Very good review Dirt Bike Channel


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
Total noob review with added opinion and narrative not backed up by any facts. I was so triggered, I almost did a review to counter his BS narratives, and I Still might do that here. Hint #1 read the user manual of the product you're going to review. Hint # 2 let the bike update (OTA) before you start your review. Hint #3 if your hill climbing on loose rock or soil, turn off the regen. Tool-BAG. Hint # 4 You're YouTube channel is failing because the world is in a recession, not because you reviewed a E-Motorcycle, and frankly your channel has been poor since your divorce and the "midlife crisis video". Done supporting his channel after that "Review" had a few good years, over it.


Well-known member
Exactly. His viewers basically flipped out about an electric bike. There is a segment of the population that HATES electric bikes/cars. I don't get it, but I've heard all kinds of things said about the Stark. Love mine.
I have never understood the weird religion of power plants. If a bike is good it is good. I have a 4T wr450, a 2T xcw-300 tpi, and a Stark. The Stark is the best bike I have and it is a powerful dream to ride. And since I don't moto any longer I get pretty good battery life in enduro and the slow gnarl.

There is this strange nostalgia sweeping the country it is like a backward nightmare. Some of these folk want to go back to 70s 2Ts --Hodaka Combat Wombats weren't all that believe me, I bought one off the showroom floor and I am glad I have lived long enough to still rip good on my Stark.


Rhode Island
Exactly. His viewers basically flipped out about an electric bike. There is a segment of the population that HATES electric bikes/cars. I don't get it, but I've heard all kinds of things said about the Stark. Love mine.
Me and my buddy get a lot of side eye at our local MX track. Some people love it and some want to burn it with fire lol. Fuck em'


Well-known member
I got
Total noob review with added opinion and narrative not backed up by any facts. I was so triggered, I almost did a review to counter his BS narratives, and I Still might do that here. Hint #1 read the user manual of the product you're going to review. Hint # 2 let the bike update (OTA) before you start your review. Hint #3 if your hill climbing on loose rock or soil, turn off the regen. Tool-BAG. Hint # 4 You're YouTube channel is failing because the world is in a recession, not because you reviewed a E-Motorcycle, and frankly your channel has been poor since your divorce and the "midlife crisis video". Done supporting his channel after that "Review" had a few good years, over it.

I was fuming as well the other day when I saw his unprofessional approach to reviewing the stark... It's not a perfect bike I guess but none of them are. Ktm has melting cams and people still love them, yamaha is to reliable for some and doesn't have a character... Bla bla... His lost my following as well.. To the topic electric vs petrol, I guess until people try it and understand what great benefit it brings to riding they won't understand and you will always have people who are stuck in the good old car days.


Total noob review with added opinion and narrative not backed up by any facts. I was so triggered, I almost did a review to counter his BS narratives, and I Still might do that here. Hint #1 read the user manual of the product you're going to review. Hint # 2 let the bike update (OTA) before you start your review. Hint #3 if your hill climbing on loose rock or soil, turn off the regen. Tool-BAG. Hint # 4 You're YouTube channel is failing because the world is in a recession, not because you reviewed a E-Motorcycle, and frankly your channel has been poor since your divorce and the "midlife crisis video". Done supporting his channel after that "Review" had a few good years, over it.
I just joined this Forum because I am looking at getting a Stark with the price drop. I saw the vid and didn't even watch. Reason why is I do not like his channel. Calling him a total noob is being nice.


Well-known member
I just joined this Forum because I am looking at getting a Stark with the price drop. I saw the vid and didn't even watch. Reason why is I do not like his channel. Calling him a total noob is being nice.
Welcome!! The new pricing is great and I just think hands down the Stark is pretty damn good. There are some shortcomings like any machine but overall I am really happy and I paid the higher price. For my use case there were no sacrifices at all compared to my ICE bikes (both 4T and 2T). The only shortcomings I could see were for those who need to do long motos or something that needed long periods of WOT.

At this stage I spend a lot of time in the hard gnarl and the Stark is just incredible for that, I am smaller too and it just a great ride. Better than my 300 2T which is good bike in the gnarl. And I am still on the stock tires (with new tubes since the OEM tubes are a shortcoming, oh and the kickstand is way mediocre like many Euros). I am planning to go to something like an IRC JX8 tire but the Pirellis were surprisingly good and much better than I thought they would be.


Thanks for the info. I am a smaller rider too. My main bike is a ktm 150 and my favorite riding is tech/Knarly trail. I want one for the stealth aspect and get our son on it for a practice bike at the moto track.

I just got 6 months zero interest financing. So I am now getting more serious. If I could find one like my buddy did clean used for $8,000.00 I would buy today.

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