How many miles/hours do you have on your ALTA


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
Sorry for bringing back up a thread that is so old...but I was under the impression that the Cod 36 happened in the "first few hours". I have a new 2018 MXR with less than 10 miles sitting in my garage......and am crystal balling if it has the dreaded Code 36. No codes on it as of now...but it hasn't been ridden. Do we know the hour/mile range of when the Code 36 hits....or is it totally random? Thx!

Because the population of MXR Batteries with the Code 36 was not really pin pointed, hard to really say where it is at. The algorithm which exists for picking up the Code 36 is really sensitive. If your bike has been sitting and has not really gone through a charge discharge cycle, could be a false fail. But yes having MT will ultimately allow you to show the p-groups and voltages.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Typically we see this happen early on, but it is possible to have one come loose later in the batteries life. The concern with 2018 MXRs is that the original firmware did not detect the P group imbalance that this condition causes, so if your bike has original firmware the issue could be there and the firmware isn't going to pick it up. Most of us who bought 18's when they were new who eventually had code 36's only found out after the firmware was updated.
Personally, I wouldn’t worry about it. If it is not showing symptoms, just ride it. We could all sit around worrying if we might get a flat tire or might get smacked by a meteor, but no amount of software diagnostics will prevent it from happening if it is going to happen. If it is going to happen, it will. But chances are, it probably won’t be a problem. So get on that cool bike you just bought and ride it. If it breaks, we’ll try to fix it.

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