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  1. querlenker

    Ip/EU Blocker?

    I tried now, and it worked. Strange maybe you already changed something
  2. querlenker

    Ip/EU Blocker?

    Hi, I am from Germany and if I try to reach the forum from my internet provider, I cannot reach it. That was the reason a signed here so late, as by exisend, I clicked a link on my mobile and was forwarded to this forum and what happened, it worked. I was thinking the server did change it...
  3. querlenker

    ALTAnalyser - tool to display bike data - interessted?

    Can you tell us what the Alta service laptop is able to read out? And what it is capable to set/program? The 4 throttle maps which are in the TMS570 EEPROM? The dc current limit? To the things listed before I know there must be also run time, charging time. I guess dc and phase amps, throttle...
  4. querlenker

    Display alternative with additional features

    This is a picture from last year of my friends MX. I personaly dont own one, but i can ride this one when i want. I was short off importing an MXR but than ALTA closed its doors and I was not sure to make this risk.
  5. querlenker

    ALTAnalyser - tool to display bike data - interessted?

    Hello, i am able to read some of the bike data out and asking myself if there is demand for a tool you plug into the service connector and your windows computer to display the following: - Errors - Battery: SOC, voltage of every parallel cell group, lowest voltage of parallel cells in one...
  6. querlenker

    Display alternative with additional features

    Start-up Screen: Main Screen: Temperatures (some errors on this srceen, old image): Errors screen: Throttle active indicator: Link I am now able to display several temperatures, for example, battery, inverter and motor. I did implement some kind of indicator for the activation of the...
  7. querlenker

    KTM Electric

    This was related to KTM testing an ALTA and not the DIY build!
  8. querlenker

    KTM Electric

    Yes and no. A beginner kids bike is very easy to build. Small and cheap battery, low voltage system, no cooling, fits their standart frames and so on. So minimum investment compared to big bikes. I guess when done right, the production coast is about the same than beginner ice 50cc bike. When...
  9. querlenker

    KTM Electric

    It`s only 3rd person hearing but from a source i trust. Testriders were complaining about fast over heating. After two laps they run in thermal cutback (I know most will say never, but i know from own experience how you can fast overheat it) and they complained about the range, also a fact, you...
  10. querlenker

    KTM Electric

    I doubt this, as I believe they also would stop production and keep technology in their desc until mass production of those makes more profit than ic-bikes..
  11. querlenker

    KTM Electric

    This is a DIY build. If KTM would realy be interessted in building an electric full size mx bikes, i believe they had bought Alta. I know they own at least one Bike and tested it a lot. They results were not what you guys want to hear. I believe we wont see a facory electric KTM, with a...
  12. querlenker

    Display alternative with additional features

    When you add WiFi, gps, gyroscope, accelometer, rtc, fast storage memory, scratch resistant glass, rigid housing, high quality miniature connectors - you end with other numbers. But you are right, the solo 2 dl is expensive. But you also get analysis software, you won’t write over night...
  13. querlenker

    Display alternative with additional features

    The gps is improved in the Solo 2, but you are right, there maybe better options for improving riding style out there. I prefer the Solo DL because you can log can bus stream and easily put other data also on the can and log it. Make monitoring stuff and developing easier. I build complete own...
  14. querlenker

    Display alternative with additional features

    Hello, i was concerned when i read a damaged display will stop the bike. So i did some research and as mentioned here, simply adding a termination resistor into the can network, won`t solve the problem. I checked this before. Thats why i decided to avoid that scenario for me and a friend and...
  15. querlenker

    Year differences

    Increasing the air gap will decrease the Kt of the motor and so the torque at a given maximum phase amps. In certain situations this can make sense in high rpm scenarios as it is some sort of field weakening. It was just a idea because I was thinking that Alta would not change motor geometry...
  16. querlenker

    Year differences

    I saw different throttles on two 17 bikes. Vin were only 4 difference, one 80 degree and one 60. I use the same type of Bosch waterpumps in many other projects and can tell you that they are very sensitive to air in the housing. If they run without coolant or with an airbumble inside itself...
  17. querlenker

    Strapless Hauling

    Link - one of a few diy prototypes
  18. querlenker

    My quest for a perfect Alta Redshift motocross suspension (Part 1)

    Hello, if anyone in Europe needs help with suspension, I can provide the best address. They did upgrade 5 Alta already, maybe the largest number for a suspension tuner :-) - coil conversion, trax update, aer, all no problem..
  19. querlenker

    List of aftermarket products for the Alta

    Hi, we made a carbon fiber skidplate for the Alta and send some samples to one of their stuff. Sadly to late, don’t heard anything from him..
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