Used or New? 2017, 2018, or 2019?


New member
What's up everyone?

I am making this post to express my excitement while I save my pennies and wait for them to grow enough to buy an Alta Redshift MX. I've pretty much already sold myself on the technology and everything behind it, so the question is... now that I am a little over half way to saving for one. What would be my best option? Should I buy a used 2017, a new 2018 or just wait until the 2019? I'm not too concerned with ride/charge time as I'm not one to last too long on a Moto track anyway but I do want to progress with the bike and keep it for years to come. I plan to make the purchase by the beginning of next summer, if not sooner.

I would appreciate your thoughts and time.

Thanks - Morgan


Staff member
Personally I always gravitate towards used whenever possible, but there probably won’t be many floating around for a few more years. It’s always possible there will be some new model for 2019 that makes people want to upgrade so who knows. Best to evaluate your options when you are ready to pull the trigger.


Well-known member
Should I buy a used 2017, a new 2018 or just wait until the 2019?

If it were me, I'd wait until the '19 MX features are set in stone, then decide between a leftover '18, a '19, or waiting for the 2020 model. Why? Because IME timing is everything in a rapidly-evolving technology like electric MC's as features and prices change, dramatically sometimes. I'm so glad I bought my Zero FX's in 2014 (before they fully committed to the street-only path) and my MXR in 2018 (for the many reasons discussed here). I was fully ready to pull the trigger in 2013 and 2017 respectively, but something told me to wait and I'm glad I listened to it.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Unless there is an imminent battery technology breakthrough coming up next year, I'd go with a used bike once again. My '17 MX was a dealer demo, so buying it used knocked off a few grand of the total price, just like the instant depreciation that happens when you roll a new bike out of a dealership.

I still bought an '18 MXR because I just couldn't resist all the hype about its better battery and suspension. But the matter of fact is I still ride my MX more, while my suspension tuner is figuring out the damping setting for the latest and greatest MXR suspension. Without the rapid charger, my charging times are exactly the same for both bikes. And I get almost the same mileage as well.

I wouldn't wait a year. The joy from a year of riding is worth more to me than avoiding any buyer's remorse.

Additionally, we only get like 50 years max to enjoy riding. I have used up 33 of them already. I am not wasting another year.


Well-known member
Im updating/upgrading to a 19 EXR as soon as they make it to the middle of the country, hopefully in a couple weeks, as Im told. My 17 MX will be for sale for 8k with currently 10.1 hours on it.


Well-known member
Union, KY 41091
Here's the problem....It;s the iphone 2->3->4/ect...issue. With electric tech, the changes/upgrades are easy. It happened on smartphones and my 2014 Tesla S. At some point, hardware limits where and when the upgrades "stop". I missed auto drive on the Tesla but 3 months, ect. Without the latest hardware, the firmware upgrades are useless. (FYI, I still get Tesla Upgrades but limited to Nav/Music, powetrain, ect.) The ALTA hardware is changing...and same thing could happen. But, the reality is the bike is still electric (awesum torque, low/no maintenance, and cheap to refuel). BUY the most bike you can afford. The next version will be better. ... FYI, I always but a 1-2 year old smartphones (tech laggert) ... and a bought a 2017 ALTA (bargain).

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