
Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I just ordered the X model today for my younger son. He rides ATVs, and has a 250 Raptor, but had been kind of afraid to try the 2-wheel dirt bike thing. But he decided it was time to sell the ATV and get a dirt bike. We discussed the options that were about right for his size (TTR125, KLX110/140, etc.). He really likes my Alta but it is 1) too big and 2) too pricey. So we looked at other e-bikes, and the Sur Ron seemed to be a good mix of e-bike fun with some interesting trail capabilities. Looks like you might be able to register it for street use as a moped in Cali too, which is kind of interesting. Will let you know what I think of it when I get it.


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
It has an eco mode too, takes the punch out of the bottom end which is a good starting point for beginners to avoid whiskey throttle accidents. I put my niece on mine for her first time riding a dirt bike, she loved it, was almost ready to have her dad sell her quad to get one of her own.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Been watching a few vids of guys racing the Sur Ron in hare scrambles. It seems more competitive than I would have suspected. Must be a bit embarrassing to get passed by what is essentially a mountain bike in one of these races.

I also noticed that there is a usb charger port on the thing. That would be handy to charge your phone. Good idea!


Well-known member
Finally took my Surron X for a ride. Rode it in the woods and also thru some hard enduro sections. 60 degree climb and thru muddy creek and rider crossings too. It was an absolute blast! (And Im not even a trail rider)

My friends also took turns riding it in the trail and one of them even rode it on the kids motocross track! (Video below)

Everyone had nothing but good things to say about it. Im not gonna lie, I now look forward to riding it more than the Alta. 50kg weight, 3hrs+ battery life and even if it runs out, it can be swapped out with another battery within 3 mins! Yes its not as fast but I dont need the speed in the woods. The Alta is of cos a lot faster and more powerful but I am enjoying the Surron now.



My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
Yup, the little things are just stupid fun for all ages too. I have been spending more time on mine around the house rather than the Alta.


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
The little thing can handle a 225 lb guy surprisingly well. Suspension doesn't bottom out on rough trails, and the motor has the power to haul me up surprisingly steep hills with ease. For use as a pit bike, it makes an excellent choice.


Well-known member
@aremean79 could you have cleared most of the jumps with the bike or was the power not enough to clear them?

I think it should be easy to clear those small jumps but the stock front end is a little sketchy so until I upgrade to a new Fox 40 fork with a cane creek or king headset, I wont dare do it. Not because its not fast enough, but because I dont dare to. LOL

The little thing rips. Its not Alta fast but it is still fast.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
The Sur-Ron X arrived today! Went together pretty well, except for the DNM Volcano USD-8 front axle. Don’t like the pinch-bolt design. But other than that, super nice bike and solidly made. Wish the Alta had a similar battery design with quick-change capability. But the thing is super fun to ride and really quick. I’ve still got it in “limited” mode until my son gets used to it a bit. Then I will cut the green wire and unleash it. 914BF3FE-2202-498F-9163-E82906790A0E.jpeg3DED38B7-2A0D-4636-9662-77F403762BBE.jpeg


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
By the way, concerning the limited mode, for models before May 2019, the bikes came with a "clipped" green wire, and you had to connect it to get full power. The new models come with an intact green wire, and you need to "cut" the wire to engage full power. So, they changed it up on us. Just FYI.


Well-known member
The Sur-Ron X arrived today! Went together pretty well, except for the DNM Volcano USD-8 front axle. Don’t like the pinch-bolt design. But other than that, super nice bike and solidly made. Wish the Alta had a similar battery design with quick-change capability. But the thing is super fun to ride and really quick. I’ve still got it in “limited” mode until my son gets used to it a bit. Then I will cut the green wire and unleash it. View attachment 3337View attachment 3339
Congratulations on son's new toy. Tell him to store the keys away from you otherwise it will soon be your toy. LOL
On a serious note, I think the bike is money well spent. Very well built and its value for money!


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
We cut the limiter wire on the Sur-Ron X after a couple rides at the local off-road park (Carnegie SVRA). My son put about 50 miles on the thing in two days. The thing does have a lot more power without the limiter. The thing has a short wheelbase, so it wants to wheelie, even with my 6'0, 235lb. butt on it. It accelerates quite a bit faster with my 100 lb. son on it. Front brake was squeaky after the first ride, and I'm working to fix that issue. It's got more acceleration that it does stopping power. Minibike power, mountain bike brakes. Not necessarily a good combo.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Did a few upgrades on my son’s Sur-Ron. Swapped in a set of 4” rise Pro-Taper minibike bars and Shimano brake pads. Handles and stops much better. Also, my son complained the other day when we rode in the mud about lack of fenders, especially in the rear. So I found a full set of black CRF70 plastics on eBay for $30. The front fender fit no problem. Had to be a bit more creative on the rear fender to attach it. (Might add some additional reinforcement later.) Think it turned out pretty good. Looks a bit more like a dirt bike instead of a mountain bike. And definitely better in muddy or wet conditions.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Nice work. Destroyed my rear fender on my YZ on a ride one time. Didn't think it would be a big deal. What a pain it turned out to be, besides slinging trail crap all over my back, somehow it was also getting in front of me, its was basically going all over the place. I can feel his (former) pain. Good job dad.

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