Looking for 3d model of upper triple clamp.


Well-known member
My 3d scans are horribly cluttered with unwanted geometry. I thought I would ask in the off chance someone had a model they wouldn't mind sharing with me. Stark, of course, was unwilling to share that.


New member
What scanner are you using? I don't do my own scans but in the past when I've had a 3rd party do them and send me the point cloud data to work with, they usually have to spray a non reflective coating on the part especially if it's shiny. Not sure if that could be your issue.

I do this kind of work but not sure you're looking to hire it out. Depending how your scan looks, I might be able to clean it up and convert to a solid 3D model.

Not sure what you need the file for, but for triple clamps I'd usually look at having at least the hole centers measured with CMM.


Well-known member
I just tried reality scan, not a dedicated scanner. If it were for motion graphics it would be fine. The UV mapping is near perfect. It's really pretty amazing actually. But when you take the mapping away, the geometry is so complicated I don't even want to mess with it. Honestly I could do this manually from 2d imaging and get what I want. But just thought I'd ask the group if someone had this floating around. I'm pretty fluid with Rhino and can do this if I have to. I'm just lazy :)

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