Why haven't one of the major mfr's released an Alta comparable full sized dirt bike yet?


Well-known member
Im surprised only one person touched base on the noise polution issue with ICE. I recently moved onto 5 acres, and whiles its fun to occationally rip around on my KTM, I know its loud and annoys the neighbors. I'm very tempted to purchase one of the 2020 E-XC KTM's just so I can rip around whenever I'd like without worry of bothering anyone...... Im REALLY hoping the big boys jump in the electric ring sooner than later, and with some improved battery life etc options.......


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Hey, you forgot it's going to be sub-225 lbs also!

These days, I wish "I" was sub-225!

I'm afraid the lockdown has had its wicked way with my mass ratio. I'm not the slim rocket I used to be. Who cares about the bike's weight (unless you have to pick it up). No matter how much the bike weighs, it still has to haul my fat butt up the trail. When I fall over, especially at my age, I have to worry if I can even pick myself up. Only then do I worry about the bike.

It isn't fair anyway. The bike can sit there for 2 or 3 hours and suck down amp after amp of top-shelf electrons and not gain any weight. It still looks sleek and sexy. I do the same thing with COVID Juice (beer) or COVID Rations (donuts), and I just look bloated and sweaty. Where's the justice in that?

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