This is the exact noise
Powertrain failed and making horrible sounds
He says "The tolerance between the rear wheel and the mud flap are some what tight. And I believe I just had some dirt jammed behind the flap making it rub on the tire for that half a lap. Was a bit alarming for a second."
Not a chance, if there was dirt trappen it would fall out on the first landing and the noise of a mud flap rubbing the tyre would be much different.
If stark are sending there biggest advert out on bikes doing that what chance do we stand !
Amazed people fall for all this, An ex top rider who has taken good money from the sport is not wanting to fade away and go get a job stacking the shelves at the local supermarket, he knows manufactures etc will pay good money to make there product look good and endorse it, Honesty does not get a look in. They are all at it all ex top sportsmen/women.
Ill give him this he is very brave (or stupid) to carry on with it making that noise, if it had tightened up or locked up at the wrong moment he could well come up short on the face of one of those landing ramps. Would be like hitting it head on at speed.