another Honda CR-e build?, nope its a Suzy!

Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
Hello, I've been reading many great threads here and researching other conversions on YouTube. So I decided to pull the trigger on this roller that I found on Facebook. Drove a couple hours away to pick it up. Took a bit of a chance and hung it on my bike rack, but it was fine.
Anyway got it home and started teardown, but i found something very wrong with this Honda.
Anyone have a guess what it is ?



Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
No its not stolen, thankfully. But there was something about the frame design that didn't quite match the pics I was seeing online...

So after quite a lot of research on the VIN codes, I figured out that it is a 2015 Suzuki RMZ250. My first motorcycle was an air cooled 1977 RM125, so this project takes me back to wrenching on bikes in high school. 😎

Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
well its been almost a year since I have updated this Thread, many things to catch up on....

I realized it was going to take me awhile to convert my RM-e, so in the mean time I bought this to ride :)

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Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
a few months ago, I ordered the motor, controller, harness, etc direct from China. AliExpress had the kit combination I was looking for, but they would only air ship, and I wanted to save some money and was willing to wait for sea shipment. So I reached out to SIAECOSYS on Alibaba, and they arranged a kit per my needs.
basically it is this combination here: Qsmotor Qs138 70h V3 3000w Pmsm Mid Drive Motor Convertion Kit - Buy Qs138 70h V3 Mid Drive Motor siaecosys Conversion Kit qs 138 3kw Mid Drive Motor With Gear Box Product on

But I upgraded to an EM260SGTP and also harness Combo#6 ( Vehicle Wiring suitable for EM260 controller, Flasher, Relay, Ignition, 12V 10A DCDC Converter)

Total cost incl sea ship to Florida was $755

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a few months ago, I ordered the motor, controller, harness, etc direct from China. AliExpress had the kit combination I was looking for, but they would only air ship, and I wanted to save some money and was willing to wait for sea shipment. So I reached out to SIAECOSYS on Alibaba, and they arranged a kit per my needs.
basically it is this combination here: Qsmotor Qs138 70h V3 3000w Pmsm Mid Drive Motor Convertion Kit - Buy Qs138 70h V3 Mid Drive Motor siaecosys Conversion Kit qs 138 3kw Mid Drive Motor With Gear Box Product on

But I upgraded to an EM260SGTP and also harness Combo#6 ( Vehicle Wiring suitable for EM260 controller, Flasher, Relay, Ignition, 12V 10A DCDC Converter)

Total cost incl sea ship to Florida was $755

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This is exactly what I did. However, in my case siaecosys said "For sample order, we will only use express for shipping.". I didn't press the issue but apparently I should have as air shipping was $260! That was more than a quarter of the total expense. I just got my bike torn down and power washed and will be measuring for the battery soon. I went ahead and ordered a small 20S5P 120 amp test battery from amorge for $500 metal box and all. I'm interested to see how the bike performs with the test battery. Hopefully that will tell me more about what I need from the real battery. I plan to use the test battery on a build on a smaller bike I have that has a questionable motor.

When I contacted amorge in early Jan about the test battery they said "there are 600 sets of batteries waiting to be produced" before the holiday. So, they couldn't get started until after the chinese new year. That is a lot of batteries! It sounds like the word is out on amorge. Not sure if that is good or bad for us but hopefully economies of scale will balance out the large demand.

My donor bike is a KLX400 which is more of a trail bike so I won't have to meet the performance demands of a full on motocross bike.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to this forum. I'd be lost without it. When I look back to the stuff people were doing before the V3 QS138 with the internal gear reduction I am amazed and glad QS got that motor released. It REALLY simplifies things.

Good luck!

Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
Hello halg, I should have clarified I bought my QS138/Votol kit sea shipped thru Alibaba, as the suppliers on AliExpress would only air freight. Amorge told me the same thing, about 600 orders backlog. Yikes! I am currently working on several different battery pack configuration options, will post pics in a couple days. Good luck with your build !


Hello halg, I should have clarified I bought my QS138/Votol kit sea shipped thru Alibaba, as the suppliers on AliExpress would only air freight. Amorge told me the same thing, about 600 orders backlog. Yikes! I am currently working on several different battery pack configuration options, will post pics in a couple days. Good luck with your build !
Interesting. I went the route of emailing qs motor from their web site QS MOTOR Official Web Electric Motor Leading Manufacturer. According to their posts on endless-sphere (a site I highly recommend by the way), there are a lot of vendors selling these motors and some of them are not real qs motors. I do not know for sure about those claims but I can say that their presence on that forum and feedback from others there that they stand behind their sales lead me to purchase from them directly. I think this saved a bit of money but the shipping really is a large part of the equation. So, if you are not in a hurry and can figure out a way to purchase without air shipping it can significantly lower the expense.

Below is my quote from them. I ordered an extra accelerator unit which gives me the option of keeping the stock throttle. Here is an example from amazon. This is the direction I am leaning.

These are some of my first experiences purchasing stuff directly from China. But, my conclusion is that finding a real deal vendor and dealing with them directly is the best route. So many listings on alibaba and aliexpress have the words QS138 and QSMOTOR and SIA and SIAECOSYS that it was hard for me to know who I was dealing with. Those sites are fine but making sure you have the correct vendor seems to me to be critical.

EDIT: I should add that purchasing through alibaba or aliexpress does provide the benefit of having a route to handle any disputes which is a factor. I chose not to but others might think that benefit is important. Again, just make sure you have the correct verified vendor.

Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
The RMZ airbox is integral for the attachment of the rear side plastics, so I dremeled the airbox just a bit to get the EM260 mounted inside.
just two bolts at the bottom, and the top is captured by the seat bottom.
I had to trial bend a few brackets to get the controller to sit like I wanted. my metal fab skills are a bit sketchy..... :rolleyes:

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Jim Beagle

Placida, Florida
I mounted the QS138 with mounts from Lithium King, they fit perfect (y)
I then built a battery box using the dimensions from fmxxx6 ( thanks for posting!!! ), I had to chop off the top rear engine mount to get the battery to slide down between the frame. But the RMZ frame/tank/seat design must be a bit shorter than the Honda, because I think this pack is just too tall......

Note: I am waiting for Amorge to come back from holiday to review some other options I have proposed... 🤞

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