That is just it, Comparing any bike to a modern ktm makes it look decent or acceptable. I still have 3 old 950 adventures another 3 520 exc's and an older 300 xc all good bikes. I had a 13 690 enduro the first FI ktm I had owned, had many FI issues with it and no one seemed to knew how to fix it (under warranty) I saw the way ktm and friends! were going and have refused to buy them ever since ( except a freeride E when we were desperate and it was a bargain) and looking at there current state justified I would say.You are right about the buttons for sure. Stark should have bought those directly from Chinese manufacturers like the Japanese do. Farming stuff out to European subcontractors must be part of their tax deal or something. A lot of the parts on Stark and KTM(and friends) suffer from this EU buy local shit too. My 2014 WR450 has better buttons.
Honestly though, outside of those nits and the tire tubes my bike has been rock solid. And mostly way better than my 2020 KTM 300 2T. Crushes it really. Asian stuff is generally much better than Euro stuff when it comes to manufacturing. Sorry just is. But the core idea and getting there first is what European and American companies are good at. And I wasn't waiting 4 more years (or 10) for Yamaha et al to get off the pot --that is the price we paid for innovation.
For example when I bought the KTM I wanted injected 2T it was the only game in town and it wasn't cheap and it has Euro warts too, but the enjoyment in riding that for 4 years before I got my Stark was worth it.
We have had mainly jap bikes for years now mostly yamaha WRF's and YZ 125's with hardly an issue also a 2019 africa twin I used for some desert rallys, totally reliable.
The Japanese are one of the few nations in the world who still have morels and it shows in most of the products they make.
Sorry but from what I am seeing from stark looks much like I was seeing from ktm 10 years ago, honest opinion form someone who pays full price for everything and chooses products based on good engineering not good marketing.