Really Chaconne? That's what you say? Well, you won't get away with it: since you have written this and because of the fact that you are very suitable for the role, I will make you the protagonist of a joke. Take it with some irony and I bet you, too, will enjoy it
This should end in laughter, not in irritation.
Here we go:
Chaconne has recently purchased a brand new sportscar (American made, I guess
) and he has just completed the break in procedure, so he now wants to see how fast it really is. He brings it to a highway and floors the throttle, but he realizes that a police car is chasing him. He thinks H
ell, I bet I can outrun him and doesn't slow down. Unfortunately for him, he's underestimated that police car since a minute later it's right behind him and at this point the only thing he can do is to pull over. Then the following conversation happens:
Well, I want to be honest with you, it's Christmas time, it's the end of my shift and I just want to go home and drink a beer. You know what? I feel gracious, so if you can think of a decent excuse for which you were trying to outrun me, I will turn a blind eye.
Chaconne then thinks for some seconds.
You see, officer, my ex wife's car is the same colour as yours, so I thought that she was chasing me.
You are free to go, sir, have a nice day.
I always say I'm too busy to service gas dirtbikes and then I find the time to write this shit
Enjoys your rides, guys!