Dealership delivery


Well-known member
Monthly update from Stark

Over 1 000 bikes a month is seriously impressive, and that makes it officially at least 2 879 bikes made in the last 4 months of 2023.
I wonder if they will keep making and selling that much because I think no OEM is able to sell 10 000 450s a year so anything close to that would put Stark to the top of high end MX sales.

One tidbit of good news for US customers anxiously waiting for their order, 2 states are now off the infamous list of 10 states where Stark sales are stopped due to regulations. Though it's probably too much to ask to know which states they are so your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully affected dealers and customers will be aware of the change.


Well-known member
Monthly update from Stark

Over 1 000 bikes a month is seriously impressive, and that makes it officially at least 2 879 bikes made in the last 4 months of 2023.
I wonder if they will keep making and selling that much because I think no OEM is able to sell 10 000 450s a year so anything close to that would put Stark to the top of high end MX sales.

One tidbit of good news for US customers anxiously waiting for their order, 2 states are now off the infamous list of 10 states where Stark sales are stopped due to regulations. Though it's probably too much to ask to know which states they are so your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully affected dealers and customers will be aware of the change.
Careful here. They were very specific about the vernacular they used. "Shipped" and "passed through quality" are very different than "produced." I'm betting they are double counting production they took credit for in the their Nov update.

Ross Shafer

Active member
Petaluma, CA
Holy F--kin' Sh-t....I sent my dough to the dealer in Sublimity Oregon. Same outfit Swank 171 transfered his order to. Still won't have a bike for 8-12 weeks they say.....Before sending my dough I asked Stark to transfer my order to same dealer.....(as per the dealers instructions), then next day wired my $. Today I get an email from Daniel at Stark saying they can't transfer my order to an Oregon dealer without me having an address there. I simply cannot believe this crap and am livid at this point.

How can the dealer possibly not know this. Pretty certain I can walk into any dealer in any state and buy a bike off the floor whether I live in that state or not.

Daniel apparently has read my other emails to Stark as he apologized for all my frustration over the situation, saying he'd be angry and frustrated too....gee thanks bro! He says he's going to try and help me out....another chance for them to drop the ball?

Ross Shafer

Active member
Petaluma, CA
Thanks to Matt at Powersports in Sublimity for returning my call so quickly this morning regarding this latest Stark snafu. Apparently Swank171 got a similar communique from Stark.....although his bike is already on its way....WTF? Anyway, Matt didn't know anything about this latest crap, so he's reaching out to his sales rep to see if he can gt to the bottom of it all.....egads!


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Holy F--kin' Sh-t....I sent my dough to the dealer in Sublimity Oregon. Same outfit Swank 171 transfered his order to. Still won't have a bike for 8-12 weeks they say.....Before sending my dough I asked Stark to transfer my order to same dealer.....(as per the dealers instructions), then next day wired my $. Today I get an email from Daniel at Stark saying they can't transfer my order to an Oregon dealer without me having an address there. I simply cannot believe this crap and am livid at this point.

How can the dealer possibly not know this. Pretty certain I can walk into any dealer in any state and buy a bike off the floor whether I live in that state or not.

Daniel apparently has read my other emails to Stark as he apologized for all my frustration over the situation, saying he'd be angry and frustrated too....gee thanks bro! He says he's going to try and help me out....another chance for them to drop the ball?
Hmmm, that's very interesting, and weird about needing an in-state address.
Maybe California dealers are raising hell because "their" orders are going out of state?
I am in Ohio, Stark said I could use a dealer in WV.
I have been trying to get my order assigned to them so I can pay since the beginning of January, because I know it takes 8 weeks after paying.
I just got off the phone with Dan, he knows I am going out of state, so, hopefully I don't hit any new snags.
I have been wanting to follow through with my Stark order, even after the 20lb weight gain, but I am getting close to "is it really worth all this for a heavy bike with short range?"


Well-known member
San Diego
This is 100% a curve ball from stark on the 25th of Jan….I got this e mail and prior to this there was no issues with an address. In fact moving my order is what was recommended from stark when I was dealing with support prior to going with Oregon!!

This is total crap. No longer direct to consumer….now the address is the dealer.

I believe this is them trying to shake pre production pricing orders!!

I can call AZ MT or any other dealer and put in an order right now…I can have a truck ordered from ford and buy it in another state.

I’ve bought and ordered from other states ALOT! Most of my purchases…jet skis, tractors, dirt bikes…all out of state.

The common denominator here is those with pre production pricing….”new rules” keep popping up.

And let’s think about it….where were the most orders from pre production…? I can guarantee it’s CA.



Well-known member
San Diego
Okay….got another e mail from stark just now….

Here is the thing. You can do this, register it in AZ because you don’t need to be a resident, get a non resident OHV pass for ca and then after a Year transfer the title to CA. After 1 year it becomes a transfer not a purchase.

I use this on dirt bikes/watercraft all the time to buy/fox/flip/sell to get around paying too much. Sales tax but heavily into profit when trying to flip/fix/sell.

STARK DID NOT tell me to do that, they are saying out of state no TITLE! I’m saying simply what I do to get around it.

Hope this helps!
Sales Support (Stark Future)
Jan 26, 2024, 17:52 GMT+1

we can do one thing, if you do not need a green sticker or a motorcycle title, I can try and transfer you to another state. But, that's only if you don't need a green sticker or a Motorcycle title.

I was waiting for confirmation. It's a very special case as most riders need title or green sticker, but if not, I can do it.

Let me know.

Just trying to help.

Best regards,
Stark Future Team


Well-known member
All of your comments are really interesting but difficult to undertsand what's going on.
It is a miracle to see that some VARGs are relly riding on track.
There are several YT vids I watched.

What is interesting for me: "How much is the VARG in US at the end when it is in your garage"?
Par example: 60HP 18Rwheel, kickstand, handbrake

I paid: 12100€ (for this edition)


Well-known member
San Diego
All of your comments are really interesting but difficult to undertsand what's going on.
It is a miracle to see that some VARGs are relly riding on track.
There are several YT vids I watched.

What is interesting for me: "How much is the VARG in US at the end when it is in your garage"?
Par example: 60HP 18Rwheel, kickstand, handbrake

I paid: 12100€ (for this edition)
If you read through the messages you’ll see it’s a problem in getting the bikes to states in America who ordered very early…as well as what has been stated by stark on social media.

15k if you go through dealer as it sits for 80hp. The community of us who ordered early and want pre production pricing are trying to get their orders. This is being met with serious resistance.


Well-known member
Yes I red a lot, but my English is not perfect to understand all the facts. Sorry!
A question of the State where you are from. And a question of ordering date! Right?
Are there different laws, rules in CA or NV or.......whereever?

Today 13.807,50 in Euro seems to be similar here!

Ross Shafer

Active member
Petaluma, CA
Here's the latest of this morning's emails from Stark.....makes me feel so much better to hear they too are disappointed....NOT!

Sales Support (Stark Future)

Jan 26, 2024, 20:21 GMT+1

Dear Ross,

trust me, we aren't satisfied neither with this situation and we're trying to solve it. I've been in the company for only 3 weeks and doing my best as my coworkers are.

It's a hairy situation in California, I know, but we'll ge this solved one way or another. I know they are working hard on it.

Either way, you are right to not be satisfied, I would be the same.

If you need anything, just let me know.

Please remember what I told you, buying in another state might have you face the problem of the green sticker and title. Ask them before about it. I wouldn't want you to face another problem more, you've had plenty.

Best regards.


Well-known member
San Diego
Here's the latest of this morning's emails from Stark.....makes me feel so much better to hear they too are disappointed....NOT!

Sales Support (Stark Future)

Jan 26, 2024, 20:21 GMT+1

Dear Ross,

trust me, we aren't satisfied neither with this situation and we're trying to solve it. I've been in the company for only 3 weeks and doing my best as my coworkers are.

It's a hairy situation in California, I know, but we'll ge this solved one way or another. I know they are working hard on it.

Either way, you are right to not be satisfied, I would be the same.

If you need anything, just let me know.

Please remember what I told you, buying in another state might have you face the problem of the green sticker and title. Ask them before about it. I wouldn't want you to face another problem more, you've had plenty.

Best regards.
The green sticker isn’t going to be a problem….and MSO is an MSO. The state you buy in will not affect that.

That’s like saying I can’t buy a car in Montana and register it here. Or a crf450 in Arizona and register it here. I’ve done both of those things…

What you will have to do is pay CA sales tax if you register it here first.

Like I said above I recommend registering in AZ first for a year then moving it over to save you a thousand dollars or whatever your tax rate works out to be.

I don’t know where this scare tactic comes from but the MSO on these bikes doesn’t say “only to be ridden in Oregon..” or wherever you are buying.

Seems like they are trying to keep dealerships in CA with orders? I don’t know but anyone who lives here knows as well alas I do your getting SMACKED with dealer fees markups and assembly costs….and stark already told me they are not in control of what these greedy CA dealers mark up on your order!!!! Comical.


New member
Has anyone dealt with Lone Star Yamaha near Dallas, TX? I just received my email stating I needed to choose a dealer and they are the closest to me. Have any of you all been able to receive it in the box? I would prefer to put mine together. Have you all encountered any additional dealer fees that I can negotiate out of?

As an FYI, my order was placed 12-25-21.


Los Angeles
@Swank171 I'm considering taking delivery of mine in OR too. Do you have a feeling of whether the Sublimity dealer or the Beaverton one would be better at handling it?

I actually do have an OR address but I can't see any reason to get the Oregon title vs just retaining the MCO for just riding private SoCal mx tracks... hopefully I'm not missing something there.


Well-known member
San Diego
Matt at power motorsports in sublimity has been amazing with my bike. Always responded to texts for updates and knows what’s going with stark.

You might need an OR address for stark cause it sounds like they started playing games with orders based on your address and not letting you go out of state….I suspect the dealers in so cal are crying cause no one is gonna buy them when they mark them up or can’t get them at all.

The title won’t matter…I’m not titling my bike cause I don’t wanna deal with sales tax. Got you you could not pay sales tax and get an Oregon title then in a year transfer over to ca and have a ca title. I’m sure that helps resale if you shoes to sell in a year or so.

It’s a win win really….
Has anyone dealt with Lone Star Yamaha near Dallas, TX? I just received my email stating I needed to choose a dealer and they are the closest to me. Have any of you all been able to receive it in the box? I would prefer to put mine together. Have you all encountered any additional dealer fees that I can negotiate out of?

As an FYI, my order was placed 12-25-21.

I called all the N. Texas shops Saturday, and they mentioned they were not selling the Stark. I visited Monkey Moto in Argyle yesterday, and I'm glad I did. Great shop run by real enthusiasts, and since they're in an unincorporated area, sales tax was 6% vs. 8.25% - that saved me a few hundred bucks. I paid them and should have mine mid-April.


New member
San diego
I also complained to stark in early january, finally got them to change my order to a different state delivery, and sent payment back in Jan 25th. Bike paid for, in production right now just waiting for the Vin number. Supposedly it will be ready for pick up first week of April. Which is the same date that my March 2022 order was shown in my account but would most likely continue to be delayed because they still can't sell in those listed states.
And yes I'm getting it titled and green sticker too.


Harrisburg PA
I just wanted to add my experience here. I am located in Pennsylvania and ordered Dec 17th, 21. The dealer assigned to me was in Maryland. After a few weeks of run around and nothing I researched and found they couldn't sell to MD (this was before it was announced by stark the states couldn't sell). I then called DHY motorsports in NJ on Dec 6th( Bill Funck) and he did the legwork and got my order transferred to them. On December 6th I wired them the money (no tax, 80hp,foot, 19", side stand $13.1k OTD ). My bike arrived at the dealer February 12th.

If anyone is in the no sale states near NJ that are waiting 1000011962.jpgI highly recommend Bill @ DHY Motorsports.

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