Western Maryland offroad 9/11-13


Well-known member
Great weekend! I posted a thread with some of our pictures HERE

I have some helmet cam stuff to work on also the next chance I get.

Big thanks to enjoythesilenc for the invite!!
New offroad date for next month is 9-24-22. snydes, it's been 2 years?! We have put in a few new sections or bypasses since then. I'll get there on friday and leave sunday, as usual.


Staff member
How time flys! Thanks for the heads up, probably not gonna make it again this year unfortunately :(. Too much going on in my September already. Keep me in mind next time around!


I've got permission from the host to invite a few of my virtual Alta buddies for the weekend. Closest notable town on an interstate is Frostburg.

Its a private enduro loop 10 or 12 miles long with some pretty good elevation change. We usually set up camp at the big building at the bottom of the property. There's plenty of mowed grassy area to set up tents or toyhaulers and a couple of acres of grass on top of the hill, too. There is sometimes a working toilet in the building but you should plan to bring a generator for charging.

Its 2/3 singletrack, 1/3 fire road and the steep parts are pretty challenging/fun. Most people do a lap or two and then chill out before going out again. I usually bring multiple bikes so charging has never been an issue but maybe plan on charging every 2 laps, 3 at the most depending on how you ride.

Night riding is fun, too but most guys are spent or are enjoying beverages by the fire by the time it gets dark. Camping isn't mandatory if you are close enough for a day trip.
If I wasn't heading to FL I would be in
Less than 1 hour from the Yough Dam...
Asking for a Rain check????

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