24 Hours of Starvation Ridge in WA -- October 26 & 27, 2019 (new dates)


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I was thinking that you guys need to show your true Alta spirit for innovation by showing how electric bikes can change everything. While the ICE bikes do everything in the old serial fashion, going one after the other, you guys should change the paradigm. Electric circuits can be series OR parallel. So just run all 5 or 6 bikes at the same time, and get in 6 laps for the price of one. Rest, recharge, then run them all again. You'll be racking up the laps super fast, and you can ride with your buddies at the same time. I'm sure there is some flaw with this design, but you know us Alta guys, always thinking outside the box!

Anyway, good luck with the race. Stay safe and have fun!


Well-known member
Boise, ID, United States
I was thinking that you guys need to show your true Alta spirit for innovation by showing how electric bikes can change everything. While the ICE bikes do everything in the old serial fashion, going one after the other, you guys should change the paradigm. Electric circuits can be series OR parallel. So just run all 5 or 6 bikes at the same time, and get in 6 laps for the price of one. Rest, recharge, then run them all again. You'll be racking up the laps super fast, and you can ride with your buddies at the same time. I'm sure there is some flaw with this design, but you know us Alta guys, always thinking outside the box!

Anyway, good luck with the race. Stay safe and have fun!
I like the way you think, but I think laps are counted by how many laps the transponder covers and we only have one of those. Maybe a time machine so we can just transport ourselves, the bikes and the transponder back and cover more laps that way.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
An update from Scott, I recommend following his thread on TT for updates if you are not already: 2019 24hrs of Starvation Ridge update

This years course is shaping up. With the rains in late September the ground is working up nicely. I have disced up miles of trail out through the wheat stubble, hoping to finish today with the discing.

We are bypassing the rock garden to run a new section above it. Attacking Nissan hill in a different way that should prove interesting.

Drove through the tall reeds behind the big pond for the first time yesterday. Didn't get stuck or find overly soft spot......so that's a good thing. I really like giving riders the option of running through the reeds or going around. Similar to the mudhole option next to sign-up trailer. This year the difference between the mudhole and bypass with be scant seconds.

Looking at 2 loops this year. Still too early to get an accurate mileage.. Somewhere between 15 to 23 miles...I think...maybe.

Of course we will run through the farmhouse and barn, running through/next to ponds to challenge the vision of the riders.......don't go so fast that you fail to see the available lines between the stakes.I have a tendency to mark better paths at the dges that most riders don't see.

When I finished up planting the wheat last week I sat in the tractor as the 40mph+ winds were rocking the 40,000 lb. tractor. My thoughts were who in their right mind would think marking arrows would hold up for any amount of time. We will use white ribbon for loop one and yellow for loop two. We have some red/white stripe danger ribbon to use in quick change-up areas. So no arrows planned in this windy area.

pre-entries are at 50% at the moment with the early entries securing the prime pit locations as it is first entry/ first pick of the assigned pits.

LIGHTS!!!.......Don't scrimp on lights. At the end of October their is more dark time than daylight. I always recommend 3 lights. A bike powered light, battery powered light,....and a flashlight of some size. Years ago, I limped in on final sweep with a triple-A penlight when my main light failed several miles out.

Be prepared for cold and wind. According to the windmill people who had a test tower in the southwest corner of the property, the Ridge is the windiest place in the valley. And it can ramp up with little warning. Tie down securely any structures. We seem to end up with 2 or 3 destroyed E-Z ups in our garbage truck every year. You have been warned!!!


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
I just gave my helmet light setup a test run last night, looks like I have that part sorted out. Now to see what I can do about the bikes lighting just so I have something as backup.

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