I was only half kidding above about the cost vs time thing. The older I get, the more valuable my time. When I was younger, it was all about how much something cost in monetary terms. Now that I am old and geezerly, time has become my currency. At work, I make about $75/hr, and my bill-out rate is $150/hr. So, I usually put the opportunity cost for doing something into those terms. Is changing my own oil really "free" because I didn't pay somebody else to do it, or does it cost me $75/hr of doing something else? What is the cost of heading home early so I have time to change the oil/filter before I go to bed, vs. spending an extra hour riding with my kids instead? I can always make more money, but we all have a finite amount of time to spend each day. Those hours are precious to me, especially now that my kids are growing up. I can't get these hours back. I made the choice to go electric so I didn't have to spend my valuable time doing bike maintenance. And also so I could spend more time riding cool electric bikes and browsing forums about riding cool electric bikes.