I notice the panic rev doesn't bring the front up when your in the air like a gas powered bike but I attribute this to absence of a flywheel. Could be part of the reason Altas seem front heavy.
I have 15/50 on my SM converted to EX. This would be very close to 16/53. Works fine on trails or street. I have done 2 hour single track rides covering over 40 miles a few times.
Installed EX 1.2.1. firmware, now I have metric speed readout as well as metric odometer. Can I change the metric back to miles on the readout and keep all other in the EX 1.2.1. upgrade firmware version?
If you haven't already read through the forum under "Battery Repair", there you will read much regarding code 36. Although I have the Alta multitool all I would do is capture screenshots from multitool to forward to one of the "braintrust" group members here for advice/repair. I don't want to...
Don't see that, just that it won't charge. The mention of the battery state error I just assumed it turned on to see . Hopefully the lithium will fix it it and he keeps riding it.
I (210 pounds) have gotten as much as over 40 miles of single track riding easy with 50-60 mph bursts and in power range 2 & 3 here there. But I run 15 tooth C/S and 50 tooth rear.