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  1. C5tor

    Can-Am Electric Motorcycles

    Ryan Kluftinger of FortNine posted an interesting video about the new Can-Am electric motorcycles. Some interesting powertrain innovations. But I was hoping that BRP could have taken some of the Alta tech they bought and improved on it a bit more.
  2. C5tor

    Withdrawn Stock Alta SM wheels

    In case anyone has a set of the stock SM wheels just laying about, let me know.
  3. C5tor

    Bought Alta SM

    Anybody in the Northern California region have an Alta SM they want to sell? If so, I'm looking for one. Thanks!
  4. C5tor

    Front Axle sizes

    Hi guys, Just trying to confirm axle sizes on the MX (4CS) and MXR (AER48) forks. I believe the 4CS uses the older, larger 26mm axle, and the AER48 uses the smaller 22mm axle. Is that correct? Anyone know what the EX/EXR Explorer forks use? Also, I see Liquid Performance has the following...
  5. C5tor

    Triumph Buys OSET

    Interesting acquisition. We knew Triumph was going to get into off-road and MX, but interesting way to tackle trials/kids/electric at the same time.
  6. C5tor

    Varg Radiator placement

    Interesting placement for the Varg radiator, behind the rear shock. Hadn’t noticed that in previous pics. Saw this on Facebook.
  7. C5tor

    Josh Hill Skatepark Shenanigans

    Josh Hill doing typical Josh Hill shenanigans. Mostly Alta. (Kinda looks like he might have a code 36 on his bike maybe?) Then he switches to his gas bike and promptly wipes out.
  8. C5tor

    The Real Reason Alta Went Under - Time Travel

    I don't think I've seen this one posted on here before. Not sure how I never saw this vid until my son told me about it. I guess it was because it came out before I heard of the Alta. Plot: In the near future, Alta takes over the motorcycle world. At least that was the case until Ronnie...
  9. C5tor

    Nissan, Volvo, Hyundai ramping down R&D for Internal Combustion Engines

    Wow, this is quite the change in direction! I can see investing a larger percentage into hybrid and EV tech, but I didn’t expect them to just give up on ICE so soon. Not exactly sure how accurate the article is, but it certainly signals a major redirection of resources toward electrification...
  10. C5tor

    California bill could potentially ban portable generators

    Well, this would be a seriously twisted interpretation of the law. A lot of people rely on gas generators when experiencing power outages or RV’ing. Leave it to Cali to reach this kind of conclusion. Especially since we are home of the “rolling blackout”...
  11. C5tor

    Electric dirt bikes in Kia Carnival commercial

    My son saw this commercial and said it has Sur-ron Light Bees and Altas in it. Upon closer inspection, I think he is correct on the Sur-ron (or Segway), but I think the bike with white plastic is actually the KTM E-XC. At least if you go frame by frame, that is what it looks like. A little...
  12. C5tor

    Westinghouse WGen9500DF Generator and Quiet Shed Build

    Hey Guys, This generator forum has been a little dull lately, so let's get something started. I'll get the ball rolling with my latest project. Well, finally got around to making some content on this subject. Last year, I picked up a little Predator 4375 generator to charge my Alta when we...
  13. C5tor

    Busted 4CS preload cap - Compression

    Well, this was a disappointing riding day. My son and I went riding and we came back to the truck after about 15 minutes to find the whole front of the bike covered with fork oil. It turns out the compression adjuster knob just popped off of the left fork, and fork oil was leaking out! No way...
  14. C5tor

    Solar wings on an airplane: Scrappy

    Okay, this is kind of outside the Electric Dirt bike arena, but it is related. I promise. I follow a guy named Mike Patey on Youtube. He makes some of the most badass Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) airplanes in the world. He built a plane named Draco that was one of the most impressive...
  15. C5tor

    Ecoflow Delta Pro Battery Bank/Generator

    These things are pretty cool. The feature list is very impressive.
  16. C5tor

    Sold 2020 Oset 24.0R electric trials bike

    Hey guys and gals, Time to part with my Oset 24R. My kids aren’t riding it much anymore, as they mostly ride our Altas. It is a fun little bike, and was useful for teaching some trials skills. It definitely made my kids better riders. In case anyone is looking for one, here is my listing...
  17. C5tor

    Kuberg Ranger

    I keep seeing these Kuberg Rangers pop up in various Josh Hill videos. They look interesting. The pop-up seat is an interesting feature to switch between scooter and motorcycle layout.
  18. C5tor

    Can you have too many electric bikes?

    The answer is probably no. But this guy is definitely trying to find out if it is possible to have too many. Discuss amongst yourselves. Garage envy starts at about the 5:10 minute mark of the video.
  19. C5tor

    Alta Multi Tool member list

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone is interested in participating in a list of members that: a) have the Alta MultiTool application installed on a machine and have the cables b) willing to help out fellow AOF members with things MT can diagnose/fix c) willing to share their (general) location...
  20. C5tor

    New Predator Inverter Generators

    I just got an advert for some new Harbor Freight inverter generators. Unfortunately the 3500 and 4400 don't appear to have 240v outlets, but the 8750 and 9500 do. Still on the pricey side, but certainly cheaper than the equivalent Honda EU series.
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