Interested to hear your feedback. I have also narrowed in on 52hp for woods riding. I really like the snap down low and would hate to give that up. Maybe if you feel the throttle response try 60hp for me to see if it's similar to the old 52hp. Also curious to get your feedback on range.
Rode medium-hard enduro today, here's my take:
Very little difference if any on throttle response, definitely not more difficult to "blip."
Noticeably increased regen, I was running 52hp and 100% regen, dropped it to 80%, and that's about how it used to be at 100%.
Regen seems to be tied in to the HP, meaning that 100% regen at 40hp felt the same as 80% at 52hp.
Not sure if this is new, or was already like this.
Reverse is awesome!
And crawl mode "locks" the rear wheel when the throttle is closed, but when "crawl" is cancelled, the wheel abruptly unlocks, may take some getting used to.
My bike actual "crawls" forward very slowly in either forward or reverse crawl mode even with the throttle closed.
I was on a hill, engaged crawl mode (think parking brake), and leaned the bike against a tree on the handguard.
If I let it, the bike would very slowly crawl forward, and fall off the tree.\
I did not notice any difference in range, but that would take testing on both versions to verify.
Did I mention reverse is awesome?