Opinion on Value of a Used MXR with a Busted Display


Rochester, New York
Hello all,

I have been following Alta for some time. I was planning to purchase an Alta in the next year or two when I had enough saved up. With everything that has happened I feel pressure to find one now. I am wondering anyone's opinion on the value of a 2018 MXR demo bike with a cracked display. The bike still operates and all the maps work. I test drove it a month or so ago. My understanding is the display will likely not be able to be replaced for a while as no one seems to know what specific display it is at the moment. My undergraduate degree is in renewable energy engineering so I feel confident if someone sources the screen I will be able to replace it. Being that it has a cracked display I do not know the hours put on the bike but the dealer estimated it to be 50. Additionally because it is a 2018 model I presume it may be susceptible to the battery issues from the earlier models. What do you guys think this is worth? Also if this is the wrong place for this thread I am happy to move it.


Staff member
One thing is for sure, you have a ton of leverage if you want that bike! Thats like the worst possible case for that dealer. Honestly, we could all shoot some random numbers out there but I'd look at what the sale trends have been and go from there. If you look at the for sale section we have seen bikes go for as low as 7k (15 hour 2019 EXR, super deal, went FAST) another for 8k (22 hour 2019 EXR, didn't last long either) and a two others for sale at 9 and 9.5k. Those are EXR's but they were more money than an MXR originally anyhow.

You got a broken display with no source for a replacement (we are working on that), and twice the hours as most of those EXR's examples I gave that are for sale or sold (and you are taking the dealers word on that figure). I'd ask what the last three are on the VIN, if it's less than 400 it would be in the group of known battery failure bikes. It's possible you could even have a service code and you couldn't tell since the display is busted.

That's a risky bike to go for, and I'd pay accordingly.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
The dealer should be able to check the hours and the mileage with a diagnostics laptop.

If it has had the latest firmware but hasn't had a fault code yet, then I'd say it is unlikely to have it in the future. That's the good part about buying used bikes.

Scare the dealer that you are buying a cat-in-the-bag without warranty or replacement broken parts to get the price down, but I'd still get it.


Rochester, New York
Okay haha. They have been pretty unresponsive as I have continued to remain in contact with them. I think they may be waiting in hopes of a future where there is a fix. Thank you guys for the input. They originally wanted 10k which included the fast charger but this was days after the closure when nothing was really known about what was going on. I feel this is far too high for it in the current condition though. Again thank you guys and I will update this feed if anything happens and I get to join the community!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
If you are not in a rush, politely (not to antagonize them unnecessary) name what you would pay, and wait for them to accept it over the next several weeks.


Rochester, New York
That is what I was thinking. They sold a 17 MX for 7500. (that was the list price at least). They don't have the MXR listed for sale anywhere also. I definitely wouldn't pay 10k for it not even close. I love the bike I am on right now also so if it doesn't work out I am not too upset. I have a feeling it may be some time before we see a comparable E-bike on the market though which bums me out.


Rochester, New York
Not a bad thought. I have been pretty polite about my dealings with them. One of the last messages I sent them was asking if there was any room for movement on price. Just to know in general what their thoughts were but they didn't get back to me about it. I would prefer to wait a couple of months but I will shoot them an offer and see if they get back to me ever.


Rochester, New York
Yes. It had new plastics, the updated firmware, a suspension tune, and the charger. It was listed at 7500. Tyler Monagan who runs a YouTube channel bought it. I don't know what he paid for it. He is the one doing a bike build series that just tore the bike down.


Well-known member
My dealer in NJ had a 2018 super moto demo for $10,500 in perfect condition. Probably still available if that works better for you. I’d buy the ‘19 EXR for $9k waaaaay before that though. I’m looking for a good deal on a 3rd EXR and any broken Altas for research.

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