What is everyone's revised delivery dates?


Well-known member
San Diego
Bike was delayed again last night……

Order date-
-December 17 2021

Orig delivery date-
-Sept 2022

- Oct 31 2023
Was still this date yesterday

I logged in today to show my buddy cause his got pushed 3 months and he thought it was cause he changed the plastics colors….only to see my new date as of today…

JAN 15 2024

So another 3 months…? It is what it is but it’s kinda lame.


Well-known member
Ontario, Canada
Mine has been pushed from Dec 2023 to March 2024
I'm ok with the delay, as it gives me more time to procrastinate if I need a new bike.... although new is nice, having difficulty justifying a new bike when the Alta does everything I need.


Well-known member
San Diego
Mine has been pushed from Dec 2023 to March 2024
I'm ok with the delay, as it gives me more time to procrastinate if I need a new bike.... although new is nice, having difficulty justifying a new bike when the Alta does everything I need.
I’ll prob catch massive heat here for saying this…..but I’d not let that pass you by…your locked in 1200 dollars off new msrp and you won’t even get a new order until 2025….also the dealer I talked to today said when they get their bikes they are immediately marking up 2-3k at least….

That’s tax+title+license+whatever they lie about freight charge+whatever they lie about labor to “setup”= prob somewhere 19-20k OTD….

You could be a real nice guy if you don’t like the bike give someone a smoking deal and still make 2k on it.

All pretty ridiculous really but the market will be tight until one of the big manufacturers throws their hats in the ring….

The Varg may not be “pro moto” ready but the amount of riders that ride at that level are slim…I’d say the amount of people that would enjoy the convenience of electric and the vet riders that want one out pace the amount of bikes that can be made by a pretty big margin….regardless of what it can and can’t do or what hate it gets market conditions are set by supply and demand….

Heck….I’ll buy your slot. You can change all your info to my name and you won’t have to worry a bit!!


New member
South Jersey
Ordered May 3rd 2022 original date for delivery was July 2023 and then was moved to Jan 31st 2024, now moved again to April 15th 2024. Day one orders still not delivered and people that have paid in full months ago have not received bikes. I have zero confidence in my new delivery date. I’ve been holding off buying a new bike to race harescrambles, but at this rate I’m not even sure I’ll have a stark in time to race at all next season. I get that this is a huge undertaking but I don’t feel they’re sending bikes out in the order they were taken in.


Well-known member
San Diego
Ordered May 3rd 2022 original date for delivery was July 2023 and then was moved to Jan 31st 2024, now moved again to April 15th 2024. Day one orders still not delivered and people that have paid in full months ago have not received bikes. I have zero confidence in my new delivery date. I’ve been holding off buying a new bike to race harescrambles, but at this rate I’m not even sure I’ll have a stark in time to race at all next season. I get that this is a huge undertaking but I don’t feel they’re sending bikes out in the order they were taken in.
I agree with you. It is a bummer and I was well aware of the risks when I put my money down….bummer either way.


New member
Je suis d'accord avec toi. C’est décevant et j’étais bien conscient des risques lorsque j’ai déposé mon argent… décevant de toute façon.
Moi je reproche le manque de communication de leurs part, moto commandée 10 février 2022 , nouvelle date de livraison 15 mars 2024


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
My order number is #MAXXXX, Expected DD September 30, 2023 . Revised to 15 December 2023, on 9/12/2023 after I paid in full and sent and support question?
My original order was 14 December 2021. Expected Delivery was 24 September 2022.
As a community we need to get an google Sheets going "excel file" to get a better estimate and track the deliveries/and quantity of orders known.


Well-known member
San Diego
I have had responses from them in the past so I can’t speak to that.

I did send one out a couple days ago about this third delay…..I have not heard back yet but I try to give them a week or so to respond. I know this is a smaller company and is new so I don’t wanna be unrealistic. I know there is pressure and deadlines as well as the fact they got way more orders than they ever expected.

We will see….curious to see if we even get a response or reason for yet another multi month delay.


Well-known member
I fault no one for communicating a delay and setting a new date. Which Stark did.

A second or third delay is a sign of a problem.


Well-known member
SW Montana
They are Dmd if they do and Dmd if they don't state targeted/estimated delivery dates. I don't think it would have been any better of an experience if they do what Tesla does and not even provide an expected date. Just say, sometime in the next 3 years you might get it. Ha.

Obviously, all start up businesses desperately want to get their product to market as quickly as possible as than means income. Like others have said, I'm personally glad they are delaying if it's to address issues that have come up. The last thing I want is a bike that has issues they knew about but they shipped anyway. Yes there are likely to still be issues that come up in the early runs, which is expected as an early adopter, but anything they catch and can fix, even if that means a delay, is a valid and valuable reason in my opinion.

Besides inevitable design and parts growing pains, there are likely still supplier/vendor issues and, I imagine, there is also all kinds of red tape they encountered in a variety of countries and it's never easy to account for that big unknown of how fast another company/department is going to push paperwork. I know they are trickling Varg out and likely will continue through early 2024, but if they start shipping Varg in large numbers by December 2024 (3 years from opening for orders), that would be quite a feat in my book.


Well-known member
San Diego
I don’t think they are dmed either way. That’s sort of a cop out point of view. Companies should expect to be held accountable by the consumer….the consumer can’t take delivery and delay paying. Not saying they need to deliver in the exact day but there is some level of accountability to at least communicate.

I think communication is key. What happened to the newsletters we were getting? Or the interviews? The 30sec video clips?

I was fine with and understood the first 1 year delay for obvious reasons and I want a solid bike…..I’m also okay with this delay cause I want a solid bike….I just think the difference in delivery n the 2 delays (one heavily communicated to the community by ceo and marketing team, and the other slipped in over night with no warning) may be a sign in trouble for the company. We don’t know what is going on behind closed doors and a captain of a sinking ship usually waits until the very last second to admit the boat is doomed….

My curiosity is actually more what is going on internally and are we about to see another ALTA? I sure hope not….


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I am not worried nor surprised about the latest delay.
How long have folks been waiting for the Cybertruck, from an established company?
I got an Ultra Bee, and it's cool, but you can't ride it "all day."
Pretty sure the Varg will be the same in that respect, so it's never gonna be my "main bike."


Well-known member
San Diego
I’m not sure why everyone keeps saying “it’s okay tesly never delivered the cyber truck either….” stark is not Tesla and hasn’t been in the market making vehicles for a long time…this is product 1. Customers for sure deserve to know about a delay….not just have dates arbitrarily moved around with no notice….no excuses…I’ll still get the bike, no denying it’s nonsense.


Have ANY early order customers received their bike yet in the UK ? I'm due to pay on Tuesday - delivery is still estimated for the 15th October . . . mine was ordered early December '21.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I’m not sure why everyone keeps saying “it’s okay tesly never delivered the cyber truck either….”
Not saying it's OK, but the point is that it is not uncommon for new vehicle models to be delayed, even by established manufacturers.
So for a completely new company, there are many more hurdles to overcome, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are unforeseen delays.
That said, the communication from Stark could certainly be better.


Well-known member
SW Montana
I’m not sure why everyone keeps saying “it’s okay tesly never delivered the cyber truck either….” stark is not Tesla and hasn’t been in the market making vehicles for a long time…this is product 1. Customers for sure deserve to know about a delay….not just have dates arbitrarily moved around with no notice….no excuses…I’ll still get the bike, no denying it’s nonsense.

Fully agree that Stark should be communicating the delays better (similar to how they did the first delays). As for the Tesla comparison, I'm not saying anything is "okay". I'm simply comparing how Tesla takes deposits/preorders and doesn't even try to predict an exact delivery date. They give a vague year and often move that. Both pre-order types (giving no specific date or giving an exact date) both suck for the consumer because they either give you know idea or get you fixated on a specific date and that inevitably moves.

When a company is designing a product and bringing it to market, when still in design phase they are going to have a tough time predicting an accurate timeline. It would be much easier on the consumer if they did what legacy auto manufactures do which is spend the 3 to 6 years designing, developing, and ramping up for production and only announce to the public when it's in the final stages of pre-production (hence the existence of "spy shots" of disguised new model vehicles being tested and driven in public). But waiting until that stage makes it hard to gauge interest and predict assembly plant capacity needs until preorders are taken, particularly on a new type of product such as this.

The actual time from preorder to delivery, independent from how they choose to communicate a predicted delivery date, is also an interesting subject. Waiting is nothing new. It's just more real when it happens to you. Ha. There is all manner of global products to use as examples, but even with vehicles, it is relatively common. We just canceled an order for a Toyota 4runner because we'd been waiting 12 months. Unlike most other brands, Toyota doesn't let buyers or dealerships order a specific vehicle. We wanted a specific trim, color, options and NOT one option (did not want moonroof because it takes away headroom and 4Runenrs are already short on headroom). Dealerships don't control what they get. They get in what they get in and have as list and then go to the buyers on that list and say "is this one close enough?". If not, they offer it to the next person on the list. After 12 months of waiting, we found a 3 year old used one that fit out needs. Because of demand, no other out-of-state dealerships in the US would put us on a wait list so we went on lists in our state. Who knows how long we would have waited if we'd stayed on the list.
From the day we put down a deposit, we had no idea if we'd get it in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year or never. We didn't receive an expected delivery date when we put down a deposit (a deposit a lot larger than the $100 Varg deposit). Did not receive any updates throughout the entire year except a couple offers to take one that was the wrong color or wrong options. Or just an update from the dealerships that said "still waiting and hoping". And that is for an established make and a model (Gen5 4runner) that hasn't been redesigned since 2010.

But, the same thing is happening for many other vehicles. I know people that ordered a 2023 Ford Superduty and their order was never fullfilled in 2023 so they will get a 2024 build when those start to be built later this year. And long waits, with unknown delivery dates, isn't only something new these last few years. There are examples going back years and decades for high demand vehicles like ordering a Corvette or limited edition models or trims or simply the first year redesign of a model or for a hard to get configuration (manual transmission in some models or a non-common configuration like a standard cab pickup). Many situation over the years where you'd walk into a dealership and order and you'd not know if you'll get one much less when it will be coming in until you get a build date.

Sticking to electric vehicles and yes, back to Tesla, the waiting game goes back to their very first vehicle, the Roadster, but continued with the model S, X, and all other models since. A new model would be announced when it was in design phase rather than when it's ready for production, preorders opened up....then you wait. Years. Same for Rivian and same for Lucid. A relative has had a Rivian on order for 3 years. No idea when it will arrive. When they get the letter, then they'll know.

All that to say long waits and delays are nothing new and we've all heard about them all along in the media or from friends that have been impacted. It's just a bigger deal when it's happening directly to yourself. Ha.

For my $100, it's good been good entertainment. I didn't plan my powersports life around when it would arrive because we knew delivery dates would be fluid and so just treated it as "some day". I keep riding what I have in the garage and enjoying those. When/if a Varg arrives, I'll add it to the garage and it will be another option to choose when it's ride day.
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