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  1. F451

    Where can I learn the basics about electricity, EV’s, solar, etc?

    Hey guys, Can anyone point me to any good online resources for learning about electricity, EV’s, solar, etc? I looked here and didn’t find anything like that, perhaps I missed it? Websites, forums, maybe tutorials? Not really sure what I’m looking for, but it’s time I started learning. Need...
  2. F451

    Thinking about getting another e-dirt bike: Which One?

    Hey guys, What e-dirt bike would you buy right now if you were going to buy a 2nd e-dirt bike to go along with your Alta? I would buy another Alta, but the lack of factory support has me hesitant, and prices seem to be on the rise lately. They are also porkers. I've been thinking about...
  3. F451

    Anybody know Josh Hill?

    Josh, you on here? Does anyone know Josh Hill, or know how to contact him directly? The guys on the AOF Starvation Ridge 24 Hr Race Team would like to extend an invite for him to join their race team for this fall's 24 hr race. I'd rather reach out to him directly vs just posting on his...
  4. F451

    My Alta may have ruined ICE bikes for me

    Recently bought a really nice '16 Husqvarna FE 350 and after putting on my usual tall guy stuff (tall seat, bar risers, low pegs) I took it out for a 70 or so mile dual sport ride last night. It was a beautiful summer evening here in the PacNW, perfect for cruising along the forest roads. Rode...
  5. F451

    Rear Brake Pedal Pivot Bolt Missing Inner Bushing?

    Hey guys, does anyone know if I'm missing an inner bushing or collar on my rear brake pedal assembly? The mounting bolt/pivot bolt does not appear to have an inner bushing or collar which is causing issues with my brake pedal. If I tighten the bolt down enough to eliminate the wiggle, it binds...
  6. F451

    Room in my pickup for bike transport: Snoqualmie, WA to Davis, CA 3/23 - 3/24

    Short notice, but I thought I would throw it out there in case anyone needs a bike transported down to the Davis, CA (Sacramento) area. I'm leaving Snoqualmie, WA first thing the morning of Monday 3/23, arriving in Davis late afternoon on 3/24. If anyone needs a bike transported down that way...
  7. F451

    Why haven't one of the major mfr's released an Alta comparable full sized dirt bike yet?

    I think Honda, KTM, and Yamaha are our best bets for the next mfr to release a full sized, full performance dirt bike, but they haven't yet. Why not? What or whom is holding them hostage on this? Is it some type of petro chemical cabal tin foil old men sitting around smoking cigars and...
  8. F451

    Subco FXR1 Trail Bike

    Subco is taking pre-orders on their new FXR1, "the perfect fusion of MTB and dirt bike". Spendy, I wonder if its more capable then the Sur Ron X? Currently priced at $9k, pre-order pricing. There's a private riding club west of Seattle that uses the 2wd Ubco's for trail maintenance, they love...
  9. F451

    Long Term Alta Ownership Considerations

    Hey guys, I'm wondering what you all think about our prospects for long term Alta ownership? I have been loving my '18 MXR since I purchased it last year (thanks for everyone's enablement, I mean help, on that!) and I'm wondering about long term viability of the bike. I would like to keep the...
  10. F451

    New Years Day Ride

    Was sitting home on New Years Day bumming out, it had been pouring and howling winds all night long, raining for weeks, wanted to ride, but wasn't up for a mud ride in the rain and wind. Saw a friends post on Facebook, they're up at the property we ride at, no rain, no winds, clear skies...
  11. F451

    2018 MXR Mods

    Been slowly modding my '18 MXR and thought I would share what I've been doing if anyone is interested. Perhaps it will help someone looking to do similar mods in the future.
  12. F451

    Alta Nope

    Trying to connect trails on my 2018 MXR via an old trail section. A 270 lb dirt bike on soft, low traction, lots of holes ground is hard work. And I did actually try to limit tire spin, not easy to do at times. Classic dangling foot dab into the air around the 10 second mark. "Where's the...
  13. F451

    Roaming the Cascades on the MXR

    Here's a little sampler from a ride I did yesterday out here in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State on what will likely be one of the last warm, sunny, snow free days up there. This was the first time I took the 2018 MXR up in the mountains, it did great. 26 miles and drained the battery...
  14. F451

    Testing out the GoPro with the Alta

    Took in some trails up at the Reiter ORV area (northeast of Seattle) to test out my new GoPro, definitely need a wind sock. Half day ride, perfect conditions, had a great day. Looking forward to fine tuning my video setup and brushing up on the basic editing. -Ed
  15. F451

    Converted 3 More

    Up at the club property yesterday, 3 interested friends took their first ride on an Alta. They are all hardcore dirt bike dudes, fast as hell. They were blown away, Lol. My take when I let people test ride my dirt bike, is I'm wondering if they will think the bike is the real deal, is it for...
  16. F451

    Want to buy Seat or Seat Base, anyone have one they can spare?

    Looking for a seat for my '18 MXR. Would buy a complete seat or just the base as I'm going to build a tall seat setup. Let me know if anyone has one they can spare. The condition of the cover and foam does not really matter as long as the base is in good shape. Thanks. -Ed
  17. F451

    No Trip Meter? (A cell phone mount option)

    Hey guys, is there no trip meter function on the Alta's? The display on my '18 MXR does not seem to have that capability, and I did not see anything about a trip meter in the manuals. Seems very odd that that function would not be there, I was actually expecting 2 trip meters which seems pretty...
  18. F451

    Fast Charger Fan Not Turning On? - Fixed - Wires To Fan Were Cut

    Discovered the power wires to my Fast Charger were cut, once the wires were soldered back together again, the fan turned on immediately upon starting the charging sequence and stayed on for the short time that I tested it. Charger appears to be charging and functioning normally now. If the...
  19. F451

    Where did you ride your Alta today?

    Feel free to share pics/stories of recent rides you've done on your Altas in this thread if you like. Or any bike for that matter now that I think about it. Ok, technically, this was last Sunday, but went out for a quick late afternoon ride on my '18 MXR, my first time putting any real road...
  20. F451

    Key Spares or Blank Keys?

    Revised info: I got spare keys cut for my ''18 Alta MXR and they work fine. The key blanks used are: ilco 1611R
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