Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)


Well-known member
There are known issues with the bike, usually well taken care of under the 2 years warranty, like powertain, VCU or battery failures for instance (without mentioning tire tubes!).

We may not be representative of all Stark owners but since there are a few on the forum, I'd like to give this a go to see how prevalent these issues are and if we can get a better picture with VIN and other infos (are different issues linked to different production phases, do recent Vargs appear to be as much affected...).

So the idea is just to have a list of Vargs with approximate VIN serial number (thousands will suffice), issues, and possibly other infos like hours of use at time of failure, issue taken care of under warranty or not, downtime or anything else you could think of.

Quick reminder the 2023-2024 cut off (from P to R as 10th character) is about 3 000. 2024-2025 cut off (from R to S) will be above 10 000.

At the same time, if your Varg is running fine you could just post approximate serial number, maybe hours and that's it.

So this table would look that

approximate VIN / type of issue / hours / warranty? / downtime

or if everything is peachy just

approximate VIN / hours

Edit: add Gen1 or Gen2 if you know,
Gen1 with charging port near shock and inverter top part is black
Gen2 with charging port on the inverter and inverter top is grey

also in the future, mention EX for the Varg EX enduro released in 2025.

Edit: here is the list so far

- MX Gen 1 / 2XX :
battery replaced under warranty after 2 months (1 week to get it), some phone connectivity issues
- MX Gen 1 / 4XX / 30 h: water pump failure right away, quicky replaced under warranty
- MX Gen 1 / 7XX / 58 h: warning about insulation error electrical insulation fault, powertrain and map switch changed, charging issues then would not turn on, VCU changed, all under warranty, ongoing issues of motor/transmission getting noisier and water in gearbox
- MX Gen1 / 11XX / multiple failures, all under warranty : map switch changed under a week, cracks on inverter cover so motor changed, battery failure after emptying it, exchanged under a day.
- MX Gen1 / 2XXX / some damage due to falls in enduro: a couple of map switches, throttle tubes, some battery fins near footpegs
- MX Gen1 / 2XXX / multiple water pump replacements from the start, replaces radiator fan after 1h, various issues with bolts plus linkage seal
- MX Gen1 / 32XX / 30 h / charger slowed down, replaced under warranty
- MX Gen1 / 4XXX / powertrain failure out of the box, battery failure, both replaced under warranty, rear brake master cylinder blew a seal, 2nd battery replaced under warranty (throttle was cutting out and battery not charging over 47%)
- MX Gen2 / 62XX / 10 h / powertrain unit changed under warranty
- MX Gen2 / 7XXX / 4 h / powertrain unit changed under warranty (bike shut off)
- MX Gen2 / 9XXX / 2 h / bike shut down, new battery under warranty

All ok (not counting "Tesco bag tubes" and side stand issues)
- MX Gen1 / 2XXX / 130 h (cracked gear cover after hard fall on rocks)
- MX Gen1 / 3XXX / 27 h
- MX Gen2 / 52XX / 225 h
- MX Gen 2 / 80XX / 4.5 hrs


Mountain West
This is brilliant! Unfortunately like you said, ”the 10,000 varg owners with no problems aren’t on this forum” only varg owners looking for solutions.


Well-known member
There are known issues with the bike, usually well taken care of under the 2 years warranty, like powertain, VCU or battery failures for instance (without mentioning tire tubes!).

We may not be representative of all Stark owners but since there are a few on the forum, I'd like to give this a go to see how prevalent these issues are and if we can get a better picture with VIN and other infos (are different issues linked to different production phases, do recent Vargs appear to be as much affected...).

So the idea is just to have a list of Vargs with approximate VIN serial number (thousands will suffice), issues, and possibly other infos like hours of use at time of failure, issue taken care of under warranty or not, downtime or anything else you could think of.

Quick reminder the 2023-2024 cut off (from P to R as 10th character) is about 3 000. 2024-2025 cut off (from R to S) will be above 10 000.

At the same time, if your Varg is running fine you could just post approximate serial number, maybe hours and that's it.

So this table would look that

approximate VIN / type of issue / hours / warranty? / downtime

or if everything is peachy just

approximate VIN / hours

Edit: here is the list so far


All ok:

suggestion: specify if MX-gen1 or MX-gen2 (and i suppose enduro coming)


Well-known member
Gen2 10 hours , needed new power unit ,communication between throttle and unit only happens with harsh inputs , crawl and reverse not working … replaced under warranty within 6 days of contacting … changed it myself 😁


Well-known member
suggestion: specify if MX-gen1 or MX-gen2 (and i suppose enduro coming)
Great idea, anybody knows the cutoff in VIN between gen1 and gen2? If not, I guess we could get this info if people specify gen along with VIN.

Charging port Gen2 (picture posted by AL_V)

Is gen2 just about the inverter or other changes as well?


Well-known member
Gen2 10 hours , needed new power unit ,communication between throttle and unit only happens with harsh inputs , crawl and reverse not working … replaced under warranty within 6 days of contacting … changed it myself 😁
Thanks, what's your VIN and what part did you replace?

Erwin P

Well-known member
I have a GEN 1 MX bike VIN in the high 11xx numbers.

Issues so far:
- Sidestand bracket breaks a lot.
- Sand came into the first handlebar switch, could not press down and after really trying (couldn't start after a pittstop in race) to the microswitch inside broke. Replacement should be better and no issues since. Reported it saturday, they saw my email monday, could ride it thursday.
- Starting cracks in the inverter cover, no errors but i still e-mailed Stark. They send me a new motor (was allowed to bring it to the dealer free but i trust myself more). Got it within the week so no real downtime as it is a 1 evening replacement.
- Short after that battery failure after draining it to 0%. I mentioned i needed it for a race that weekend. They contacted my dealer to pull one out of a showroom bike and give it to me, downtime 1 evening.

Edit: Forgot about the tubes. Front lasted 2 rides, rear 3.


Well-known member
UK Norfolk
Varg Alpha owner since march 2024 VIN number RA004**
Power train failed straight out of the box - took over a week to get response from stark, issues with local dealer not wanting to do warranty work as i didnt buy the bike from him (understandable) this was ironed out between UK country manager and dealer , dealer lent me bike for the weekend (top bloke). fixed the bike for me.

battery failed - stark sent new battery (i assume its a Gen 2) i don't really understand the gen thing

back brake master cylinder blew a seal (i didn't contact stark over this as i wanted to change to hand brake anyway so paid for it my self)

Inner tubes are made of Tesco's bags for life

when bike gets hot there is a screeching sound coming from the bike when under heavy load

now currently in talks with stark as bike is cutting out on full throttle, batter wont take charge past 47%

lost all confidence in the bike, i am now in email tennis with them to sort the current problem then i think im going to move the bike on as i just dont have any confidence when riding it. Almost had two bike crashes with it cutting out on take offs of jumps.

I will be considering a new Enduro model but i need to have a long chat with stark and find out if all these issues have been sorted on the newer bikes. customer is the guinea pig which i understand this has to be.

I'm just a bit disappointed to be honest, the bike is bloody phenomenal apart from the issues


Well-known member
Varg Alpha owner since march 2024 VIN number RA004**
Power train failed straight out of the box - took over a week to get response from stark, issues with local dealer not wanting to do warranty work as i didnt buy the bike from him (understandable) this was ironed out between UK country manager and dealer , dealer lent me bike for the weekend (top bloke). fixed the bike for me.

battery failed - stark sent new battery (i assume its a Gen 2) i don't really understand the gen thing

back brake master cylinder blew a seal (i didn't contact stark over this as i wanted to change to hand brake anyway so paid for it my self)

Inner tubes are made of Tesco's bags for life

when bike gets hot there is a screeching sound coming from the bike when under heavy load

now currently in talks with stark as bike is cutting out on full throttle, batter wont take charge past 47%

lost all confidence in the bike, i am now in email tennis with them to sort the current problem then i think im going to move the bike on as i just dont have any confidence when riding it. Almost had two bike crashes with it cutting out on take offs of jumps.

I will be considering a new Enduro model but i need to have a long chat with stark and find out if all these issues have been sorted on the newer bikes. customer is the guinea pig which i understand this has to be.

I'm just a bit disappointed to be honest, the bike is bloody phenomenal apart from the issues
That's a lot!
Do you mean VIN in the 4 thousands?

About Gen1 or Gen2, take a look at the inverter and charging port

Gen1 top of inverter is black and charging port is located real close to the rear shock

Gen2 top of inverter is grey and charging port is relocated lower, on the inverter itself


Well-known member
Varg Alpha owner since march 2024 VIN number RA004**
Power train failed straight out of the box - took over a week to get response from stark, issues with local dealer not wanting to do warranty work as i didnt buy the bike from him (understandable) this was ironed out between UK country manager and dealer , dealer lent me bike for the weekend (top bloke). fixed the bike for me.

battery failed - stark sent new battery (i assume its a Gen 2) i don't really understand the gen thing

back brake master cylinder blew a seal (i didn't contact stark over this as i wanted to change to hand brake anyway so paid for it my self)

Inner tubes are made of Tesco's bags for life

when bike gets hot there is a screeching sound coming from the bike when under heavy load

now currently in talks with stark as bike is cutting out on full throttle, batter wont take charge past 47%

lost all confidence in the bike, i am now in email tennis with them to sort the current problem then i think im going to move the bike on as i just dont have any confidence when riding it. Almost had two bike crashes with it cutting out on take offs of jumps.

I will be considering a new Enduro model but i need to have a long chat with stark and find out if all these issues have been sorted on the newer bikes. customer is the guinea pig which i understand this has to be.

I'm just a bit disappointed to be honest, the bike is bloody phenomenal apart from the issues
Was that you who put a post on facebook about all the issues you have had and looking to take legal action?
If it was good on you, lots of keyboard warriors I see slagging you off, I recon half of them were anton wass under different names, think there are a few on here;) I went to back you up this afternoon but can not find it has it been removed?

I started looking through my e mails to stark to list my bike problems but it depresses me.


Well-known member
Varg Alpha owner since march 2024 VIN number RA004**
Power train failed straight out of the box - took over a week to get response from stark, issues with local dealer not wanting to do warranty work as i didnt buy the bike from him (understandable) this was ironed out between UK country manager and dealer , dealer lent me bike for the weekend (top bloke). fixed the bike for me.

battery failed - stark sent new battery (i assume its a Gen 2) i don't really understand the gen thing

back brake master cylinder blew a seal (i didn't contact stark over this as i wanted to change to hand brake anyway so paid for it my self)

Inner tubes are made of Tesco's bags for life

when bike gets hot there is a screeching sound coming from the bike when under heavy load

now currently in talks with stark as bike is cutting out on full throttle, batter wont take charge past 47%

lost all confidence in the bike, i am now in email tennis with them to sort the current problem then i think im going to move the bike on as i just dont have any confidence when riding it. Almost had two bike crashes with it cutting out on take offs of jumps.

I will be considering a new Enduro model but i need to have a long chat with stark and find out if all these issues have been sorted on the newer bikes. customer is the guinea pig which i understand this has to be.

I'm just a bit disappointed to be honest, the bike is bloody phenomenal apart from the issues
Wow. Just Wow. The inner tubes yes they are useless shit. But outside of that my bike has been trouble free. I got it the around same time you got yours. Here in the US East Coast I was able to get mine through the same dealer that sold me my KTM a few years back for around the same price as it would have been shipped to me.

The dealer took care of all the setup and and some paperwork hiccups outside of that was super smooth. As I said I have replaced the inner tubes, also the powerswitch (which is not very resilient to dirt and damage), throttle tube, and grips. Most of the consumables were damaged in crashes or by terrain abuse.

Sorry you have had such a hassle --I wouldn't have been able to handle all that given my living situation. As it was, I had to get rid of my gas bikes due to condo rules and etc. and it is not that easy to do major work on my machines in such a situation. I bought an E bike to reduce my exposure in that way, but sounds like just the opposite for you.


Well-known member
UK Norfolk
Hi Guys, just to respond to UKlee and Chaconne in one reply.

So im not the guy who's on Facebook and i wouldn't take legal action on Stark, to be honest i am frustrated but not to the point i feel legal action needs to be taken, i also dont have the time or the patience to pursue legal action as I'm a business owner and have enough on my plate. I also support Stark in their mission. Im a bit of a hypocrite as i work in the oil and gas industry so fossil fuels are what i bleed but the bike and the attitude stark have is fantastic and i cannot complain about the aftersales support they have given me. I'm just very frustrated with all of the issues iv encountered and now have lost all faith in "My" varg.

I am lucky that iv raced MX from 9 years old, right the way to my mid 30s so iv been fortunate enough not to be in the position of being thrown from the bike and hurting myself when its cut out, its caused me to crash but i have been ok, i have a track at home and i dont race bikes anymore so its more of a "Fun" bike for me which doesn't annoy my neighbor's with noise. Im not under the Race pressure or commitment to jumps.

For the purpose of this forum and other stark owners. Stark have now replied to me yesterday and today and are currently solving my "cutting out" issue & "the battery not charging over 47%" they have said it is again another battery issue and are sending me a new battery to replace it. I have a Gen 1 charger port which is up towards the shock reservoir. I did ask Stark if this was contributing to the issue with my bike and they said the charger port and battery are not related in problems. Lets hope this fixes the issue. I am currently talking to the UK country manager about this, that is as much as im going to say publicly as i don't think its fair to tarnish every possible customer with the problems iv experienced. we have to all remember how difficult it must be to release a brand new bike, that is fully electric, that has to compete (and excel) better than a combustion powered bike, ship it world wide, supply worldwide support. Stark are doing their absolute best and i admire them for that.

The one thing that does boil my urine is that i was one of the first people to put a deposit down for my bike, pre covid (i think) the delivery of the bike was delayed and it took me nearly 3 years to get it, i put my faith + Money into stark. I understand that covid-19 played a huge part in the delay, Aside from the fantastic support and aftersales repairs i don't feel like stark are doing a great deal for people who were the first to be in the deposit scheme. It seemed that soon as i took delivary for my bike, everyone else around the world were able to just buy the bike with about 10 days delivery time - this to me didnt show any commitment to the people who put faith in Stark from the start. I am currently interested in a Varg enduro and i think the least they can do, considering all the problems iv had is discuss with me a option to change the bike out for a new varg E, i really haven't done many hours or miles on my current varg which is what is so frustrating. £11,000 i paid for this bike, we musnt forget that! Feels like every time i go i the garage, get all suited and booted, i go to turn it on and there is another issue. I end up spending more time in my digger and tractor prepping my track than i do riding the bike i purchased to ride it. Im getting good in a digger though .

Apologies for the Essay.


Well-known member
UK Norfolk
I have just received this from Stark, I think its worth me sharing what they have said in regards to the storing the bike as they did contradict themselves when i asked about the "rule of thumb" in regards the charging, storage and use of the battery (my use of the bike and charging it has NOT contributed to the faults id like to add. I just wanted confirmation from the manufacturer that i was doing the right thing:-

From Stark
Sorry if I explained incorrectly, it is best to not keep the bike connected to charge after it has reached it's full capacity.
For regular use you can charge it to 100% before riding, but if you plan to store it for longer period over a week let's say without use, it is best to follow the instructions in the owner's manual regarding storing the battery.
Store it at around 50% in a dry area and if it goes below 30% charge it bak to 50%.

Then for regular use disconnect the bike from charger and leave it off once it has reached 100% SOC.

Its currently pretty chilly here in the UK so i am aware that external temperature can play a part in battery usage and charging. I had a KTM Freeride E before my varg and i did experience issues with temperate when charging.
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Well-known member
Hi Guys, just to respond to UKlee and Chaconne in one reply.

So im not the guy who's on Facebook and i wouldn't take legal action on Stark, to be honest i am frustrated but not to the point i feel legal action needs to be taken, i also dont have the time or the patience to pursue legal action as I'm a business owner and have enough on my plate. I also support Stark in their mission. Im a bit of a hypocrite as i work in the oil and gas industry so fossil fuels are what i bleed but the bike and the attitude stark have is fantastic and i cannot complain about the aftersales support they have given me. I'm just very frustrated with all of the issues iv encountered and now have lost all faith in "My" varg.

I am lucky that iv raced MX from 9 years old, right the way to my mid 30s so iv been fortunate enough not to be in the position of being thrown from the bike and hurting myself when its cut out, its caused me to crash but i have been ok, i have a track at home and i dont race bikes anymore so its more of a "Fun" bike for me which doesn't annoy my neighbor's with noise. Im not under the Race pressure or commitment to jumps.

For the purpose of this forum and other stark owners. Stark have now replied to me yesterday and today and are currently solving my "cutting out" issue & "the battery not charging over 47%" they have said it is again another battery issue and are sending me a new battery to replace it. I have a Gen 1 charger port which is up towards the shock reservoir. I did ask Stark if this was contributing to the issue with my bike and they said the charger port and battery are not related in problems. Lets hope this fixes the issue. I am currently talking to the UK country manager about this, that is as much as im going to say publicly as i don't think its fair to tarnish every possible customer with the problems iv experienced. we have to all remember how difficult it must be to release a brand new bike, that is fully electric, that has to compete (and excel) better than a combustion powered bike, ship it world wide, supply worldwide support. Stark are doing their absolute best and i admire them for that.

The one thing that does boil my urine is that i was one of the first people to put a deposit down for my bike, pre covid (i think) the delivery of the bike was delayed and it took me nearly 3 years to get it, i put my faith + Money into stark. I understand that covid-19 played a huge part in the delay, Aside from the fantastic support and aftersales repairs i don't feel like stark are doing a great deal for people who were the first to be in the deposit scheme. It seemed that soon as i took delivary for my bike, everyone else around the world were able to just buy the bike with about 10 days delivery time - this to me didnt show any commitment to the people who put faith in Stark from the start. I am currently interested in a Varg enduro and i think the least they can do, considering all the problems iv had is discuss with me a option to change the bike out for a new varg E, i really haven't done many hours or miles on my current varg which is what is so frustrating. £11,000 i paid for this bike, we musnt forget that! Feels like every time i go i the garage, get all suited and booted, i go to turn it on and there is another issue. I end up spending more time in my digger and tractor prepping my track than i do riding the bike i purchased to ride it. Im getting good in a digger though .

Apologies for the Essay.

I gotta say I'm impressed with the way you're handling this!
Just to clarify is your VIN in the 4 hundreds or 4 thousands and do you have any idea how many hours you clocked on the 2nd battery before having issues with it?


Well-known member
UK Norfolk
I gotta say I'm impressed with the way you're handling this!
Just to clarify is your VIN in the 4 hundreds or 4 thousands and do you have any idea how many hours you clocked on the 2nd battery before having issues with it?
Very Kind of you Beagle, i have to say its out of my character to be lenient and understanding like this but riding the bike is enough for me to continue to back and support stark and i can really see what they are trying to do. Support has never left me in the dark.

I will say, if it wasnt under warranty it would be a different story. im hoping my discussions with Stark over the next few days will also reassure me for when the bike is out of warranty. If they don't do anything after the 2 years then my attitude will change.

My vin is late 4000's, unfortunately im currently at work but when i get home il check the hours on the bike. I was talking to my daughter about this earlier and she even said to me "as if they are sending you another battery ! you've not even used the new battery for a full days riding yet youv only tested it " so the 2nd battery that's currently in the bike has failed and id barely even used it, i dont even think i used 1 full charge on it.


Well-known member
If battery and powertrain failures do happen very early, this could alleviate anxiety about "what happens after warranty expires".

Recent issues clearly points out persistent QC issues. It will be interesting to see if Stark has resolved battery issues for the Varg EX (unsure if inverter and motor will be identical or not).

Agreed without the 2 years warranty Stark would have a very different (horrible!) reputation, this and solid customer support really is essential for them.

PS: this narrows down Gen1-Gen2 update to late 4XXX - early 5XXX.

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