Well-known member
Ok so you meant to underline that the EX may be one of the only Enduro bike available for A1 riders?
No I ment to say what I said.........Sadly I don't think a 125 enduro bike is A1 legal, Not a pukka enduro bike any way. Something like the 4 stroke beta 125 trail bike is but that is a long way from a proper enduro bike.

Entries open for the welsh 2 day enduro tomorrow and it will fill in minutes, I very much doubt the stark EX will make the distances between refuelling points especially as the rider needs to keep up a decent pace to not lose time. Even if it did make it then what? only option I see is have a fully charged battery ready waiting for you at each of the 3 refuelling points but you would have to change it on your own as no assistance is allowed this is even if the organisers will allow you to mess with electric near to where 500 others are putting petrol in there bikes.

A bike that can not do an enduro is not an enduro bike.

Believe me I have looked in to this, I am getting old and passed it but I have 17 year old twins I would like to do some enduros/rallys with whilst I am still able but licence regulations mean it will be a few years before they can do it legally as most of these events use some public highway


Sorry mate, It's so confusing to read your response because you go off on multiple tangents.

1. Yes 125 enduro bikes can be A1 legal in Europe, EEA and the UK.
2. If you don't consider a 125 enduro bike a proper enduro bike, that's fine. I've seen enough people ripping on 125's to know they are more than capable.
3. Welsh 2 day enduro: I haven't looked into the rules but i'm sure if someone wants to make it work they will. Stark seems to have done fine against ICE bikes in other enduro event's

In trying to break down what you're saying, my understanding is that you are trying to say that the Stark isn't a proper enduro bike as it can't finish an enduro event and it won't be legally allowed to be registered as A1?
Part 1 of that is subjective and part 2 of that looks objectively wrong as they are being classified under A1 in the EU, regardless of how crazy that is.

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