Ok Guys, I also just put down the massive $100 deposit on the red max HP Stark VARG with the hand brake for the 220 pound rider. I don't honesty need one because my Alta MXR still looks and drives like new and only has 1700 miles on it. But, as we all know, need and want blur as we look deep into a new motorcycles' soul -and this electric 80hp red motorcycle got the best of me.
I hope Star Varg makes it because March 2023 is still 5 quarters away and this market requires a lot of capital to make it to a successful sustainable entry point. If they stay boutique and appeal to our growing e-Cool motorcycle community, they can make it.
A quick comment on range: I don't think the range will be significantly more on the Stark than the Alta MXR that I have now. My guess is maximum of 15% more range given the same riding profile more about that below. The riding profile is a 2 dimensional calculation that maps the number of starts, stops, the amount and rate of acceleration, deceleration, time at certain speeds and the amount of breaks used etc. Our batteries are 5.4kWh on the R versions and the Stark VARG comes with a 6kWh battery. This equates to 11% more capacity -which is a good start but knowing what I know about electric motor and inverter efficiencies, trying to get another 4-5% range from system level efficiencies is very hard to get. Let me explain.
What we e-enthusiasts need to understand is that the convenience of taking about a single motors' efficiency and a single inverters' efficiencies is largely meaningless. Yea sure, some motors can reach a peak efficiency of 95% or more and a some inverters can achieve a peak efficiency of another 97% or more (Check out
www.pre-switch.com for some new technoloyg that would help these guys) but the real story is the system level efficiency over the riding profile. As an example, a Tesla Model S driving at 100KPH (62 MPH) is only using 20kW (26.8 HP) of the 350kW (470 HP) potential output power of the system -which equates to 5-6% of the total designed for power. Inverterts in the 300kW space typically fall off frion their peak efficiencies 5-8% at low loads like this 5% example. Motors have an even larger fall off from their peak. To compound the challenge of getting more efficiency for a motorcycle is the fact that it is easier to design a high power inverter to be more efficient (say 300kW) than it is to make a 30kW system efficient. To explain this is more than I want to spend time on but it has to do with transistor voltages, transistor types, switching losses and overhead computation. The point is that getting system level efficiencies above the Alta may get us 4-5% range but to achieve this is very challenging from an engineering and cost perspective -but this is where the efficiency innovation is being played out.
From the Stark perspective, If we assume they will get an extra system level efficiency the next challenge is getting the user to rade at the same ride profile to get the 15% more range. Having 80HP available at a flick of a wrist reduces range below our 50 HP Altas. However, I suspect I speak for many of us when I point out the obvious: If we have another 30 HP above our beloved Altas, will we able to resist the urge to let those 80 horses roosting us past those dinosaur guzzling 2 stroke idiots that make our clothes smell and scare the wildlife away? I suspect not. So more range or not, bring on the Stark VARG!!