New VARG Software Update.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I know crawl mode is entered by holding one of the map buttons depressed depending on desired direction. Is crawl mode applied with the buttons, or the throttle?
Hold a button for crawl mode, the led will turn purple for reverse, or yellow for forward, and the rear wheel will be "locked."
Also the app will show a walker where the mode number is usually displayed.
Turn the throttle to make the bike move, full throttle is walking speed.


I'm ready to Crawl! Stark remoted into the bike, re-flashed the firmware, and wala! I have crawl mode now and the LED flashes green in neutral again. Can't wait to see if the range is greater next chance I get to ride. Might take a wrong turn on the trail just to check out reverse too!


Crawl mode works awesome for log crossings!
Already used reverse to help me get out of a sticky situation when I lost my front wheel off the cliff it worked sweet to get me out.
Unfortunately I looped out on a steep rocky hill climb and scratched up the phone display on a rock and destroyed my rear fender. :(
I always figured the phone is going to be the weak link. I am going to wait until it gets completely smashed before replacing it at $300.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Crawl mode works awesome for log crossings!
Already used reverse to help me get out of a sticky situation when I lost my front wheel off the cliff it worked sweet to get me out.
Unfortunately I looped out on a steep rocky hill climb and scratched up the phone display on a rock and destroyed my rear fender. :(
I always figured the phone is going to be the weak link. I am going to wait until it gets completely smashed before replacing it at $300.
Really? I find forward crawl way too slow for log crossings.
Reverse is definitely awesome, no hesitation to go close to a downhill for a look, you can easily back up if it looks too scary.
You can put a screen protector on the phone:


I normally run my 60hp Varg at 52hp for enduro, and I already feel like the front wheel doesn't come up easy enough, well it does, but you really have to crank the throttle back.
I wasn't expecting a big change in throttle response, but I'm glad to be aware of it.
I'm surprised there's not more talk about this... I just did the firmware update in order to get reverse mode which is great, but I didn't expect it was going to reduce the snappy power delivery. Now it doesn't feel like my arms are going to rip off if I give it too much throttle.


Well-known member
I'm surprised there's not more talk about this... I just did the firmware update in order to get reverse mode which is great, but I didn't expect it was going to completely remove the snappy power delivery. Now it can barely do a wheelie. Sure the range is better but it feels like it's an in eco-mode. :(
When I installed that update, at the beginning I noticed that the bike felt like in eco mode, too, so I checked the maps settings and I found out that, as I suspected, they were changed: every map was set to 40 HP and 70% regenerative braking. Have you checked that?


Now I see this issue has been discussed before...

I had even read that thread before but had no idea how drastic the change is with the new firmware and it's "traction control"... which is actually torque smoothing, as real traction control requires speed sensors. Hoping this feature can be adjusted in a future firmware, just as it is on other high end bikes.


Well-known member
Land of NOD
Ok this gets a little weird. When the last update came out for the crawl/reverse mode I tired to load it. I got the adjustable timing feature but nothing else. Then shortly after that my display readout quit. So my Varg hasn't worked for weeks. Part of that is my fault because it's hotter than blazes in Arkansas right now and I wasn't really motivated to go riding or deal with the bike. The bike would move but no app update, phone connection or display read out. A half dozen+ emails to/from Stark were no help in resolving the problem. The bike had not been touched for a week, when last Thursday I tried for the umpteenth time to download the latest app and get the phone to connect with the bike. This meant a trip to town where a 4-5G signal could be found. The result was again, total fail. Stark wanted me to take it to my closest dealer...3 hours away. I told Stark I wanted a video chat and I scheduled a that for today. Stark said take the plastic off the bike (in case they wanted me to poke at connections) and charge the bike; which I did last night. This morning I went to load the bike (I have no cell service at my house other than WIFI which won't reach beyond the house) and take it to a 4-5G area for the 9:30 conference call. I pushed the power up button and got a amber light. What? Never saw that before. I started pushing mode buttons and the darn thing went into crawl mode. I still had no display readout. I have no idea how the bike self-updated. I took the bike to town and got on with Google Meet and the Stark rep and told him my story. The phone would still not connect to the bike until Stark "Forced" the update from their end. I asked the rep what the problem had been and he said something about faulty coding/programing on their end but it seemed like it only effected my bike or at least a limited number of bikes. He sent a request for I.T. to to investigate. I asked how it could be that the bike suddenly started got an update when it had no signal, the bike was parked in a metal building and the phone wasn't even near the bike. He didn't know how that could happen. While I'm glad this ended up being an EZ fix I wonder how Stark will handle such issues after the warranty period is up. I have 18 months to find out.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Now I see this issue has been discussed before...

I had even read that thread before but had no idea how drastic the change is with the new firmware and it's "traction control"... which is actually torque smoothing, as real traction control requires speed sensors. Hoping this feature can be adjusted in a future firmware, just as it is on other high end bikes.
That thread was actually created before the "crawl" update.
In the video for the crawl update, Stark said they were adding more power.
Personally, I didn't notice much of a difference in throttle response (after resetting all the maps).
Regen, however, was noticeably increased.


Have any of you been able to consistently restore full wheelie torque back to the Varg after this recent update? If so, what did you do?


New member
I'm so scared to do an update since last time I updated that replaced my battery and powertrain. Was down for 3 weeks. Post your success on the update please!!!
I completely comprehend your fear! Those significant changes might cause anxiety, particularly following an extended outage. When I provide an update, I will undoubtedly share my success story—hopefully everything goes as planned! nulls brawl


Well-known member
Does anyone know the specifics of the September 2024 update?
If you are talking about the updated app it got two new things (that I found) regarding charging.
Charging level is now set in kW instead of A. Some people think they have gotten faster charging but it's just a case of showing power instead of current.
Big thing is you can now set a stopping limit for charging. It is set in % of SOC. Really good feature.


Well-known member
Is there a way to update the phone to android v12?
IIRC that is up to the manufacturer of the phone when they want to upgrade their devices.
In some setting there shoulbe a check for new versions. Don't remember right now how to do it exactly.


New member
When I installed that update, at the beginning I noticed that the bike felt like in eco mode, too, so I checked the maps settings and I found out that, as I suspected, they were changed: every map was set to 40 HP and 70% regenerative braking. Have you checked that?
Like, "demo" mode, right?

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