my EX hubs to work with the smaller 22mm axle. Or do i need to go with a different mxr wheel set?
I am trying to eliminate spending more than the bearings and axle cost. To make these AER forks work on my alta.
I had figured this out. Realizing that i have 2 sets of different size spacers. Fixing my issue. Disregard my question

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