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  1. mbw479

    Eddie Karlsson Stark VARG GoPro | Battle of Veklings Extreme Enduro

    I do struggle to believe that bike is running the production battery with that range, I ride similar terrain and can't get that range out of mine.
  2. mbw479

    Water Pump fault

    Has anyone had this fault? I have just replaced the motor, all wiring is fine, the coolant has been replaced, there is a noise coming from the pump but I can’t tell if it is pumping. Edit: Bleed the cooling system as per a pdf on the support section of the stark website, fault has cleared, bike...
  3. mbw479

    Varg - Gear Oil Change

    Locked in motion, failed temp sensor according to stark. I am skeptical though, I was flat out, the motor was loaded up. However, these motors must have some thermal protection, a $50 rainwater pump does….when the new motor is fitted I will ride it the same way.
  4. mbw479

    Varg Red Tube

    I had 2 pinholes in the front tube and 1 in the rear after the first ride. If I hadn't put tyre sealant in the tubes before the first ride it would have been a quick ride.
  5. mbw479

    Varg - Gear Oil Change

    Are you sure the breather is meant to be blocked off when installed, rather than have the bolt removed and the old breather hose fitted? I have a new motor on the way for mine, mine locked up. I also had a battery fault straight out of the crate that I have already changed. I have undone every...
  6. mbw479

    Varg suspension

    Yeah it is necessary, I am surprised Stark don't have a manual on this because it is a very common thing to do. Especially with the left hand thread, someone will get too keen and strip or break it eventually.
  7. mbw479

    Varg - Gear Oil Change

    All bikes have a crankcase breather, It has caused issues with many bikes but it's necessary to save your engine seals from blowing out under pressure. I heard some starks had a very short breather that made it easy to get water in. Mine has a long hose that runs up to the top of the subframe...
  8. mbw479

    Varg suspension

    They were all wet, now they are packed. The bolts and threads were all very dry, some were tight. They are all greased now too.
  9. mbw479

    Varg suspension

    Update: I drowned the bolt (literally) in wd40 overnight and the right hand side came out fairly easily, the left hand side is actually a sleeve that the bolt screws into from the right, it has to be undone opposite as it is a left hand thread. Bearing is greased now and it is back together.
  10. mbw479

    Varg suspension

    Has anyone removed the rear linkage bolt that runs through the swingarm? I removed both the end caps, then tried to undo the nut by holding both ends of the bolt with 17mm sockets on extensions, but the resistance to undo it was extremely tight so I left it in. It is the only bearing I haven’t...
  11. mbw479

    [UPDATE] Firmware v1.0.76 & App v1.0.108

    That would be fine, I have seen 125's win world enduro titles outright, and MXDN motos against 250's. It's not uncommon to see fastest lap times by 250's over 450's at MX events.
  12. mbw479

    Please shout up any issues

    They said they are going to have it collected.
  13. mbw479

    Please shout up any issues

    I had to change the battery on mine yesterday due to a fault from new, following the stark instructional video is perfect for removing the old battery, however I had problems installing the new battery following starks video, as have other people I have seen on facebook groups. The battery gets...
  14. mbw479

    Power curve and traction control adjustability ?

    I am looking forward to this as well, I have found 40-45hp good in the woods. It is possible to make the 80hp setting usable though with "power curve/flywheel" adjustments, this would be of great benefit for flat track racing, it's too easy to lose traction as it is at 80hp.
  15. mbw479

    Please shout up any issues

    Other known issues: The standard tubes are usless, change the straight away. The oil drain bolt is a t27 head, the supplied t25 will strip the head and require drilling or vice grips to remove it. Buy a t27 torx bit before you undo it.
  16. mbw479

    Please shout up any issues

    What was the issue?
  17. mbw479

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    Good info thanks. I have just put 14/40 on it, planning on taking it to the beach next week
  18. mbw479

    Stark Varg foot or hand brake?

    I ordered with the foot brake and added the hand brake so I have both, I rarely use the hand brake but it is handy when going through deep ruts, especially on downhills. Probably be good if you get stuck on a hill as well...
  19. mbw479

    Varg - Gear Oil Change

    Thanks, how much clearance is there inside the housing behind the bolt?
  20. mbw479

    Varg - Gear Oil Change

    I just attempted my first oil change, the torx head stripped straight out. Any suggestions how to get it out?
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