Maximum Scramble Range


Well-known member
Sunnyvale, CA
I just did my first range tests on my Varg. I'm using a calibrated Trail Tech ride computer with front wheel sensor, the Varg uses a motor sensor which counts wheel spin as range and is incorrect! I'm 63 y.o., ride 50HP with 35% regen to mimic my KTM 300 2-stroke. I ride at a local park mostly on trails and single track, hard pack and dusty stuff. Typical average speed over 1.1 hours riding is 18mph. I rode 20 miles and had 40% battery left, so 33.33 miles max range (estimated). I rode my Alta MXR extensively at the same park years ago and never got more than 20 miles from a full charge, so the Stark appears to have 67% greater range for me, which is quite good!


Well-known member
New Zealand
I use Strava on my personal phone. The GPS tracking through that consistently reads 5% longer distance than the Stark app.

Range is so variable with terrrain. I can be ploughing through sand and shingle at the coast and get 35 km. I can be cruising fire roads and get 65 km.
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