Interest Check- Owners joining together to file class action lawsuit

Would you as an Alta owner be interested in pursuing a class action lawsuit?

  • Yes

  • No

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Self proclaimed macho man extraordinaire
Fallon NV
A good question that was asked is what are we trying to achieve. Being able to repair these bikes is my main goal.

Right now, if we go to various suppliers, who know all the various wiring schematics and PCB boards, they might be prevented from helping us by various NDA agreements that were put in place by Faster Faster, Armanino, and now BRP. It might take a court order or a settlement agreement to make repairing our bikes possible and legal.
Now that I would be interested in, for the sake of being able to keep our machines going.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Read the entire thread and still do not understand:

Who/what company are you proposing to sue?
What outcome are you hoping to achieve?

Three basic questions, that without being answered, I don't see how anyone can vote on anything regarding suing or not.

And I am submitting my post in the most respectful manner possible, not looking to pick a fight, just trying to better understand. -Ed


Self proclaimed macho man extraordinaire
Fallon NV
Read the entire thread and still do not understand:

Who/what company are you proposing to sue?
What outcome are you hoping to achieve?

Three basic questions, that without being answered, I don't see how anyone can vote on anything regarding suing or not.

And I am submitting my post in the most respectful manner possible, not looking to pick a fight, just trying to better understand. -Ed
Like Philip said, Alta is dead and nothing to gain, so suing in the traditional sense is moot point. But they way I understood his comment, getting some kind of Court Order to release the pertinent tech info we need to keep our bikes running would be the way to go. I would jump all over that petition like a fat kid on a cup cake.


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
Like Philip said, Alta is dead and nothing to gain, so suing in the traditional sense is moot point. But they way I understood his comment, getting some kind of Court Order to release the pertinent tech info we need to keep our bikes running would be the way to go. I would jump all over that petition like a fat kid on a cup cake.
This was my understanding of the intention, and the grounds for my supporting the idea.


San Jose, California
I'm not a lawyer, and I don'tplay one on the internet. My wife is, however. I have some exposure to the system. It is big and cumbersome and slow and expensive.

This website, and you guys, serve the Alta community best.
Rather impressively too.

Er, I did not read all the previous poststs.


Well-known member
I changed to no vote. Is BRP legally obligated to provide parts to us? I have no idea how these things work.

All I know is selling my bike would feel like giving one of my kids up for adoption. And if my bike is dead it would feel like losing the best dog I ever had before she got old.


Geezer in denial
Lake Hartwell, SC
...... Is BRP legally obligated to provide parts to us? ......

The basic answer is no. I don't think any of us have seen the contract or purchase agreement with BRP, however all of the public releases have specifically said that BRP did not assume any obligations with the purchase of the assets.


New member
Lompoc, CA
Why would BRP purchase all this technology if they aren't going to use it? I envision electric snowmobiles, electric Sea-Doos, electric quads. Other than a battery, a charging system, a throttle system, and maybe the motor, what else have they purchased? Everything else is just a common motorcycle. Somebody at BRP has probably already thrown 2 R packs in a Sea-Doo prototype just to see what works and what doesn't.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Why would BRP purchase all this technology if they aren't going to use it? I envision electric snowmobiles, electric Sea-Doos, electric quads. Other than a battery, a charging system, a throttle system, and maybe the motor, what else have they purchased? Everything else is just a common motorcycle. Somebody at BRP has probably already thrown 2 R packs in a Sea-Doo prototype just to see what works and what doesn't.

My guess is that they are evaluating where they can use the Alta tech and they don’t want to put that technology out in the public domain for their competitors to get their hands on.

The software, battery tech, controllers, circuit boards, I’m sure they think giving it to us, or some designated vendor, will lead to their competitors getting it.

It’s the only explanation I can come up with.


Well-known member
Montgomery, AL
Call Me, Alabama ! Alex Shunnarah. If you haven't seen his billboards in the South, then you're blind!
That being said, the best firm for this kind of case is here in Montgomery, AL. Jere Beasley of Beasley Allen has infamously sued some monster companies for the big buxx gaining much national attention for wrongful doin's. He'd take on BRP for tech info and get $ too.
No, I won't ask him...he sued me in behalf of a PO'd homeowner in a development I built and I took him to court and beat him. Me and him No Bueno!
This post has no significance - just for giggles


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Regarding getting some support, or access to whatever we may need to keep these bikes going well into the future, is anyone actively working any contacts they may have to see if we can get what we need?

I would think a reasonable accommodation could be reached if we could negotiate with the right people. Knowing exactly what we are asking for, and clearly presenting our case would go a long way towards achieving that goal. In other words, not wasting people precious time while they are trying to make a living doing other things for their company.

Also, acknowledging any concerns BRP may have about helping us out, and seeing if we can address and mitigate those concerns would also be very important.

And forgive me if this has already been tried and discussed here, and also forgive me for stating the obvious above, but I don't think what we're asking for is unreasonable, and of course avoiding a law suit if always preferable for all parties.

Lastly, what a shame if BRP casts us to the wind, which seems to be the case, which I find amazing, just doesn't seem right and I haven't heard any explanation on why they are doing that.


Old and slow, but hopefull!
West Virginia
Since I have zero time on mine, I have not had the chance to break it yet. Although, I am loosing my factory warranty, and that is something I would not mind fighting for. I also think asking BRP to give, or offer me a warranty, in any way shape or form, would be considered laughable on their part. I might even have a giggle with them. Depending on my mood.

Now Alta, or the parent company(s), may or may not be a better place to start. Then again I am no lawyer, nor do I claim to be knowledgeable in this arena.

Personally I think we, the owners of Alta's, are just plain fucked. Harsh but true (so far). :eek: Were just being shit on. :poop: And on, and on.

What chaps my ass is that NO ONE from Alta has come out & said anything, anywhere. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Talk about being dry popped. And that hurts, mentally, emotionally, and financially. :LOL:

I do not like being hurt. Or more accurately, I am tired of being hurt...


Well-known member
WA State, USA
We have not been released from our confidentiality agreement...

I hear you on that and it is not a trivial matter. From what I've seen here you Alta guys are doing all that you can, and want to do more, its your baby after all.

And I gotta say, you guys designed and built some amazing machines, you should all be proud of what you accomplished.

I'm holding out hope for some type of more positive resolution for the customers, as well as the former employees.


Staff member
At the end of the day I believe the Alta crew was always acting in the best interest of the brand and customers, some actions in hindsight could be argued, but you know what they say about hindsight.

Now Harley f’n Davidson on the other hand, now I’m going to continue hating them pricks. But in the plus side, in another couple years I believe they themselves will be dismantled in a similar fashion.

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