What is everyone's revised delivery dates?


Well-known member
SW Montana
Stark news letter went out today. First bikes have shipped today 4/25.

I just looked and both my orders slid by only 10 days, which I'm fine with since the "first bike delivered" date moved by almost a month. That is very little impact.
Ordered: Dec 14, 2021. Estimated delivery: Sept 30, 2023
Ordered: May 29, 2022. Estimated delivery: Feb 28, 2024.

As I've said in the past, new start up so I didn't have any expectations on when these would finally be delivered so have zero hard feelings. I new it would be a long and bumpy ride to delivery. I'm much happier with move delivery dates than bikes going out with bugs or getting updates AFTER I receive my bike. Planned to be in this for the long haul and enjoyed last summer, and will enjoy this summer, riding the bikes I have. When the Varg gets here, it gets here.

It was a piddly $100 per order to hold my spot in line for each and that has already saved me $1,000 compared to the bike price hike for orders after June 2022. I expect another price hike by the time I receive my bike. So I'm "making money" as far as I'm concerned.

Trails don't open for me until April/May in the valley and mid-June in the mountains where I mostly ride, so even if the first or second order move back to May 2024, I'm happy because I won't have to pay/store it for 7 months when I can't ride it. Though, if forced to take it in the middle of winter, that will warrant a road trip south to warmer climate for a few days of riding.


Well-known member
SW Montana
my estimated delivery date has slid for 3rd time from jan 2024 to NOV 2024:mad:

That duration delay seems like the bump that all of us got a year ago. Had you checked your status since that bump? There have not been any big recent moves. And, what was your order date and did you order through the website or a dealership?

Edit: Something seems fishy there. If you go order today, estimated delivery is Nov. 04, 2024. Did you change from website pre-order to a dealer order? and/or make any other recent order changes? And where did you check your order (via the website or through a dealership)?
Oop norf
I wouldn't be surprised to find that delivery actually moves ahead of estimate by virtue of the fact many people can't/won't cough up the cash in time as noted in the original purchase agreement.


Well-known member
SW Montana
I wouldn't be surprised to find that delivery actually moves ahead of estimate by virtue of the fact many people can't/won't cough up the cash in time as noted in the original purchase agreement.

Agreed. I'm hoping dates do not move sooner for selfish reason (outlined above) but would be happy for all the rest of you wanting your orders ASAP.

Another silver lining will be no longer having to wade through the monotonous "When are you deliverying?" responses to every single update and info that Stark posts on FB and other social media sources. Ha.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
I wouldn't be surprised to find that delivery actually moves ahead of estimate by virtue of the fact many people can't/won't cough up the cash in time as noted in the original purchase agreement.

And hopefully they will increase their manufacturing build capacity quicker then they are publicly communicating in order to avoid embarrassing additional delivery date push outs (as well as negatively affecting new sales), resulting in the existing orders being delivered ahead of the current delivery dates shown on the order status.

They really need to turn around their current "over promising and under delivering" situation on the deliveries (and yes, I realize they are a start up, covid supply chain challenges, new technology, etc).

If they can deliver to the customers who have existing orders before their currently published delivery dates, I think that would go a long way to helping build some credibility and brand loyalty for those early adopters who supported them.

The decision to deliver to dealerships ahead of existing order customers, still blowing me away. Leaving a very bitter taste in my mouth.

If I knew that was going to happen I just would have bought one from one of my local dealers. I'm assuming people will be able to buy them at dealers in my area some time in the summer while I'm still waiting for mine to be delivered. Very lame.

Oh well, first world problem, I know.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
I saw this in their email to customers on the waiting list today (and on their social media posts):

"The first round of deliveries includes bikes for customers who pre-ordered the Stark VARG back in December 2021."

I ordered my SV on 17 December, 2021, but their website still shows an estimated delivery date of 30 November 2023 for mine.

I guess the key word in their communication is "includes", meaning, not all customers who ordered in December 2021 will have their bikes shipped out soon.

Which really chaps my hide as I expect they will be shipping bikes to dealers ahead of customers who ordered early (something I was not aware was going to happen when I ordered as they made no mention of that until well after the fact).

Just for the hell of it, I forwarded their announcement email from today to the Stark support team asking if my bike is going to ship soon since I ordered in Dec. 2021, and copied this sentence for them ("The first round of deliveries includes bikes for customers who pre-ordered the Stark VARG back in December 2021."), included my order #, info, etc.

I'm sure my delivery date is not going to be moved up at the moment, but I thought I would try to encourage them anyway. Am super interested to see what they say.

I'm sure the support team at Stark is getting a flood of similar emails from the December 2021 order date peeps asking the same question.

And I'm sure the support team are not too happy with the wording in the big announcement today regarding the first shipments, Lol.

Anyway, the deliveries are finally happening, very cool. Can't wait to hear real world feeback from the early delivery customers like Bryan.


Well-known member
SW Montana
...The decision to deliver to dealerships ahead of existing order customers, still blowing me away. Leaving a very bitter taste in my mouth.

If I knew that was going to happen I just would have bought one from one of my local dealers...

When they first announced that, they said that preorders can still be transferred to any dealership. As long as they still have allocation, you can probably still do so. You'd have to figure out impacts to cost, of course. Some had checked and transferring upped the price to the current price rather than preorder price. I think the price was up to the dealership, but if that was the case, one would have to decide if paying an extra $1,000 was worth getting it summer rather than fall/winter.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
When they first announced that, they said that preorders can still be transferred to any dealership. As long as they still have allocation, you can probably still do so. You'd have to figure out impacts to cost, of course. Some had checked and transferring upped the price to the current price rather than preorder price. I think the price was up to the dealership, but if that was the case, one would have to decide if paying an extra $1,000 was worth getting it summer rather than fall/winter.

Yes, I'm aware of all that.

Doesn't change the fact that they did a bait and switch on the early order peeps.

Very poor way to conduct business IMO, especially with the pre-order delivery dates being pushed out a number of times. Adding insult to injury.


Well-known member
SW Montana
I saw this in their email to customers on the waiting list today (and on their social media posts):

"The first round of deliveries includes bikes for customers who pre-ordered the Stark VARG back in December 2021."

I ordered my SV on 17 December, 2021, but their website still shows an estimated delivery date of 30 November 2023 for mine.

I guess the key word in their communication is "includes", meaning, not all customers who ordered in December 2021 will have their bikes shipped out soon.

Yeah, realistically it's the "includes" part that is important. They should probably have even said the first day. I ordered my first one on the first day Dec. 14 early morning when the announcement was first made, and mine is still scheduled for Sept. 2023. If I recall correctly, about 1/4 of the entire number of preorders came in the first 24 hours, so no way all "December orders" are going out in the first batch. Rather than the December month in that quoted sentence, they possibly wanted to accentuate the "pre-order" part rather. meaning, as apposed to dealership orders.

Will be interesting once more orders start rolling out if they share any more into on dealership vs preorder and where the date cut off will be there. Would be nice if all December preorders were filled before dealerships, but where do they draw the line? December 31, 2021? January 15, 2022? Will be interesting to see what date they pick to deliver to preorder orders, then dealerships, then back to preorders. and if they do all dealership orders at once and then restart individual preorder fulfillment or do the dealership orders bit by bit while also fulfilling individual preorders. Lots of unknowns.


Well-known member
SW Montana
Yes, I'm aware of all that.

Doesn't change the fact that they did a bait and switch on the early order peeps.

Very poor way to conduct business IMO, especially with the pre-order delivery dates being pushed out a number of times. Adding insult to injury.

100% agree that dealership order fulfillment should be based on the date those orders were made. All orders should be fulfilled in the order they were made.
Oop norf
At this point, I'm not terribly interested in receiving the bike until we've seen more than a few out in the wild. There will likely be some issues that come up and, I like to think that production revisions will be implemented to deal with the same. Plus, I'd expect that there will be enough real feedback from owners to determine whether or not I eat one hundred quid or shell out 12900 plus tax.

Being the company is run by a Swede - and Sweden being a culture that does not tolerate corruption, I am confident that changes will be made to deal with any issues as the bikes are ridden hard and put away drained.


E powertrain proponent
That duration delay seems like the bump that all of us got a year ago. Had you checked your status since that bump? There have not been any big recent moves. And, what was your order date and did you order through the website or a dealership?

Edit: Something seems fishy there. If you go order today, estimated delivery is Nov. 04, 2024. Did you change from website pre-order to a dealer order? and/or make any other recent order changes? And where did you check your order (via the website or through a dealership)?
negative my order has not changed - whatever - it previously slid to jan 31 , 2024 from July 2023 after initial order.. I'm buying a talaria & I'll see if it ever comes out similar to the SpeedUTV orders - I'm a non beliver at this point


Well-known member
SW Montana
negative my order has not changed - whatever - it previously slid to jan 31 , 2024 from July 2023 after initial order.. I'm buying a talaria & I'll see if it ever comes out similar to the SpeedUTV orders - I'm a non beliver at this point

Still curious as to what date you ordered. I'd give the website one more check with an "F5 reload" to make sure it's refreshing and then reach out to customer support. It makes no sense that a pre-order would show an estimated date of November 2024 if an order placed today has an estimated delivery date of Nov. 04, 2024.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
The Talaria discussion has been moved to Small/Play Bikes.


Well-known member
Kind of non-news, but apparently this was sent out 6/20?/23 on FB to a group of concerned Stark buyers with early delivery dates:

Stark Delivery FB Group Message 6-20-23.jpg

I read somewhere that as of mid June only 4 Starks had actually been delivered to consumers, no idea if it's true or not. I've been unable to find a 2nd uncrating video.


I ordered 12/14/2021 as soon as I could get through to the website (it was down for most of the day when I tried to order) and have an Aug 31 delivery date. I received an email this morning asking for confirmation of my order details as it was going into production and requesting final payment.


Active member
I ordered 12/14/2021 as soon as I could get through to the website (it was down for most of the day when I tried to order) and have an Aug 31 delivery date. I received an email this morning asking for confirmation of my order details as it was going into production and requesting final payment.

I have an Aug 31 delivery date as well and received the same confirmation email.

I confirmed everything was correct and sent the reply email back but haven’t heard anything since.


Active member
I have ordered Dec. 16. 2021 and i still have an estimated delivery of Jul. 31. 2023 :) i dont think so :)
I got the same "confirm your order details" mail and they called me last week and said delivery will likely move to the end of august.
I did not yet receive the payment email, but support said i can pay the full amount if i want to... might speed up things a little, but i'd rather wait.
I'm from Germany

a shop nearby got a single bike last week
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