How-To : Install and Use Alta Multitool Software


New member
Having trouble updating my firmware. I am following TCMB371 steps, but when I am in the recommended_fw.json file and find my vin# and target firmware. Do I need to copy and paste the firmware package and the json file in its place? I have tried many different things. Every time I go into multitool it searches for my vin# and firmware/recommended firmware but never loads in. Just trying to update the firmware so I can use my new rapid charger. Thanks in advance.


"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor
Hey Brad, glad you got the data port cable!

I'm not the expert with Multitool, and I'm sure the guys that are experts are out riding today! I'll ask the following questions until they chime in here:

Where is your json file? Is it in the .alta/firmware folder? If not, it needs to be.

Are you able to connect MT to your bike? If so, what version of FW does your bike have?

Compare the existing FW to the .json file and make sure that it's 1.5.xx that is specified in the json file.

If all the of the above is correct, when you connect to the bike you'll see the Update tab is highlighted in blue. The rest is easy, just follow the prompts in MT and it'll update the bike in about 10-15 minutes.

Let us know.....


"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor
Brad's problem was that he created a "Firmware" directory rather than "firmware". Ubuntu is case sensitive. Make sure the directories and file names are lower case!

Ah, an easy fix when you know what you're looking for! I feel your pain, Brad! TCMB371 has had to bail me out before, Ubuntu is not easy for older folks......


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
Ah, an easy fix when you know what you're looking for! I feel your pain, Brad! TCMB371 has had to bail me out before, Ubuntu is not easy for older folks......

Still working on other issues with him.... but for the record, he's younger than all of us :D


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
For the record, should anyone experience a frozen display or a bike that is non responsive to any buttons or key turns, disconnecting the low voltage plug from the battery for about 20 seconds and plugging back in will help resolve it. This is the smaller plug on the top left side of the battery. NOT THE ORANGE PLUG. (thanks to Rakesh for the tip)


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
For the record, should anyone experience a frozen display or a bike that is non responsive to any buttons or key turns, disconnecting the low voltage plug from the battery for about 20 seconds and plugging back in will help resolve it. This is the smaller plug on the top left side of the battery. NOT THE ORANGE PLUG. (thanks to Rakesh for the tip)

To provide some more details. On older MX Panasonic pack bikes the signal connector (black connector with a blue stripe) can be rotated(unscrewed) and slightly disconnected to resolve the non-responsiveness that occurs in programming/updating. It is a PAIN to fully remove that connector and re-connect as you don't have much room in there with the front bulkhead and harnesses. Make sure the key is in the OFF position when doing this (otherwise you can get surprised by the water pump).

On newer MXR/EXR bikes the connector changed to an Ampseal connector which has a simple tab to pull up on and can be removed. Way easier.


Well-known member
King George, VA
Is it still possible to get the MT up and running if I tried it now? I take it the chances of getting the cables might not be great at this stage?

Miles Prower

Active member
Pensacola, FL
Thank you @TCMB371 for the tutorial!!! I PayPal'ed a couple Hamiltons to you (easier than mailing you a 6-pack of Sixpoint The Crisp or 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die!) in appreciation for all of your time and effort.

With Multitool installed on my Surface Pro, now I'm just waiting for my cables/dongles to arrive so I can connect Multitool to my code-33'ed SM.

Also, I want to share a few hints for anyone else planning to install Multitool in VirtualBox for Windows:

If you install VirtualBox Guest Additions after installing Ubuntu, you don't have to jimmy with the display resolution. You can just resize the VM's window, and the resolution will change to follow the window-resizing. Installation of Guest Additions also enables easy sharing of folders between Windows and Ubuntu.

Instead of manually typing all of those commands during Python and Multitool installation, you can use the up-arrow key to bring back previous command lines, then use the left/right arrows (and Ctl-B, Ctl-F, Alt-B, Alt-F, etc. if you're accustomed to Emacs keyboard navigation) to move around and edit the command.

If you have Hyper-V enabled in Windows 10, you need to disable it before running VirtualBox. VMs in VirtualBox won't run if Hyper-V is enabled. (And you can't run Multitool within a Hyper-V instance of Ubuntu, because Hyper-V doesn't allow non-Windows guest OSes to access USB devices.)


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
Also, I want to share a few hints for anyone else planning to install Multitool in VirtualBox for Windows:

If you install VirtualBox Guest Additions after installing Ubuntu, you don't have to jimmy with the display resolution. You can just resize the VM's window, and the resolution will change to follow the window-resizing. Installation of Guest Additions also enables easy sharing of folders between Windows and Ubuntu.

Instead of manually typing all of those commands during Python and Multitool installation, you can use the up-arrow key to bring back previous command lines, then use the left/right arrows (and Ctl-B, Ctl-F, Alt-B, Alt-F, etc. if you're accustomed to Emacs keyboard navigation) to move around and edit the command.

If you have Hyper-V enabled in Windows 10, you need to disable it before running VirtualBox. VMs in VirtualBox won't run if Hyper-V is enabled. (And you can't run Multitool within a Hyper-V instance of Ubuntu, because Hyper-V doesn't allow non-Windows guest OSes to access USB devices.)

Great tips for anyone who encounters issues related to those points!


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Just running through the instructions before installing. Is there a needto download the Windows CAN-USB drivers, or are they needed in this setup?


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Finally got Multitool running, and everything is working well. Ran into a few hiccups with installation of VirtualBox. I bought a used laptop (Yoga 11e) to be my Alta laptop. Had to turn on virtualization in BIOS before VirtualBox would work. Also, disable Hyper-V in Windows or it won't work either. My biggest hurdle was Windows would still not recognize that virtualization was enabled in BIOS while I only had a measly 4GB of memory in the machine. (What do you expect in a $50 used laptop?) I upgraded this to 8GB, and everything started working, and virtualization was enabled in Windows as expected. Not super fast, but good enough to do the job. So, just thought I'd throw that out there for others installing VirtualBox on Windows.

I actually had quite a bit of anxiety about plugging the laptop into the MXR once I got everything setup. I really didn't want to know if the battery might have a fault, since this is an early 2018 MXR (#361). Fortunately, it does have the current firmware (I had the dealer flash it before I bought it), and it hasn't shown any faults so far after 200 miles. It does have one moderately suspicious p-group (mod 0 - P11) that I'm keeping my eye on, but won't know for sure until I run the battery down a bit and hook the charger up to it. In the meantime, I'm praying to the Alta deities for a strong wirebond, and also to win the lottery so I can buy more Altas and parts for Altas.

Big shoutout to Bryan for putting together the most excellent instructional videos! Super thorough and excellently structured tutorial. If David Attenborough did voiceovers for electric dirt bike and computer installation videos, I'm sure it would be like Bryan's videos... Only with David Attenborough. Well done @TCMB371 !


New member

I have just bought a brand new MXR 2018 included fastcharger, which im waiting to get shipped to Denmark....yeah cant wait:)!.

My question is if the CAN/USB adapter which is needed to get the multitool running, comes with the bike or i should buy it seperatly?. I already purchased the Alta port cable, but i wasen`t sure if the CAN/USB was included with the bike?.



"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor

I have just bought a brand new MXR 2018 included fastcharger, which im waiting to get shipped to Denmark....yeah cant wait:)!.

My question is if the CAN/USB adapter which is needed to get the multitool running, comes with the bike or i should buy it seperatly?. I already purchased the Alta port cable, but i wasen`t sure if the CAN/USB was included with the bike?.


The CAN/USB adapter is not included with the bike. You'll need the adapter, and the data port cable (Thank You for the purchase!), to connect to the bike using the Multitool software.

Good luck with the bike!


"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor
Finally got Multitool running, and everything is working well. Ran into a few hiccups with installation of VirtualBox. I bought a used laptop (Yoga 11e) to be my Alta laptop. Had to turn on virtualization in BIOS before VirtualBox would work. Also, disable Hyper-V in Windows or it won't work either. My biggest hurdle was Windows would still not recognize that virtualization was enabled in BIOS while I only had a measly 4GB of memory in the machine. (What do you expect in a $50 used laptop?) I upgraded this to 8GB, and everything started working, and virtualization was enabled in Windows as expected. Not super fast, but good enough to do the job. So, just thought I'd throw that out there for others installing VirtualBox on Windows.

I actually had quite a bit of anxiety about plugging the laptop into the MXR once I got everything setup. I really didn't want to know if the battery might have a fault, since this is an early 2018 MXR (#361). Fortunately, it does have the current firmware (I had the dealer flash it before I bought it), and it hasn't shown any faults so far after 200 miles. It does have one moderately suspicious p-group (mod 0 - P11) that I'm keeping my eye on, but won't know for sure until I run the battery down a bit and hook the charger up to it. In the meantime, I'm praying to the Alta deities for a strong wirebond, and also to win the lottery so I can buy more Altas and parts for Altas.

Big shoutout to Bryan for putting together the most excellent instructional videos! Super thorough and excellently structured tutorial. If David Attenborough did voiceovers for electric dirt bike and computer installation videos, I'm sure it would be like Bryan's videos... Only with David Attenborough. Well done @TCMB371 !

Good job @C5tor ! Can you post a picture of the screen shot on the battery tab in MT? It would be good to see what you're seeing.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA

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