Regarding getting some support, or access to whatever we may need to keep these bikes going well into the future, is anyone actively working any contacts they may have to see if we can get what we need?
I would think a reasonable accommodation could be reached if we could negotiate with the right people. Knowing exactly what we are asking for, and clearly presenting our case would go a long way towards achieving that goal. In other words, not wasting people precious time while they are trying to make a living doing other things for their company.
Also, acknowledging any concerns BRP may have about helping us out, and seeing if we can address and mitigate those concerns would also be very important.
And forgive me if this has already been tried and discussed here, and also forgive me for stating the obvious above, but I don't think what we're asking for is unreasonable, and of course avoiding a law suit if always preferable for all parties.
Lastly, what a shame if BRP casts us to the wind, which seems to be the case, which I find amazing, just doesn't seem right and I haven't heard any explanation on why they are doing that.