Some info regarding US orders/deliveries


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
Since Stark seems to be falling short on communication, I got answers from them on a few questions many of you will be interested in.
1) Are all US deliveries going through dealers now, or more to the point, will my delivery (US state of Ohio) go through a dealer in my state?
1.- all orders need to be delivered to our dealers.

2) How will I be notified when it is time to pay, notification from Stark or the dealer?
2.- You will get notified by the dealer in charge of your order a few weeks prior your payment date.

3) If the delivery goes through a dealer, will Stark provide me the VIN, before delivery?
3.- We will provide the VIN number before we ship the bike, but needs to be paid

4) Will I send the payment to the dealer, or to Stark?
4.-The payment will be send to the dealer

5) People are saying that their orders are showing as "Cancelled" on after paying, is this normal? If so there should be more communication explaining this.
5.-The orders are showed as cancelled, but it is because we transfer them to a dealer in charge, this is totally normal 1f642.png

6) Since it will be very cold here in Ohio in Dec, Jan, Feb, is it possible to delay my order so as to be actually delivered to me around March 1 (without any price increase)?
6.-You can reschedule your delivery if needed, please confirm if March the 1st is a good date to receive the bike

7) Can the Stark phone display a GPS app while riding the bike?
7.-Yes, the GPS can be used while riding


Well-known member
Thanks much for that info! Here's the entire .pdf text - I've got some questions, and highlighted items I'm confused about in bold.

Which states can Stark deliver to? If someone does not know those states (I don't), how can they know if they need to 'reach out'? Who is my 'assigned dealer' who must confirm my order before it can be transferred to an actual Stark Authorized Dealer? Direct delivery is or is not available? Or is all this mostly due to Google Translate noise?


We're working diligently to deliver your Stark Future bike to your region. Due to regulatory challenges and government delays, we've chosen to streamline the process through the closest authorized Stark Future Dealer.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We're currently prioritizing orders in states where we can deliver and will contact you based on our 'first come, first served' policy. If you're in one of these states, as well in one of the first batches based on your order date, expect to hear from a local dealer within a week. If not, please reach out to us.


To confirm your order, please work with your assigned dealer. Once your order is confirmed, we will transfer it to your authorized Stark Future Dealer. The authorized Stark Future Dealer will then send you an invoice, and you will make your payment directly to them. They will honor the initial purchase price and deposit, excluding regional sales taxes and other fees that may be required by state laws and regulations.


Finance options will be discussed and evaluated in collaboration with your dealer.


If you wish to modify your bike's configuration, you can do so through your Stark Future Account, either before or after your dealer contacts you to confirm your order. Please note that once you've confirmed your order with your dealer, you won't be able to make further changes to your bike.


Once your order is confirmed and paid to your dealer, we initiate the bike production process, which typically takes around 6 - 8 weeks until you receive it.


To transfer ownership of your bike, you must visit the dealer's store. If you wish to have direct delivery from Stark Future, you'll need to coordinate this with the dealer from whom you're purchasing the bike, as there may be legal and liability issues that could prevent this option.


No, we have selected the closest dealer to ensure the best possible customer experience. Please understand that individual changes to the dealer's location are not feasible due to logistical reasons.


No, all costs associated with building your bike and handing it over to you are included in the purchase price.

8. MCO

A MCO (Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin) will be issued to the dealer for registration and titling in the customer's name, as required by state regulations. Standard documentation fees may apply.


Sales tax and documentation fees will be added on your order value, as any normal purchase. The amount may vary based on your location and state. Please consult your dealer for an evaluation of applicable taxes and fees.


Daytona Beach
I received the email, was called by the dealer few days after, sent me an invoice, said had to paid to first to start production, will receive bike in 4-6 weeks.
I paid the dealer, but kind of ticked, charged me $299 dealer fee, and $63 for title, plus $800+ for tax.
I emailed stark, said they would contact stark sales about the dealer fee, said tax can't do anything about. You know, I bought a sur-ron few years a back, came to the house in a box, no taxes, no fees, was hoping for this..


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
@rayivers thanks for the new details, did you ask your questions to support @ stark?
I see the issue: if you are not in the one of the states that we don’t list, then you should contact us.
Please share what find out.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I got a call from a Michigan dealer today, asking to pay. The thing is, I am in Arizona as of two months ago. I emailed Stark about this.

I know, Arizona is on this "list of states" too because @Happy Track MX got his Varg already. However, my closest dealer is in Las Vegas. Any sightings of Vargs in Nevada?
@73Thing , @Smerwin43


Well-known member
Gardnerville Nevada
I got a call from a Michigan dealer today, asking to pay. The thing is, I am in Arizona as of two months ago. I emailed Stark about this.

I know, Arizona is on this "list of states" too because @Happy Track MX got his Varg already. However, my closest dealer is in Las Vegas. Any sightings of Vargs in Nevada?
@73Thing , @Smerwin43
I hear they have demo bikes at Michaels Powersports in Reno but I have yet to see mine.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
I hear they have demo bikes at Michaels Powersports in Reno but I have yet to see mine.
They have demo bikes at the Columbus, Ohio dealer. A friend of mine was allowed to take one of the demos to the trails and a few of us took turns riding it.
Loved it!
I haven't been asked to pay yet, so by the time I would have the bike, it will be too cold for this old man to to ride.
So I think I will just wait til spring to get it, but I am certainly looking forward to it. The bike is very nice, and just what I need. A little lighter with more range would be great, but that's apparently not possible currently.


Active member
I got a call from a Michigan dealer today, asking to pay. The thing is, I am in Arizona as of two months ago. I emailed Stark about this.

I know, Arizona is on this "list of states" too because @Happy Track MX got his Varg already. However, my closest dealer is in Las Vegas. Any sightings of Vargs in Nevada?
@73Thing , @Smerwin43
No updates on mine, besides the email 3 weeks ago... which was supposed to update us in 3 weeks. I think our home orders will have to be re-allocated to dealers but if anybody else on here has more insight on bypassing state regulation like that please let me know.

Delivery date is still slated for December 15th, I'll hope they have a solution by then.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
No updates on mine, besides the email 3 weeks ago... which was supposed to update us in 3 weeks. I think our home orders will have to be re-allocated to dealers but if anybody else on here has more insight on bypassing state regulation like that please let me know.

Delivery date is still slated for December 15th, I'll hope they have a solution by then.
I shifted my delivery from Dec 15 to March 1 (Ohio winter).
They told me it will take 8 weeks from payment to delivery, so according to that, if I was asked to pay now, it would be middle of January anyway.


New member
South Jersey
I just was contacted by my local dealer asking if I was still interested and confirming my order details then was told that they needed full payment via money order or credit card payment to move forward. I told them I wanted to finance the bike and was told that’s not an option. Kind of shitty considering Stark mentioned financing through Freedom Finance originally. Anybody else get the same info?


Active member
salt lake city, ut
I was contacted by my dealer asking for full payment saying the bike would be ready in 6-8 weeks. Paid the full amount for the bike minus taxes and fees on 10/18, haven’t heard anything from them. Sold my Alta to fund the new bike. Then they call me saying the bike most likely won’t be here until January. Kinda sucks.


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
Updated to thread , Email from STARK today 11/22/23 USA Bikes are closer, just waiting for the Local "dealers" to get up to speed. on the Process.

"Now to speed up the process of delivery in your state and area we will deliver your bike through our authorized Stark Future Dealer:

Lynnwood Motoplex <--My Local Stark Dealer/ Bike shop

The Dealer has your contact details already and will contact you shortly to arrange your delivery, payment, any additional finance if needed and answer any questions you might have."


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
Still no bike in production and no VIN, Dealer says contact Stark, let them know I want it shipped to them, did that. Stark support says.

"Your order is paid and really soon will be builded.

As soon as is ready we will ship it to Lynnwood Motoplex

In case of further information just let us know
Best regards,
Stark Future Team"

Then I send them a Screen shot with my order paid in full and showing not in production, asking for Delivery date.
They respond "
We realized that the payment was issued to us, this should have been paid directly to the dealer.

Did the dealer not tell you this?

To Proceed with your order, we need to make a refund to your account, please provide all information required below.

1.- Copy of ID/Passport
2.- Order number
3.- Bank account that matches with the ID provided
4.- Email address that was used to order the Stark Varg
5.- Phone number
6.- Full name
7.- Address

Once the refund is done, you will have to pay the bike directly to the dealer and the bike will be delivered 8 weeks after."

This is pure TRASH Stark made this mess and they need to fix it. I suggest if you’re wanting a bike go to a dealer and buy one, you will get it before me as I have waited 2 years for no reason. My local dealer has never delivered a bike and can’t fix MY order, so getting a refund and putting in a new order would somehow fix their stupid mistakes, no thanks. If I have to get a refund, I'll go back to a crappy gas bike until the Honda E bike comes out. Cause F%$# STARK so frustrated with their garbage. Oh, and I got to DEMO ride the bike, I can’t get. Ride was fun but not worth 2 years wait and 2 missed Delivery dates, not to mention some tool dealer has a bike and I don’t as I was the first to order the day the website was up. Heads up on the Seat its pure concrete.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Still no bike in production and no VIN, Dealer says contact Stark, let them know I want it shipped to them, did that. Stark support says.

"Your order is paid and really soon will be builded.

As soon as is ready we will ship it to Lynnwood Motoplex

In case of further information just let us know
Best regards,
Stark Future Team"

Then I send them a Screen shot with my order paid in full and showing not in production, asking for Delivery date.
They respond "
We realized that the payment was issued to us, this should have been paid directly to the dealer.

Did the dealer not tell you this?

To Proceed with your order, we need to make a refund to your account, please provide all information required below.

1.- Copy of ID/Passport
2.- Order number
3.- Bank account that matches with the ID provided
4.- Email address that was used to order the Stark Varg
5.- Phone number
6.- Full name
7.- Address

Once the refund is done, you will have to pay the bike directly to the dealer and the bike will be delivered 8 weeks after."

This is pure TRASH Stark made this mess and they need to fix it. I suggest if you’re wanting a bike go to a dealer and buy one, you will get it before me as I have waited 2 years for no reason. My local dealer has never delivered a bike and can’t fix MY order, so getting a refund and putting in a new order would somehow fix their stupid mistakes, no thanks. If I have to get a refund, I'll go back to a crappy gas bike until the Honda E bike comes out. Cause F%$# STARK so frustrated with their garbage. Oh, and I got to DEMO ride the bike I can’t get it was fun but not worth, 2 years wait and 2 missed Delivery dates, not to mention some tool dealer has a bike and I don’t as I was the first to order the day the website was up. Heads up on the Seat its pure concrete.
What a cluster. Really sorry you're dealing with this. I got the "your bike is ready for production, contact your local dealer to arrange payment" email too, am not making the payment, am not getting a Varg. Too frustrated about the whole mess. Emailed Stark demanding my deposit back, they said no.

Not a fan of the company. Will also be waiting to see if any of the big OEM's come out with a next gen e-dirt bike (lighter, more range).


Harrisburg PA
I just wanted to add my experience to this post. I pre-ordered the Stark back in December 17th 21. I recently received the email from Stark saying my bike is ready for production. I was assigned a dealership in Maryland. I contacted the dealership shortly after receiving the email and they didn't know anything about it. After a few days I called again and again there was no information. After 2 weeks and a visit to the dealership I felt my order was going nowhere. I had contacted Stark and their support was no help. I then called around to another dealer in Maryland and they were very helpful. It seems all orders that were routed through a Maryland dealer will not be processed due to legal issues between the state of Maryland and stark. There is no timeline to when this issue will be resolved. I then contacted a dealership in new jersey Bill @ ,DHY Motorsports. They were very helpful and explained that New Jersey has no issues and the order can proceed and they would transfer my order from Maryland to them. The transfer process took about 5 minutes and then wired the money to the dealership in my order has proceeded. I order currently shows as canceled as described in this post. I hope my experience May had some light and help someone here. As this issue occurred in Maryland it took many phone calls to get to the bottom of it I'm curious if this issue is similar in other states.


Active member
I ordered early December 16th 21, still have not been contacted by a dealer to allocate my order and my estimated (which I know holds no stock) still states December 15th. 5 days until my supposed delivery date and still 0 contact. Contacted the dealer closest to me and they mentioned that they have no timeframe available and that my order couldn't go through them.

If anyone else has experienced something similar please let me know. Getting pretty antsy.


Harrisburg PA
What state are you in? Sounds like my situation. Took a bunch of calls to get to the bottom. I called and asked if they have submitted any orders to stark and accepted payment. Try asking yours. 😕


Active member
What state are you in? Sounds like my situation. Took a bunch of calls to get to the bottom. I called and asked if they have submitted any orders to stark and accepted payment. Try asking yours. 😕
Nevada, I've contacted Michael's Reno Powersports which is still a 5 hour drive for me but I will be contacting one in Vegas, Idaho, and Utah the next time stark gets back to me about it if they still don't have a solution.
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