SV software license, potential subscriptions, smart bike ramifications etc


Well-known member
Does the display have any connection to the vehicle? For example, Altas need all modules to be "handshaked" via CAN for the vehicle to function. If persay a Stark owner had there display damaged or removed, can the bike still function?

There are two WiFi/BlueTooth modules. One is in the VCU (vehicle control unit). The other is in the "dock" which is right beneath the phone. It talks to the VCU via CANbus and the phone via BlueTooth (charges phone via Qi -- notice the red LED on the phone).

You can choose to use your phone as a "key". If you choose to have your phone be the key then the VCU must establish communication with the phone (via the dock). The VCU also knowns if the phone is physically docked because of the Qi charger. If you choose no security, the bike will run without the dock.

There are other ways to secure the bike, but I won't go into that now.

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