Looks like they have some cool riding places there. The little light bee handles itself quite well too.
I wonder how people feel about these bikes on mountain bike trails. By people I mean park rangers and mountain bicyclists.
This has been largely my experience too. The e-moto's have received a polarized reaction, people are either totally enamored with them, or think they are the dumbest idea ever. No middle ground it seems.I haven't heard of a single instance where they've been welcomed. Lots of hostility towards them out there, even from the street & commuter bicycle crowd, many have a strange resentment towards them. Similar to the ICE motorcycle crowds hostility towards e-motorcycles. Very strange IMO.
you guys should move this convo to some sur-ron forum - sadly the bike with some real components is only in the 20mph range, or maybe should be moved to humor / moped topic
This has been largely my experience too. The e-moto's have received a polarized reaction, people are either totally enamored with them, or think they are the dumbest idea ever. No middle ground it seems.