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  1. TCMB371

    Owner's Review Stark Varg - First Customer Review!

    The throttle spring tension felt about the same as our Alta's. Maybe a little softer, but I wasn't able to do a direct comparison. I'll just say i didn't really think twice about it so it wasn't a strange level of resistance to me. The bike at 60hp is already super fast, and probably the...
  2. TCMB371

    Owner's Review Stark Varg - First Customer Review!

    Yeah i talk about that on the video. Varg has less engine braking than the Alta and it seems to be speed sensitive, less at low speed vs high speed. Jumps much straighter with less nose down in the air, more like a gas bike. They really did a good job of mimicking the off throttle feel of a gas...
  3. TCMB371

    Owner's Review Stark Varg - First Customer Review!

    Alta owners, i have to say, i cant give specifics, but Stark has made a massive improvement in battery design that has resolved the biggest issues us Alta owners face with our Alta batteries. I truly loved what i saw. Hoping soon i can talk about it. That plus a very efficient inverter and...
  4. TCMB371

    Owner's Review Stark Varg - First Customer Review!

    I hear you but its nice that it doesnt stick out like a hex nut does though. Good thing though is that you get all the tools you need in one little neat tool box.
  5. TCMB371

    Owner's Review Stark Varg - First Customer Review!

    My in-depth review of the Stark Varg and Barcelona trip recap!
  6. TCMB371

    Raw GoPro from Barcelona

    Had to make some edits and re-render it. Probably will be live tomorrow on youtube. Its 1hr long :) lots of stuff to share
  7. TCMB371

    Raw GoPro from Barcelona

    In the recap video ill be posting in a day or two, I make comparisons to my Alta MXR pretty often as that's my frame of reference. The Varg is honestly better in every way. If i was being super critical, maybe the throttle mapping on the Alta is as little more forgiving but that's also because...
  8. TCMB371

    Raw GoPro from Barcelona

    Its so fast. Truly feels like Alta MXR 3.0. The bike is incredible.
  9. TCMB371

    Raw GoPro from Barcelona

    Going live at 9AM PST Monday. Cya there!
  10. TCMB371

    Can/bus connecting wire?

    Everything you need is referenced in the Multitool how to thread:
  11. TCMB371

    TCMB371 Video Thread

  12. TCMB371

    What is everyone's revised delivery dates?
  13. TCMB371

    TCMB371 Video Thread

    My bike recently had a wirebond break producing code 36. Still riding it until i can get the wirebond fixed.
  14. TCMB371

    TCMB371 Video Thread

  15. TCMB371

    Newbie need advice on a generator

    If you cant find one, you could just run the standard charger on 220v with an adapter and it'll charge almost twice as fast. Not quite rapid charger speed, but noticeably faster. The info needed to make an adapter is somewhere on this forum.
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