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  1. Scooter584

    New look

  2. Scooter584

    Shroud screws

    Thank you guys, ya I had the delta wing off with the shroud taking a quick look at it but didn't get a good look at the insert, good to know it pushes through instead of pulling out. I don't think it's cross least I didn't do it I haven't taken them off since I picked it up new so...
  3. Scooter584

    Shroud screws

    Upper ("radiator") shroud screw is stuck in brass insert and the insert is spinning. Anyone have this happen and what did you do to get it out. I have pleanty of tools but just need a direction. I believe this has happened to me long ago on a Yamaha but I don't remember how I got it out. Any...
  4. Scooter584

    Best Alta Generator

    Just got my Briggs and Stratton Q6500 today. Not too bad noise wise, compared to other generators I've heard at tracks and campgrounds... especially when ideled down with the quiet power switch. Light weight and smaller too so packing up I'm the back of the van shouldn't be too bad....this Alta...
  5. Scooter584

    Best Alta Generator

    Just ordered one myself!! Pumped to be on the Alta all summer...of course supplemented with my trusty YZ 250
  6. Scooter584

    Brake Mod and Foot Pegs

    Yeah they fit right in there
  7. Scooter584

    Front Fender Slap

    I like the new KTM front fender and number plate. Wasn't too bad drilling and tapping and drilling fender. Also have black. Trying to decide on graphics wether to go black front end into white or use all white plastic and pretty much any colors with graphics then
  8. Scooter584

    Brake Mod and Foot Pegs

  9. Scooter584

    Brake Mod and Foot Pegs

    Finally got my brake pedal done, need better pins still. Also put on Acerbis footpeg covers and stock YZ pegs with better springs. No more lodging the peg up with dirt from ruts
  10. Scooter584

    Acerbis Footpeg Covers are a must!

    Had some sitting around finally dug them out. I also found the footpeg springs suck the way they are mounted. So I found a hell of a deal on stock YZ pegs and replaced them. The covers definitely work so I'm anxious to try them out on this bike!
  11. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    Got my brake pedal tip hollowed out, I'll try it when it thaws out 🙄. It should allow mud/dirt to pass through and not pack up. Just need to replace pins with sharper ones
  12. Scooter584

    For Sale Miscellaneous parts

    I'd like to hear and see what all you have this sounds great as maybe we aren't left hanging out there with parts
  13. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    Looks good! Just what I have in mind. I'll try not cutting it off first and see how it is. Larger pins will be easy and a must and hollowing it out...will look just like that tip. Hopefully it works well or I'll get the tip with shark teeth!
  14. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    So that's my next step...first I'm going to try different pins and drill/hollow out the pedal. Reason being I can't find an Alta pedal as easily now so I know doing that won't render it in operable. Not that I don't trust my craftsmanship in cutting off the tip and adding a different one on but...
  15. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    I like the rear brake where it is I just don't like the pedal! I'll post pics when I get mine fixed up! I still ride bikes with a clutch the Alta is not my only bike. I think a LHRB would only cause me confusion although I can see it being nice.
  16. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    Here's a negative....the brake pedal kind of sucks. The pins aren't that grippy (I've seen other replace with bigger ones so I'll try that) and it packs with mud/dirt quickly. I'm going to hollow out the pedal so it will allow mud/do to pass
  17. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    I don't ride when it's cold! Ha I'm in Iowa it's -11 with the wind chill today
  18. Scooter584

    ALTA negatives

    I've always done that with the exhaust! Haha wow something I haven't thought about with the Alta. I love the smell it left on my gloves and hands, made for a good drive home haha
  19. Scooter584

    The Italian Tacita

    Ha the bikes do look similar
  20. Scooter584

    The Italian Tacita

    "Winners Take All"!! Bad Billy Robinson on the Hurricane bike
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