my estimated delivery date has slid for 3rd time from jan 2024 to NOV 2024
I wouldn't be surprised to find that delivery actually moves ahead of estimate by virtue of the fact many people can't/won't cough up the cash in time as noted in the original purchase agreement.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that delivery actually moves ahead of estimate by virtue of the fact many people can't/won't cough up the cash in time as noted in the original purchase agreement.
...The decision to deliver to dealerships ahead of existing order customers, still blowing me away. Leaving a very bitter taste in my mouth.
If I knew that was going to happen I just would have bought one from one of my local dealers...
When they first announced that, they said that preorders can still be transferred to any dealership. As long as they still have allocation, you can probably still do so. You'd have to figure out impacts to cost, of course. Some had checked and transferring upped the price to the current price rather than preorder price. I think the price was up to the dealership, but if that was the case, one would have to decide if paying an extra $1,000 was worth getting it summer rather than fall/winter.
I saw this in their email to customers on the waiting list today (and on their social media posts):
"The first round of deliveries includes bikes for customers who pre-ordered the Stark VARG back in December 2021."
I ordered my SV on 17 December, 2021, but their website still shows an estimated delivery date of 30 November 2023 for mine.
I guess the key word in their communication is "includes", meaning, not all customers who ordered in December 2021 will have their bikes shipped out soon.
Yes, I'm aware of all that.
Doesn't change the fact that they did a bait and switch on the early order peeps.
Very poor way to conduct business IMO, especially with the pre-order delivery dates being pushed out a number of times. Adding insult to injury.
negative my order has not changed - whatever - it previously slid to jan 31 , 2024 from July 2023 after initial order.. I'm buying a talaria & I'll see if it ever comes out similar to the SpeedUTV orders - I'm a non beliver at this pointThat duration delay seems like the bump that all of us got a year ago. Had you checked your status since that bump? There have not been any big recent moves. And, what was your order date and did you order through the website or a dealership?
Edit: Something seems fishy there. If you go order today, estimated delivery is Nov. 04, 2024. Did you change from website pre-order to a dealer order? and/or make any other recent order changes? And where did you check your order (via the website or through a dealership)?
negative my order has not changed - whatever - it previously slid to jan 31 , 2024 from July 2023 after initial order.. I'm buying a talaria & I'll see if it ever comes out similar to the SpeedUTV orders - I'm a non beliver at this point
I ordered 12/14/2021 as soon as I could get through to the website (it was down for most of the day when I tried to order) and have an Aug 31 delivery date. I received an email this morning asking for confirmation of my order details as it was going into production and requesting final payment.