What is everyone's revised delivery dates?

Fog 25

Well-known member
Castaic ca
Look at the positive you ordered a 21 model and by the time you get it it will be a 24 or 25 model.
Oh wait a minute in 24 or 25 you might be receiving a brand new three-year-old or four year-old bike. (21 Model).


Active member
Look at the positive you ordered a 21 model and by the time you get it it will be a 24 or 25 model.
Oh wait a minute in 24 or 25 you might be receiving a brand new three-year-old or four year-old bike. (21 Model).
Hopefully ages as well as that tasty chunky milk in my fridge


Well-known member
SW Montana
Look at the positive you ordered a 21 model and by the time you get it it will be a 24 or 25 model.
Oh wait a minute in 24 or 25 you might be receiving a brand new three-year-old or four year-old bike. (21 Model).

Nah, no manufacture backdates a model year. The model year won't be the year a person pre-ordered it. It's the year of manufacturing (or the following year). All the powersports and vehicle manufacturers have always done it that way. If a model is delayed, the model year is determined and assigned when they start production. Sometimes the model year is assigned as the current year and sometime using the following year, but never the previous year.

What remains to be seen is, if the bikes that (potentially) make it out the door in very late 2023 will be labeled a 2023 or 2024 model year. From about Sept 2023 onward, all the ICE powersports arriving at dealerships will be 2024 model year. I assume Stark will follow that model rather than breaking that trend and strictly using the Calendar Year of manufacturing to assign model year.


Well-known member
We are all ears, care to elaborate if just a little ?
Feel free to be as cryptic as is necessary ...

Anton will give the specific details when he sees fit. For now I will just say this. Remember how there was talk that the media event bikes are hand built using special materials/components and that the production bikes would not be up to that level. Not only is that not true, but the opposite is basically true. The bikes delivered to customers will be superior (in just about every respect) to the bikes ridden during the media event.


Well-known member
I'm ok with the wait especially if it means additional testing, development, and process improvements to both the bike (hardware and software) and the production lines. It also gives me time to buy the Husky Norden I've been trying to get for a year.
Very insightful comment wrt testing and improvements.


Well-known member
I got the call Friday.
Out of 200 people he called so far, only 1 said they would cancel.

He said the biggest reason for a delay was less about supply chain and more about their move to a larger facility.

I asked if the new estimate was realistic or conservative. He said they really tried to set a date that would not leave people disappointed again.

I expressed that my biggest concern with the date is that I am in WI and my sep 30 delivery is the very end of the riding season here. Also that I don't currently have a bike and now I am faced with a dilemma of waiting or not. Had I known this spring that I would be waiting a whole extra year, I would have bought something else to hold me over.

He personally feels it will be well worth the wait. I hope he is right. I am exploring options but I don't really see a better alternative between now and next fall.


New member
If I were in your position I would gladly take the delay. I know certain things ;)
The only thing that would make the delay worth it for me personally would be if there was newer battery technology coming that provided some improvement in battery density and thus an improvement in range. I'm not saying this will happen. I'm just saying it is the only thing I can think of that would make me feel like the delay was a positive thing.


Well-known member
The only thing that would make the delay worth it for me personally would be if there was newer battery technology coming that provided some improvement in battery density and thus an improvement in range. I'm not saying this will happen. I'm just saying it is the only thing I can think of that would make me feel like the delay was a positive thing.


Well-known member

This is what's going to happen in my living room tonight. Poisoning the fat bastards cookies too. Christmas Eve delivery moved to September. It was the only toy I wanted for Christmas. Santa can kiss my ass!


E powertrain proponent
so to review - my varg is still a year out per the website - has annyone got delivery or final payment notifications?


Well-known member
SW Montana
No. No deliveries yet. Just the "rolling chassis" shown above that is making the dealership tour stops (no working battery in it).
I have some Varg on order with the first one being ordered the first day (Dec. 14, 2021) and my estimated delivery date on that one is Sep. 30, 2023 (U.S. order).

Johnny Depp

Well-known member
Austin TX
Newer info is pointing toward dealers getting demos/stock 1st or simultaneously with pre orders. You may not be able to get an exact match on color or equipment spec (or price?) but it does appear that's going to be the quickest way to get a bike.


Well-known member
SW Montana
Newer info is pointing toward dealers getting demos/stock 1st or simultaneously with pre orders. You may not be able to get an exact match on color or equipment spec (or price?) but it does appear that's going to be the quickest way to get a bike.

Dealerships and users on this forum have mentioned that dealerships will get bikes well before our individual pre-orders are fulfilled. As for customization, even the dealership orders can be customized up until the order is locked right before it goes into production. Some dealership reported ordered around 50 bikes. Anyone that walks into a dealership that has unspoken for allocation can customize the order to get the color, suspension, and features you want just like all of us with preorders can currently do (we can log into the website and change our orders, as confirmed in the most recent Varg newsletter).

Not real happy that dealerships get bikes so much sooner than those of us that preordered on Dec. 14, 2021 (day orders opened) but I'm rolling with it. I figure getting all the dealer bikes out there in the real world will help identify the inevitable issues (parts, assembly, etc.) and by the time that my bikes are built, they can perhaps have cared for any of those "first batch" issues. Dealerships are currently scheduled (that can change) to get bikes this summer. My first Varg order, placed Dec. 14, 2021, is currently estimated to arrive Sept. 30, 2023. I'll likely have ridden one well before my bike is even being built, which is good. And all the ride reviews and range tests will be well documented long before my final order commitment is required. It still bugs me that all of us that pre-ordered are being bumped by dealership orders, but there are silver linings.

Dealerships can set price and ask above or below MSRP (what Varg charges on their website). If you have the original, lower price, it appears you will lose that if you cancel your order and change to dealer order. Also, dealerships will likely charge delivery/doc/setup fee. Some States don't allow direct sales and you have to use a dealership, some don't allow direct sales only if a dealership exists in the State, some don't care. If the city and State of the dealership collects taxes, presumably you'll have to pay those taxes. Not clear what happens if you buy from a dealership from a different State than where you reside, but you'll likely have to pay taxes in one of the two (or both). Also not clear if you preordered and have a dealership in your state, but likely you'll pay sales tax. I'm in a state with no sales tax (direct order or dealership) so happily won't have to dig through all that. I'll just pay for title and registration.


E powertrain proponent
Mines not till January next year- I’m still hopeful- need an actual ride report!
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