Gear oil plug...!


Broward, Florida
Hello Everyone,
New member heređź‘‹. I purchased a new Stark from a local dealer. Went to perform the break-in oil change and after removing the skid plate and taking a peek at the plug.....I saw that it is obviously marred. Apparently, it has been over tightened in the factory. I got my flashlight and glasses because I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. The torx bit won't even bite with fingertip pressure. I know extraction is my only option. Hoping for the most up-to-date effective/safest extrication method you guys have come up with? Any advice is much appreciated in advance Thank you.



Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Hello Everyone,
New member heređź‘‹. I purchased a new Stark from a local dealer. Went to perform the break-in oil change and after removing the skid plate and taking a peek at the plug.....I saw that it is obviously marred. Apparently, it has been over tightened in the factory. I got my flashlight and glasses because I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. The torx bit won't even bite with fingertip pressure. I know extraction is my only option. Hoping for the most up-to-date effective/safest extrication method you guys have come up with? Any advice is much appreciated in advance Thank you.
I would send that photo to Stark, they should send you the new redesigned plug with an external hex.
See this thread:
OH, and welcome, this forum is the best place I have found for Stark Varg info.


Broward, Florida
I would send that photo to Stark, they should send you the new redesigned plug with an external hex.
See this thread:
OH, and welcome, this forum is the best place I have found for Stark Varg inf

I would send that photo to Stark, they should send you the new redesigned plug with an external hex.
See this thread:
OH, and welcome, this forum is the best place I have found for Stark Varg info.
Thanks, I had the email and photo sent within 5 minutes of dropping the skid plate. The plug is in route they were quick to respond. I'm just trying to formulate the game plan for the obvious.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Thanks, I had the email and photo sent within 5 minutes of dropping the skid plate. The plug is in route they were quick to respond. I'm just trying to formulate the game plan for the obvious.
That thread is a bit long, but there are photos and advice from folks who had to use a chisel or other extraction methods.


Well-known member
New Zealand
When mine stripped, I filed the sides of the bolt head to give me two parallel surfaces, then used a spanner to undo it.

If that didn't work, my next plan was to file it into a hex so I could undo it with a six-point socket.

You can cut a slot in the face of the bolt and use a screwdriver or chisel, but applying force to the sides of the bolt head will let you use more force.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Has anyone tried using an EZ Out, if it worked what size?
the size that fits :cool:
Honestly, unless you drill it through first, an ez out is probably not going to work since it looks like they torqued the :poop: out of it.
I would use a hammer and punch, or cut a slot with a cut off wheel.
That other thread has methods from folks who have successfully extracted theirs.
Good luck, and it's great that you already got the correct replacements!
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