Post your Miles/Hours


AOF Addict
Altoona, PA
I'm new to off-road motorcycles, but how much maintenance would you need to do on an ICE bike to get to 400 hrs? I'd think the maintenance cost would start to add up. Cost estimate? Maybe I can convince my wife that this was a more cost efficient purchase than an ICE bike, which cost about half of what I paid.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I'm new to off-road motorcycles, but how much maintenance would you need to do on an ICE bike to get to 400 hrs? I'd think the maintenance cost would start to add up. Cost estimate? Maybe I can convince my wife that this was a more cost efficient purchase than an ICE bike, which cost about half of what I paid.
It’s not the cost savings; it’s the hours saved.

As in: “Honey, I didn’t have to rebuild the top end on my 2-stroke motor this weekend because it is electric and I don’t have to do stupid crap like that anymore. So I can spend more quality time with you! I did it for the environment, and I did it for us! I know that is selfish of me, wanting to spend more time with my lovely wife instead of getting all greasy in the garage. But dammit, this electric bike makes it possible. And if investing in our relationship is wrong, I don’t want to be right.”

If you don’t oversell it, maybe she’ll just roll her eyes and let you go riding this weekend anyway.


AOF Addict
Altoona, PA
Oh she is going to roll her eyes anyway.."here he goes talking about that damn electric bike" and I'll go riding. If I try to use the time argument, she is just going to say, "I wish you were out in the garage working on that bike, I need some me time." Besides, 400 hrs is a LOT. It's going to take me a LONG time to get there.


Well-known member
St Cloud, MN
I would rebuild my bikes at about 75 hours. That would be a full top end - pistion, rings, valves and cam chain. I would have a local shop who is also a riding buddy do it at a cost of about $800.00 all in. Over 400 hours would come in at a cost of about $4200.00. Not to mention the time and money spent on air filter maintenance, oil changes, valve check/setting and clutches.

Electric is the only way to go!


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I was only half kidding above about the cost vs time thing. The older I get, the more valuable my time. When I was younger, it was all about how much something cost in monetary terms. Now that I am old and geezerly, time has become my currency. At work, I make about $75/hr, and my bill-out rate is $150/hr. So, I usually put the opportunity cost for doing something into those terms. Is changing my own oil really "free" because I didn't pay somebody else to do it, or does it cost me $75/hr of doing something else? What is the cost of heading home early so I have time to change the oil/filter before I go to bed, vs. spending an extra hour riding with my kids instead? I can always make more money, but we all have a finite amount of time to spend each day. Those hours are precious to me, especially now that my kids are growing up. I can't get these hours back. I made the choice to go electric so I didn't have to spend my valuable time doing bike maintenance. And also so I could spend more time riding cool electric bikes and browsing forums about riding cool electric bikes.


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
I was only half kidding above about the cost vs time thing. The older I get, the more valuable my time. When I was younger, it was all about how much something cost in monetary terms. Now that I am old and geezerly, time has become my currency. At work, I make about $75/hr, and my bill-out rate is $150/hr. So, I usually put the opportunity cost for doing something into those terms. Is changing my own oil really "free" because I didn't pay somebody else to do it, or does it cost me $75/hr of doing something else? What is the cost of heading home early so I have time to change the oil/filter before I go to bed, vs. spending an extra hour riding with my kids instead? I can always make more money, but we all have a finite amount of time to spend each day. Those hours are precious to me, especially now that my kids are growing up. I can't get these hours back. I made the choice to go electric so I didn't have to spend my valuable time doing bike maintenance. And also so I could spend more time riding cool electric bikes and browsing forums about riding cool electric bikes.

Amen, brother!


Well-known member
Bavaria Germany
2019 EXR only 11,3 hours and 272 km because brand new and now streetlegal!
2018 MXR 95,8h and 2888,3km only hardcore Motocross includng racing!
no problems except broken frontfender holder.
Best bikes I ever had!


Well-known member
2019 MXR
VIN # 497
Miles 346
Hours 27

2019 MXR
VIN # 536
Miles 17
Hours 2

Alta is by far the best bike I’ve ever thrown a leg over. I think it’s the most fun, easiest to ride, and best handling dirt bike ever made and I’ve had a lot of dirt bikes. I just sold my 2018 KTM 250 2 stroke and I’m in the process of selling my 2019 KTM 450 Factory Edition because I don’t even like riding those bikes anymore, now that I have an Alta. I really hope the founders of Alta can do some sort of reboot of the company once the non disclosure runs out. I’d be happy to help those guys sell bikes and work with them in any way that I could.


New member
Avon CO
2017 MX #147 1417 miles/ 141 hrs

It was a dealer demo. I purchased it with 172 miles and 27 hrs. Dealer completed the 20 hr service right before I got it.
Our long winters here are keeping these numbers lower than I would like (Central Colorado).
I have only done the scheduled service and replaced items I broke and wore out.
Mostly tight single-track riding, and for that application, it is the best bike I have ever ridden. The torque is amazing. I did the rear hand brake conversion. Love it. I have more confidence negotiating the really technical obstacles and i can safely recover in many situations where I would have struggled on other bikes. I can group ride with folks that have far superior experience and abilities, and keep up just fine. On some trails I feel like I am cheating.
I am street legal and I did overheat it once on a very hot day riding the asphalt at highway speed to a trailhead. I avoid that kind of thing now.
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