Insuring electric dirt bikes


Active member
london ontario
I tried to get fire, theft, and liability insurance for my Varg, It threw the insurance company into a tail spin when they asked how many cc's the bike was. I said 0, and they told me they can not insure anything less than 150ccs. Well that was just the start. I have been contacting every insurance company I can find in Ontario, Canada, and they are all completely flummoxed by the concept of an electric dirt bike that might need insurance. One company said they could maybe do it for $8,000/year, which seems unreasonable to me.

Has anyone succeeded in getting insurance for your electric dirt bike? I am not racing it and only use it for a bit of fun on the weekends.


Active member
I don't know if Geico insures motorcycles in Canada but it was no problem when I street registered my varg last month. I just have the basic level of insurance at the moment but there was no issues covering it fully for theft, liability, and collision if I wanted to. The bare minimum liability coverage for registering ran me 70 bucks a year but full coverage would be about 1400. I Ride 99% off road so I'm not really too worried about it but I can change the coverage level any moment through the Geico app if needed.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Geico has insured my Alta dirt bikes for 6 years now. The KTM electric Freeride E-XC has been around since 2015. Zero has been around for 15 years. Livewires have been around for a couple of years. It’s not like electric motorcycles or cars are something new. Sounds like they are yanking your chain.


Well-known member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Safeco insures my 2006 YZ85 Electric Conversion here in Arizona. It is street legal as an electric conversion. Still a YZ85, but with Alternative Fuel Plate. It is very inexpensive add on to my Arctic Cat UTV insurance policy.


Well-known member
Phoenix AZ
Check into your home owners insurance. If it’s not registered and for recreational use only, your home insurance should cover loss for theft/fire for “toys”. If you’re registering it for street use, and insured for liability, comp, collision, then that would be a standard motorcycle policy. Just tell them the displacement is similar to a 450 for liability, but make sure it’s considered “electric”.


Ontario, Canada
I tried to get fire, theft, and liability insurance for my Varg, It threw the insurance company into a tail spin when they asked how many cc's the bike was. I said 0, and they told me they can not insure anything less than 150ccs. Well that was just the start. I have been contacting every insurance company I can find in Ontario, Canada, and they are all completely flummoxed by the concept of an electric dirt bike that might need insurance. One company said they could maybe do it for $8,000/year, which seems unreasonable to me.

Has anyone succeeded in getting insurance for your electric dirt bike? I am not racing it and only use it for a bit of fun on the weekends.

I had the same nightmare looking for insurance in Ontario. After dozens of attempts, I Finally found an agent that knew the bike and got me set up with fire, theft and liability coverage for the same price as my previous Off-road bikes without the fire and theft...I was thrilled.

The company is "George Rappos, Desjardins Insurance", the agent I dealt with is Clay Wilton. He knows the bike and will easily get you coverage.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I have Progressive insurance on my gas bikes, but they don't seem interested in insuring electrics, so my agent got me setup on Westfield, who insures my cars and home.


Active member
I have Progressive insurance on my gas bikes, but they don't seem interested in insuring electrics, so my agent got me setup on Westfield, who insures my cars and home.
Weird because my insurance broker was able to get me on progressive for the stark.


Active member
london ontario
I had the same nightmare looking for insurance in Ontario. After dozens of attempts, I Finally found an agent that knew the bike and got me set up with fire, theft and liability coverage for the same price as my previous Off-road bikes without the fire and theft...I was thrilled.

The company is "George Rappos, Desjardins Insurance", the agent I dealt with is Clay Wilton. He knows the bike and will easily get you coverage.
I contacted the same guy and he set me up with liability only. He said he couldn't get the fire and theft.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I contacted the same guy and he set me up with liability only. He said he couldn't get the fire and theft.
Theft (and fire) is what you really need. It is unlikely that you will injure someone else or their property, but if you are riding on the road, probably a requirement...


Well-known member
My response from progressive, GEICO and foremost has been the same. If the bike doesn't show up in their pick list they will only offer liability. Farmers did say if it's not registered, assuming that means for street use, that the home policy would cover it. Of course that deductible is higher and may trigger a disaster with your home insurance policy as many insurers try to pull out of California or jack your rates up.
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